
Getting Started

N|Solid Overview

NodeSource has developed N|Solid to meet the needs of enterprise production environments. Built upon the experience and insights of several core contributors to the Node.js ecosystem, N|Solid provides live instrumentation of your production system's health, and stability with no changes to your application code. In addition, N|Solid offers the ability to control access for your critical applications.

Overview of the N|Solid Components

"N|Solid Architecture"

N|Solid Runtime

At times, Node.js can feel like a black box. Shifting to an asynchronous programming model changes how developers are required to handle and interpret existing data. In order to help customers gain more visibility, we provide the N|Solid Runtime. The N|Solid Runtime is a build of Node.js bundled with an advanced native C++ component, the N|Solid Agent. The N|Solid Agent runs on its own thread inside your application, with direct access to the core elements of Node.js, libuv and the V8 JavaScript engine.

The N|Solid Runtime provides access to detailed metrics, and allows you to control application behavior in production. It also includes a powerful security policy model that allows restricting access to system resources by untrusted modules.

Read more about using the Runtime from the command line »

Node Compatibility

N|Solid 4.x is delivered bundled with either a Node.js v12.x Erbium LTS, Node.js v14.x Fermium LTS and, Node.js v16.x Gallium LTS (included in N|Solid v4.6.2) runtime. All N|Solid features are additive, meaning any application that runs on Node.js will also work with N|Solid. To verify the version of Node.js you have bundled in N|Solid, use nsolid -v.

For more information about the Node.js API, consult the Node.js API Documentation.

N|Solid Console

The N|Solid Console provides centralized access to all of your applications, and an aggregated view of each application's processes. This holistic view simplifies triage at runtime, makes it easier to find outliers, and takes advantage of advanced diagnostic tools directly from your browser.

Read more about the Console »


The combination of the Runtime and Console make N|Solid an invaluable tool for gaining insight into the behavior of your live production applications.

Backed by NodeSource's 24x7 support, N|Solid adds enterprise-grade diagnostic and security features, delivered on a release cycle that is aligned with Node.js Long Term Support (LTS) releases. This provides a stable production platform for all of your Node applications.

N|Solid SaaS

N|Solid SaaS is a hosted monitoring database and introspection console designed to make the ideal use of the diagnostics and monitoring features of the N|Solid Runtime.

Only two things are required to start inspecting your Node.js applications in N|Solid SaaS:

  • The N|Solid Runtime running in place of the Node.js runtime

The N|Solid Runtime is the Node.js runtime with additional V8 and core diagnostics hooks that can communicate with an external monitoring database.

  • Your NSOLID_SAAS configuration from your Nodesource Account


Configuring NSOLID_SAAS

The minimum configuration value to begin using N|Solid SaaS is the NSOLID_SAAS value. This value enables the agent thread and metrics collection and configures it for your account and data endpoint. The N|Solid Runtime will check a few places for configuration at startup for this and other values to customize its behavior. These options work best for most:

  • Suggested: package.json

Adding a small nsolid section to your package.json with the nsolid_saas value:

# package.json

  "nsolid": {
    "nsolid_saas": "..."
  • Suggested: environment variable

From the command-line, you can set the NSOLID_SAAS environment variable for simple configuration. Many users option to use this method to configure multiple-tier environments by adding it to existing configuration files in their deployment setups.

NSOLID_SAAS="..." nsolid index.js

Read more about configuring N|Solid »

Running N|Solid for N|Solid SaaS

We provide a large number of ways to download or install the N|Solid Runtime to support you through your entire development cycle.

Evaluating N|Solid / One-Off Executions

  • nsolid_quickstart

The nsolid_quickstart project is designed to be run via npx to allow you to try N|Solid without fully installing it to your system. Note that it will download the N|Solid Runtime upon execution if you do not already have it cached. Keep this in mind if you have network or time constraints.

# For example, to run your local file index.js and send data to your saas console:
$ npx nsolid-quickstart --saas="..." --exec index.js
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
Checking N|Solid versions metadata
Downloading N|Solid Bundle from: downloaded to: /tmp/nsolid-bundle.tar.gz
Extracting /tmp/nsolid-bundle.tar.gz and installing
Using N|Solid bundle 4.10.1 from /home/sourcerer/.nsolid-bundle/4.10.1
Executing the specified script index.js at /home/sourcerer/ns

---- Here is your program output ----

Development-Focused N|Solid Installation

  • macOS (brew, pkg), Windows, Debian, Redhat, Docker

We suggest installing N|Solid to use wherever you run your application in development, as it also makes a great development tool, allowing you to compare (for example) profile data from a current production system to a development system from the same console.

$ sudo apt-get install nsolid-hydrogen
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
nsolid-hydrogen is already the newest version (4.10.1-deb-nodesource-systemd1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 47 not upgraded.
$ NSOLID_SAAS="..." nsolid index.js

Production-Focused N|Solid Installation

  • Debian, Redhat, Windows Server, Docker, AWS, GCP, Azure, tarballs

What you'll most likely use to put N|Solid into your production environments. The chances are very good that not only we have the same build artifact you use to get Node.js on your production server, but we also provide it as the world's most popular provider of Node.js distributions. It should be as easy as replacing the Node.js image or package you use for the equivalent containing N|Solid.

Read more about Installation »

Network Requirements and Data Sensitivity

Network Requirements:

In order to communicate with the N|Solid SaaS endpoint, the systems running the N|Solid Runtime will need to be able to make outgoing connections on ports 9001, 32001, 32002.

Data sensitivity:

Concerned about your data? So are we! Your data is encrypted over-the-wire, and the metrics collected do not contain PII or other sensitive information. For memory debugging, we strongly suggest using our NSOLID_REDACT_SNAPSHOTS feature if you have sensitive data and want to capture Heap Snapshots. This flag instructs the runtime to blank out all string data inside of Heap Snapshots prior to sending it to the N|Solid Console.

Read more about Heap Snapshots »

Console Overview

The N|Solid Console provides valuable insight into clusters of N|Solid processes running in a variety of configurations. Processes are grouped by their associated application, making it simple to find outliers in memory and CPU utilization.

Navigating to an individual process shows various metrics, and provides the ability to take heap snapshots and generate CPU profiles.


Applications Overview

Once a user launched the N|Solid Console and connected their processes to the console, users will now land on the console’s overview screen.

"Application Overview"

This screen delivers aggregated application metrics, including:

  • Process Count
  • Number of Vulnerabilities
  • Application's status
  • CPU utilization average
  • Event loop utilization average
  • Requests average
  • Throughput
  • Heap Used average
  • Number of Worker Threads.

This list can be filtered and sorted by name, number of processes and number of vulnerabilities.

When selecting a specific application by clicking the application's name, users are redirected to the Application Summary.

When Number of Processes is clicked, users are redirected to the scatterplot filtered by the selected application name.

Application Summary

This screen delivers key information of the selected application including metrics, the number of vulnerabilities, number of processes, number of Worker Threads, number of events, and the application's status itself.

More insightful application information is presented in this view, with a fully dedicated metrics view, modules view, assets view, and events view; all this is shown application-wide.

Application metrics summary

In the application metrics summary view, users can a short graphical summary of how the application is behaving.

"Application Summary"

A key feature of the application's metrics view is the power of filtering the average of the metrics to processes with tags, users can select and unselect filters by their necessities and the graphs will be updated with processes with the desired tags.

"Metrics with Tags Summary"

Users are now able to inspect any metric considered insightful per application, those metrics could be numeric or a graph.

"Small Metrics Summary"

When a metric is clicked, it is zoomed in.

"Zoomed Metric Summary"

Application modules summary

In the application's modules view, the vulnerabilities are filtered application-wide, users can see the vulnerabilities not just for individual processes but complete applications, that's a better approach to take real advantage of NCM power.

"Modules Summary"

Application assets summary

In the application's assets view, all the CPU profiles and Heap Snapshots of the application are listed, this makes it easier for users to diagnose per application not just per process.

"Assets Summary"

Application events summary

In the applications events view, users can see all the runtime events, like security events, lifecycle events, system events, performance events, and assets events.

"Events Summary"

Learn more about event profiling here.

Processes View

The Processes view provides a visual overview of N|Solid applications monitored by the Console. By default, the N|Solid Console will display all processes. Using Filtering and Saved Views, you may filter processes by a wide variety of attributes, e.g. name, tags, performance metrics, etc. Saved views can also be created to group sets of processes together.

"Processes View"

Section Description
View The View dropdown allows you to navigate between different Saved Views and their respective Scatterplots. See Saved Views for more information on creating and managing Saved Views. The default view is All Processes
Filter The filter allows you to dynamically query for processes or create a new saved view
Scatterplot The scatterplot is a graph where processes matching the currently-selected saved view will be shown. Graph axes can be configured differently for each saved view, and process dots animate as the values for those attributes change
Processes List The processes list is a textual representation of the processes graphed on the scatterplot

The Scatterplot

The Scatterplot is an animated graph that provides an overview of your applications' performance across all or a subset of connected processes, when an specific process has at least one active worker thread, the process will be highlighted.

Graph Axes Configuration

By default, the Y-axis plots the memory (Heap Used), and the X-axis plots the % CPU utilized for each process. You can configure these axes to measure different parameters.

"Configuring scatterplot axes"

Any numeric metric may be used to plot either axis. NodeSource recommends the following metrics as being the most useful:

Metric Description
5 Minute Load Average The host system's five-minute load average.
Active Handles The number of active long-term resources held by the process.
Application Name The user-specified application name as set in package.json or the NSOLID_APP environment variable.
CPU Used (%) The percent CPU used by the process.
Event Loop Estimated Lag The estimated amount of time a I/O response may have to wait in the process, in milliseconds.
Event Loop Idle Percent The percent time that the process is waiting (idle) for I/O or timers.
GC Count The total number of garbage collections done by the process.
GC Median Duration The process's median duration of garbage collections, in microseconds.
Heap Total The process's total allocated JavaScript heap size, in bytes.
Heap Used The process's total used JavaScript heap size, in bytes.
Hostname The host system's name.
NODE_ENV environment variable The user-specified NODE_ENV environment variable.
Process Uptime The process's uptime, in seconds.
Resident Set Size The resident set size (total memory) used by the process, in bytes.
Tag The user-specified tags as set by the NSOLID_TAGS environment variable.
Vulnerabilities Found The number of known vulnerabilities found in the modules of the process.

Additionally, the Y-axis may also plot any textual field data that is provided by the N|Solid agents.

"Textual scatterplot Y-axis"

A full list of metrics available to N|Solid can be found in the Metrics in Detail section (some of the listed metrics may not be available in the Scatterplot).

Axis Scaling

There are three options for axis scaling available:

  • Linear: The default scaling option. Plotted values are evenly distributed along the graph.
  • Logarithmic: Decompresses lower values along the graph.
  • Exponential: Decompresses higher values along the graph.

"Scatterplot with logarithmic scaling"

Processes List

The Processes List on the right side of the page provides a textual representation of the processes on the scatterplot.

Click and drag inside the scatterplot to select a subset of processes. The Processes List will update to show only these processes. Click Apply as Filter to view the selected processes as a filter, which you can then save as a Saved View. Click Clear or click on the graph to clear the selection and show all processes within the view.

"Selecting processes"

Sort selected processes in the Processes List using the Sort dropdown. Sorting by App Name or Hostname will group like processes together. Sorting by Vulnerabilities will group vulnerable and non-vulnerable processes together respectively. Sorting by CPU, Memory, or Uptime will sort the processes numerically by these metrics. For sorting methods that group processes (App Name, Hostname, and Vulnerabilities), clicking on the label for a group of processes will select, or narrow selection, to that group of processes.

Clicking the process ID will take you to the Process Detail view.

"Selecting processes"

Hovering your mouse over a process in the Processes List will highlight that process in the graph for easy identification among other processes. Hovering on a process when processes are selected also reveals an X icon that may be clicked to remove a single process from the selection.

"Highlighting and unselecting processes"

Hovering over a process in the Processes List also shows a target icon that enables process targeting. Process targeting causes one minute of the process's recent historic metrics to be visualized as a trail following the process around the graph. One process can be targeted at a time. Clicking the target icon a second time will disable process targeting.

"Process targeting"

Process Detail View

The Process Detail view shows detailed information relating to a specific process. At the top of the view it displays data that N|Solid receives from the process, including the pid, host, platform, and CPU configuration.

"Process Detail"

The left side of this view contains the threads (worker threads) of the process, the thread 0 is the main thread and the rest of them are worker threads, and the right side of this page also contains controls for manually taking CPU profiles and heap snapshots of this process.

The available threads can also have a name to make them easier to identify, learn how to set thread name

"Thread list with names"

Comparison of Threads

You can compare threads by selecting thread IDs on the Thread List. Please note that maximum of 2 threads can be selected for comparison.

"Threads List"

The legend of the metrics chart will be automatically updated including each thread ID based on the threads you selected for comparision.


Note: There are some metrics marked as process-wide, which are not thread-specific.

Metrics Tab

The Metrics tab contains several charts which visualize important performance metrics which N|Solid gets from your processes.

Section Description
ELU (Event loop utilization) Learn more at: Event loop utilization blogpost
CPU Used CPU usage for this process
Memory Heap total, heap used, and resident set size. Heap total is total size of the V8 heap, which includes everything in the heap, including free space which has been allocated by V8 but is unused by JavaScript objects. Heap used is the size of of the V8 heap occupied directly by JavaScript objects created by the application, as well as V8 internal objects created on behalf of it. Resident set size (RSS) is the actual memory footprint of the process over time. It does not include memory that belongs to the process that has been swapped out to disk
Host Load The average system load over the last one, five, and fifteen minutes
Event Loop Two series that reflect the health of the event loop. The Idle % shows how often the event loop is waiting for work. The Lag data shows the average time in milliseconds for each tick of the event loop
Internal Activity Two series which include process-lifetime counts of the total number of garbage collections performed, and the number of event loop turns
Host Memory The amount of host memory in use by all processes on this system
Internal Activity Rates The Internal Activity graph, but instead of lifetime totals it shows how many Event Loop iterations and Garbage Collections run per second
HTTP Median The median timing of HTTP/HTTPS Client or Server requests and DNS requests made by the application. Each is measured in milliseconds
HTTP 99th Percentile The 99th Percentile timings of HTTP/HTTPS Client and Server requests and DNS requests made by the application, measured in milliseconds
HTTP Totals The total counts of HTTP/HTTPS Client and Server requests and DNS requests for the lifetime of the application
HTTP Requests Per Sec The number of HTTP/HTTPS Client and Server requests and DNS requests made by the application per second

Show or Hide Metrics

The Metrics Search Bar allows you to show or hide metrics, which supports auto-completion for all of the metrics defined in the Metrics in Detail.

"Filtering Metrics"

To show more metrics which are not on the metrics tab by default, search metrics using the auto-completion and select the metrics from the search results. You can also set multiple filters on the search bar.

Note: Please refer to Metrics in Detail to see all available metrics.

The chart of the metrics that you selected will be shown below the ELU metrics chart. If you want to hide metrics, click x icon on the metrics label on the search bar.

Modules Tab

The Modules tab lists all modules this process is loading and using at runtime. More importantly, this tab prominently features modules that include known security vulnerabilities.

"Process Assets"

Assets Tab

The Assets tab lists CPU profile and heap snapshots related to this process. Click on the asset to view it.

"Process Assets"

Quick Start Guide

This guide will help you try N|Solid on Linux, macOS or Windows 10 locally. It provides a quick, zero-config way to try NSolid or install all of the components onto your development machine on macOS.

PLEASE NOTE: THIS WAY OF RUNNING NSOLID IS MEANT FOR LOCAL TESTING ONLY! For production deployments please refer to the documentation below.

NSolid in Production

For instructions on installing the individual components for a production cluster on Linux or Windows 10, please refer to the the installation guide.

Try N|Solid

Using one simple npx command, you can try NSolid by using a self-guided demo, run and diagnose your own application or execute an NPM task you can observe locally.


To try N|Solid visit and sign up for a free account. Setting up an account is free and requires no credit card information. Select the ‘Try NSolid’ option, and follow the prompts.


Try N|Solid - Demo

Try N|Solid - Guided Tour

Using the 'npx nsolid-quickstart' command loads N|Solid into your local cache where it will be executed without actually having been installed. This setup method was designed for frictionless ease of use. npx is a npm package runner (x probably stands for eXecute). The typical use is to download and run a package temporarily or for trials.

It is not recommended to use this method in production. We provided separate setup instructions for on-prem here and cloud deployments here.

To run the demo simply execute:

$ npx nsolid-quickstart --demo

The command will launch a self-guided demo that runs a ready-made simulation to introduce you to NSolid’s performance monitoring and diagnostic features.

It will open a a new browser window or tab pointing to the default N|Solid Console URL: http://localhost:6753/. There you will be asked to authenticate with your credentials before the console drops you into the self-guided demo experience.

Because this runs a simulated application, the demo uses zero infrastructure resources and does not interfere with any of the applications you may connect to the console.

As such, the demo can also be accessed in on-prem and cloud deployments via the ‘Start Demo’ and ‘Guided Demo’ buttons.

Demo Buttons

Try N|Solid - Bring your own application

It is possible to use N|Solid Quickstart to launch your own applications. There are two options: execute a JavaScript file or execute an NPM task.

To lauch your application from a JavaScript file just execute:

  $ npx nsolid-quickstart --exec index.js

The above command is the equivalent of running node index.js. Just replace index.js with the right name for your script.

To execute your application from an NPM task execute the following command:

  $ npx nsolid-quickstart --npm dev

This is the equivalent of running npm run dev, just replace dev with the right name for your NPM task.

Quickstart Help

There are many options included, like --lts, which allow to switch to a different Node.js LTS version (by default gallium is used), to see all available options execute:

  $ npx nsolid-quickstart

Installing via the Microsoft Installer for Windows 10

To install the N|Solid Runtime and Console via the MSI bundle for Windows 10 complete the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Windows tab and download the package
  3. Double click on the downloaded MSI file and follow the instructions to install the necessary N|Solid and Node.js components.

"NSolidv4 MSI Installer"

  1. Some npm modules need to be compiled from C/C++ when installing. To ensure you can access a fully working node environment select tools such as Python and Visual Studio Build Tools need to be installed. PLEASE NOTE: N|Solid may not be working as expected if you skip this step. This will also install Chocolatey. This script will pop up in a new PowerShell after the instalation is complete.

Windows Installer

  1. Once N|Solid's major components are intalled a PowerShell will pop up automatically to install Chocolatey, and other Node.js dependencies. Windows Power Shell Post Install Scripts

  2. You may be asked to restart your operating system. Please preceed to do so.

  3. Once your system has rebooted the N|Solid Console should start automatically if you installed it using the MSI package.

  4. Alternatively you can always search for the NSolid app in the Windows search bar and start the service by clicking the app icon:

Windows Start Menu

PLEASE NOTE: You can optionally 'Remove' or 'Install' the N|Solid Console Service via the corresponding shortcuts in the Windows Start menu:

Windows Install and Remove Console Service

Installing via the macOS Developer Bundle

To install N|Solid via the Developer Bundle for macOS:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the macOS button to get an installable package
  3. Double click on the downloaded pkg file and follow the instructions to install the N|Solid compoments

Installing via Homebrew

To install N|Solid via Homebrew, first make sure you have Homebrew installed and that it is up to date.

$ brew update

First, add the nsolid tap:

$ brew tap nodesource/nsolid

Now you can install N|Solid:

$ brew install nsolid-console

This will install both the N|Solid Runtime and N|Solid Console.

For more information on our Homebrew packages, see our repository.

Setting Up the N|Solid Console

Once installed, using N|Solid is fairly straightforward. To launch the Console on macOS, open a terminal window and enter the command:

$ nsolid-console

Note: You do not have to be the root user to run the console, only to install it. Logs for each process can be found under /tmp/nsolid-*.

Linux users: The N|Solid Console will start automatically using your system init scripts if you installed using the Linux distribution packages

Once the Console is running, you can see the user interface by opening a new web browser window to http://localhost:6753.

You should be redirected to http://localhost:6753/welcome, where you can register your Console using your NodeSource Accounts login. Be sure to pick the correct organization as it controls who may access your Console.

Welcome Screen

Once registered, you should be immediately redirected to the N|Solid console.

N|Solid Console Up and Running

Running Node Applications in N|Solid

The next step is to configure your shell to use the N|Solid Runtime.

Open a second Terminal window and run:

$ source /usr/local/nsolid/nsolid-env

This will activate the N|Solid shell.

This is only included in the macOS Developer Bundle. If you installed via Homebrew, MSI Installer for Windows 10 or Linux packages, this is not needed.

Any Node application that you start from within the N|Solid Shell will then be shown in the N|Solid Console.

For example, monitor the Node.js REPL using N|Solid by running:

$ NSOLID_APPNAME="REPL" NSOLID_COMMAND="localhost:9001" nsolid

If you have an existing Nodejs application, e.g. "index.js", you can monitor it with N|Solid by running:

$ NSOLID_APPNAME="My_Application" NSOLID_COMMAND="localhost:9001" nsolid index.js

You can customize the name of your application in the N|Solid Console by changing the NSOLID_APPNAME environmental variable. If you do not specify an app name, N|Solid will look for a 'name' property in your package.json, and if that is not found your application will be named untitled application.

You are now ready to use N|Solid for your own applications!

Migration Guide

For N|Solid 3.x users, you will notice that begining in N|Solid 3.4.0, users of the Console are asked to authenticate before they can use the Console.

  • Requiring authentication is default behavior and can be disabled using the NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_REQUIRE_LOGIN=false environment variable, or the corresponding configuration file setting.

  • To make use of the authentication to protect access to your Console, you should add the users that require access to the NodeSource Accounts organization which was used to activate the Console.

  • In order to use nsolid-cli with authentication enabled, you should set the NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_ADMIN_TOKEN environment variable to a secure value and utilize this with the corresponding --auth parameter to nsolid-cli. See user authentication for more information.

If you are upgrading from N|Solid 2.x, here are the need-to-know steps for migrating to N|Solid 3.x.

  • N|Solid Storage has been eliminated, and its functionality is provided by the N|Solid 3.x Console server. Attempting to connect an existing N|Solid Storage instance to a N|Solid 3.x Console will not work unless the storage instance is running in relay mode.

  • Many of the settings and environment variables from N|Solid Storage are available in the 3.x N|Solid Console; substitute CONSOLE for STORAGE in the variable name. View the Networking documentation for specific settings.

  • Loading a N|Solid 3.x Console server with the same configuration as a N|Solid Storage instance will load some of your existing assets and metrics history, but Heap Snapshots will need to be accessed directly from your storage device. The default location has changed from ~/.nsolid-storage to ~/.nsolid-console.

  • The N|Solid 2.x Runtime is compatible with the N|Solid 3.x Console, but not all functionality will be available.

  • The environment variables used to configure N|Solid Runtime are the same as with N|Solid 2.x, however you must provide a valid license during any operation, either via a connection to an N|Solid Console, or by providing a License Token directly. Read the Configuration guide for more information.

  • The nsolid-cli syntax and behavior have changed from 2.x, be sure to read the Command Line Interface documentation if you use this functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions - NSolid

The following section covers a series of questions users have asked NodeSource in the past:

1. I can't find one or more features in NSolid

NSolid supports Role Based Access Control. The role assigned to your user-profile may be configured to limit your access to a sub-set of NSolid features. Contact your organization's account administrator to see which permissions you may be missing. To learn how NodeSource's RBAC works and which permission are available, visit the RBAC section in the accounts docs.

2. Access not allowed screen.

To secure the NSolid Console against unauthorized access, every console is linked to an account. The organization’s account administrator can invite team-members to the organization’s account, thus authorizing team-members to log into their organization’s NSolid Console.

You will encounter the below screen if you tried to access a console whose organization you are not part of (anymore). To regain access, we recommend you contact your org’s administrator directly.

If you deployed the NSolid Console yourself, and can’t access the console, we recommend you observe your console’s license key. If the license key belongs to an organization that does not consider your user credentials (email and password) part of its org you will not be permitted to use the NSolid Console. In that case, please contact the Console’s administrator via the contact details provided on the ‘Access Not Allowed’ Screen or contact NodeSource support for assistance.

NSolid Console Access not Allowed

3. Why do I get an 'Organization Inactive' screen?

Whether you are an Org Admin or have been invited to an existing organization, you may encounter the below screen when attempting to log into the NSolid Console:

NSolid Console Organization Inactive

You may be seeing this screen for one of two reasons:

  1. The NSolid Console was assigned to an organization whose free 30-day trial has expired.
  2. The NSolid Console was assigned to an organization whose license has since expired. Please note that the console will continue to collect data until the license has been renewed.

To renew/ upgrade an enterprise license, please contact To renew an Advanced-tier license visit and update your payment details.

4. I am running an application but the NSolid Console says there are no processes connected?

No processes connected

This is expected behavior. To monitor Node applications using N|Solid, you must set the following environment variable when running your Node.js application. This tells the NSolid runtime where to report your metrics to.

For a step-by-step guide on setting your environmental variable please refer to the following links:

5. Does NSolid’s CPU provide sourcemap support?

Yes. Utilizing typescript and/or transpilers with N|Solid makes interpreting CPU profiles difficult unless the user is deeply familiar with the code. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

When compiling code, a Source Map is currently being generated. The integration of Source Maps would provide a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

In an effort to address concrete customer pain-points NodeSource has introduced SourceMap Support to the N|Solid CPU profiler. This feature continues to evolve with the specific requirements of our customers.

The feature’s UX can be viewed in the docs here.

6. NSolid Console says is Offline?

This could happen if your firewall is blocking our services and API. Please make sure that and are listed in your firewall's whitelist.

N|Solid On-Prem in Production


This guide will help you quickly install all of the N|Solid components for a production cluster. We provide production rpm and deb packages for use in Linux distributions and a windows MSI installer for use on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 & 2019.

Installation on Linux

Our rpm and deb packages for use in Linux distributions makes it significantly easier to set up the N|Solid components by using our repositories.

We support the following rpm based 64-bit Linux distributions:

  • RHEL7 / CentOS7
  • RHEL8 / CentOS8
  • Fedora 30
  • Fedora 31

We also support the following deb based 64-bit Linux distributions:

  • Debian Jessie
  • Debian Stretch
  • Debian Buster
  • Ubuntu Trusty
  • Ubuntu Xenial
  • Ubuntu Bionic

If you do not wish to use these packages, manual installation instructions are provided below.

Note: The default Node.js runtime used in the instructions below is Node.js v16 LTS (Gallium). If you wish to use a version of N|Solid based on Node.js v14 LTS (Fermium) or Node.js v12 LTS (Erbium), replace any instances of gallium with fermium or erbium.

Installing N|Solid Packages

Step 1: Set Up the NodeSource N|Solid Repository

For rpm based distributions, use the following command as root:

$ curl -sL | sudo bash -

For deb based distributions, there is a similar command run as root:

$ curl -sL | sudo bash -

In both cases, these scripts will attempt to determine the distribution you are using, set up the appropriate repository on your system, and import the NodeSource N|Solid GPG key used to sign the packages.

Step 2: Install the Packages

For rpm based systems, install all the required components with the command:

$ sudo yum -y install nsolid-gallium nsolid-console

For deb based systems, the process is similar. Install the required components:

$ sudo apt-get -y install nsolid-gallium nsolid-console

On deb based systems, the relevant daemons will start automatically on installation, but you will still turn the services on and off using the standard tools.

For both rpm and deb based systems, you can then turn on the installed components using the standard system tools. Below are examples of how to turn on the N|Solid Console component using both init and systemd style systems.

Start the component in an init style system with:

$ /etc/init.d/nsolid-console start

Newer systemd style systems would use the command:

$ systemctl start nsolid-console

Once started, navigate to the N|Solid Console at localhost:6753. Consult the Console Overview for more information.

These N|Solid components can be installed separately, and possibly on different machines if you wish. However, if you plan on installing all of the components onto a single machine, the process can be further simplified. Instead of installing the components individually by name as we've done here, you can simply install the nsolid-console-all meta package for your system.

For rpm based distributions:

$ sudo yum -y install nsolid-gallium-console-all

And for deb based distributions:

$ sudo apt-get -y install nsolid-gallium-console-all

This meta package will install all of the components and turn them on if needed.

Upgrading N|Solid Packages

Once you have set up the NodeSource N|Solid package repository appropriate to your system, you will automatically get point releases via the standard system update tools. For example, fetch and install any new versions of the packages with:

$ sudo yum -y update

Manual Installation

These instructions use the Linux platform builds, but the same steps apply for macOS (darwin) platforms.

Step 1: Get N|Solid

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the Downloads section and click the Linux Bundle for the LTS version you wish to run.
  3. Extract the archive.

The extracted archive contains all N|Solid components for your architecture:

  • The N|Solid Runtime (e.g. nsolid-v4.6.2-gallium-linux-x64.tar.gz)
  • The N|Solid Console (e.g. nsolid-console-v4.6.2-linux-x64.tar.gz)

Step 2: Install the N|Solid Runtime

The N|Solid Runtime is a build of Node.js that is compiled to include the N|Solid Agent. The runtime should be installed on any application servers where you intend to run your Node.js application.

$ tar xf nsolid-v4.6.2-gallium-linux-x64.tar.gz
$ cd nsolid-v4.6.2-gallium-linux-x64
$ ls
bin  include  lib  LICENSE  LICENSE.NSOLID  share

We suggest installing into /usr/local for greatest compatibility, though most preferred installation methods used for Node.js will also work for N|Solid.

To install to /usr/local, first remove existing npm and nsolid-cli installations:

$ rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm /usr/local/lib/node_modules/nsolid-cli

Then, put the N|Solid components in place:

$ cp -r lib bin share /usr/local/

To verify you are running Node compiled with the N|Solid Agent and see your version of N|Solid, use:

$ node -vv

This package also contains the nsolid-cli application, which can act as a command-line interface to the N|Solid Agent via the N|Solid Console, allowing scripted or manual interaction.

Step 3: Install the N|Solid Console

The N|Solid Console is a graphical interface for your entire cluster of applications running on N|Solid. It communicates with each N|Solid Agent to track metrics, collect information, or trigger events on any of your N|Solid processes.

The N|Solid Console is best experienced using one of the following browsers on a desktop/laptop system.

  • Google Chrome (21 and higher)
  • Mozilla Firefox (22 and higher)
  • Apple Safari (9 and higher)

The download bundle includes the nsolid-console built for your platform.

$ tar xf nsolid-console-v4.6.2-linux-x64.tar.gz
$ ls nsolid-console-v4.6.2-linux-x64

Place this folder wherever you typically install your Node.js applications. For this example, we'll put it in /var/opt.

$ cp -r nsolid-console-v4.6.2 /var/opt
$ cd /var/opt/nsolid-console-v4.6.2

Running npm start from within this directory will start the N|Solid Console with the default configuration.

For more information about configuration options for the N|Solid Console, see: configuration.

You will want to run nsolid-console as any other Node.js service in your infrastructure, using your process manager of choice.

Upgrading From Previous Versions of N|Solid

To upgrade from previous versions of N|Solid, use the instructions above to install over your previous installation. At each step, verify that the latest version of the component is installed and working.

If you have the N|Solid Hub, Proxy, or Storage components installed from an earlier version of N|Solid, these components can be removed.

For rpm based systems, this can be done with:

$ sudo yum remove nsolid-proxy nsolid-storage

For deb based systems, this would be:

$ sudo apt-get remove nsolid-proxy nsolid-storage

The etcd package may be in use by your system for other purposes, but if you no longer require it, it too can be removed:

$ sudo yum remove etcd


$ sudo apt-get remove etcd

Older N|Solid Artifacts

N|Solid 2.x

The storage directory structure did not substantially change from N|Solid 2.x to N|Solid 3.x, and if you start your Console with the same directory, you may see some of your data and artifacts. However, compatibility between these versions is not guaranteed. It is recommended that you start with an empty storage directory and access your old files directly on your storage device.

Installation on Windows

NodeSource provides a Windows MSI installer to deploy NSolid in production enviornments.

We support the following Windows based distributions:

  • Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows Server 1909 Core
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Note: The default Node.js runtime used in the instructions below is Node.js v16 LTS (Gallium). If you wish to use a version of N|Solid based on Node.js v14 LTS (Fermium) or Node.js v12 LTS (Erbium), replace any instances of gallium with fermium or erbium.

Installing N|Solid on Windows Servers 2008 & 2016

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Windows tab and download the package
  3. Double click on the downloaded MSI file and follow the instructions to install the necessary N|Solid and Node.js components.

Foor production enviornments, you may wish to deploy the NSolid Runime and Console separately. If that is the case ensure you select/ deselect the relevant application components to be installed via in the Custom Setup dialogue.

Windows Installer

  1. Once N|Solid's major components are intalled a PowerShell will pop up automatically to install Chocolatey, and other Node.js dependencies.

Windows Power Shell Post Install Scripts

  1. To stop and start the N|Solid Console via the Windows Start Menu.

  2. You can optionally 'Remove' or 'Install' the N|Solid Console Service via the corresponding shortcuts in the Windows Start menu:

Windows Install and Remove Console Service

5.2 Installing N|Solid on Windows Core 1909:

To install and the N|Solid Runtime and N|Solid Console:

  1. Open PowerShell powershell

  2. Install Chocolatey

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  1. Install Chrome
Invoque-Request download_URL -OutFile nsolid-v4.6.2-gallium-x64.msi
  1. Download the N|Solid package
  1. Start N|Solid package installation and follow the installation steps
Start-Process .\nsolid-v4.6.2-gallium-x64.msi
  1. Update current $PATH
$env:PATH = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
  1. Verify that everything was installed correctly
nsolid -v
nsolid -vv
  1. Open browser with requested URL, same as running nsolid-console
Start-Process "chrome.exe" "http://localhost:6753"
  1. Run console from the installed command


N|Solid Runtime

Environment Variables

The N|Solid runtime can be configured via the environment variables listed below. Although each of these environment variables are optional, certain features will be missing or limited in each case. It is recommended that you connect to the console using NSOLID_COMMAND or a StatsD collector using NSOLID_STATSD, and customize your process using any of the remaining environment variables.

Environment Variable Description
NSOLID_COMMAND The route to the console command port. It should be formatted as "host:port". The default host is localhost, and the default port is 9001. Without this environment variable, the N|Solid Agent will not attempt to connect.

The host can be provided via several formats:
   IPv6 [2001:cdba::3257:9652]
   hostname nsolid_hub.local
NSOLID_APPNAME The name of the application that the instance is running. Use this in order to create logical groupings of the processes in the console. If omitted, the value defaults to the name field of your package.json. If this is also omitted, the value defaults to untitled application
NSOLID_TAGS The list of tags associated with your instance, which can be used to identify and filter instances in Console views. See Tags and Filters for more details
NSOLID_PUBKEY The ZMQ public key used with the N|Solid Console server
NSOLID_HOSTNAME The hostname the N|Solid process is running on (overrides system-determined hostname)
NSOLID_STATSD The route to a StatsD collector if you wish to send metrics directly to an external data collection service from the N|Solid process. Without this environment variable, the N|Solid Agent will not attempt to send StatsD data.

It should be formatted as "host:port". If unspecified, the default host is localhost and port is 8125. Hosts and IP addresses are accepted in the same format as NSOLID_COMMAND
NSOLID_INTERVAL The interval, in milliseconds, in which the N|Solid Agent will collect and report metrics to the console and/or the StatsD collector if either are connected. This value defaults to 3000 (3 seconds) and cannot be lower than 1000
NSOLID_OTLP It defines the type of OTLP endpoint we want N
NSOLID_OTLP_CONFIG Specific configuration for the OTLP endpoint tye defined with NSOLID_OTLP. See the OpenTelemetry section for more details
NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET An override for the default StatsD bucket (key prefix) when using the NSOLID_STATSD functionality. See the StatsD section for more details
NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS Optional tags to append to StatsD metric data when using the NSOLID_STATSD functionality. See the StatsD section for more details
NSOLID_TRACING_ENABLED Boolean to indicate if you want N|Solid to generate traces when connected to an endpoint that supports it. See the Tracing section for more details
NSOLID_TRACING_MODULES_BLACKLIST List of core modules instrumented by N|Solid you want to disable when tracing is enabled. See the Tracing section for more details
NSOLID_REDACT_SNAPSHOTS Boolean to indicate if you want heap snapshots to obscure string variable contents. This may impede your ability to debug and is meant for sensitive production environments.


The N|Solid process can also be configured via an nsolid object in the package.json file for the current application. Environment variable values override the properties in the package.json file. The mapping of nsolid object properties in the package.json file to environment variables is as follows:

nsolid property in package.json Environment Variable
tags NSOLID_TAGS - this may be an array of tag values or a comma-separated string of tag values

Example package.json:

# package.json

  "name": "message-service",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "nsolid": {
    "env": "production",
    "command": "nsolid-command-host.local:9001",
    "app": "messaging",
    "tags": "aws, mq"

N|Solid CLI

Configuration File

The N|Solid Command Line Interface (CLI) can be configured via a configuration file, .nsolid-clirc.

# .nsolid-clirc

  "remote": "http://localhost:6753",
  "app": "my-node-application"

N|Solid Console

Command Line Arguments

These are the command line arguments if you're starting the console explicitly. For most usages, you would utilize npm start.

Parameter Description
--config Specify a config file

Environment Variables

If you are using the developer bundle, you can use the following to configure the console:

Environment Variable Description
NSOLID_CONSOLE_NOTIFICATION_CONSOLE_URL Specify a routable protocol, domain, and port for use in notifications
NSOLID_CONSOLE_NOTIFICATION_STACK_FRAMES Specify the number of frames to be shown in Slack event loop blocked notifications
NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_SERVER Specify a hostname and port that the console server should bind to
NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_PROTO Specify whether the server should use HTTP or HTTPS
LOGLEVEL The level of logging produced. Defaults to info; can be error, warn, info, debug

Stats Retention

Historical metrics, displayed in the line-chart UI elements, are trimmed to the last 15 minutes by default.

For more information about configuration options for N|Solid Console's data processing functions, see networking.

License Keys

Registering Your Console

In order to access N|Solid you must have a valid NodeSource account. If you have not connected your Console to your account, when you try and access the console you will be redirected to the welcome screen. Using this form to log into your NodeSource account will automatically configure your Console server and allow you to associate it with your account or organization.

Welcome Screen

Once connected, you should be immediately redirected to the N|Solid Console.

Updating Your License

If you want your Console to be associated with a different account or organization, click Settings on the right side of the menu at the top of the page.

If you are an administrator for the linked organization, you will see a "Reset License" button which can be used to restore the Console to its initial login state.

If you do not have administrative access to the registered license and need to reset the Console's registration state, you can start the Console with the NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_REQUIRE_LOGIN=false environment variable to disable the authentication requirement and allow access to the Reset Console button. Remember to restart without this setting if authentication is still desired.

User Authentication

Beginning with N|Solid 3.4.0, users will be asked to authenticate before they can access the console. If the user is not the owner of the account or a member of the associated organization, they will not be permitted to access the console.

To allow additional users to access your console, add them to the NodeSource Accounts organization which is associated with this Console.

If you do not wish to enforce user authentication, it can be disabled by setting the NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_REQUIRE_LOGIN=false environment variable or its associated config file setting.

This authentication also impacts nsolid-cli. If you require use of the CLI, you should set NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_ADMIN_TOKEN or the corresponding config file setting to a secure value and use it with the --auth argument. This grants administrative access to the console and should be used with discretion. See Command Line Interface for instructions.

Using StatsD without connecting to Console

You must have a valid license to use the N|Solid Runtime either with the Console or communicating directly to your StatsD endpoint. If you do connect to your N|Solid Console, the license will be configured automatically for you. If you prefer to use your runtime without connecting to console, you must provide your license in the form of a signed token. This can be obtained from a running licensed N|Solid Console by running nsolid-cli license-token or by querying http://console:6753/api/v3/license-token directly.

If you do not have a N|Solid Console available, you can contact NodeSource Support and they can provide you with one. The token will be valid for the duration of your license period and must be refreshed when your expiration date is extended.

Your valid license token can be specified as the NSOLID_LICENSE_TOKEN environment variable or included in the nsolid section of package.json as "licenseToken".

Offline or Air-Gapped operation

Similar to the StatsD situation, your N|Solid installation must have a valid license to operate. If your system is not able to contact the NodeSource web services, you may use the license token as described previously by pasting it into the License Key entry field in your N|Solid Console.

Make sure you are not passing your xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx license key as the token value. This is your license key and cannot be used in offline licensing.


Debug Messages

The N|Solid Runtime and CLI all can have debug messaging enabled by using the NODE_DEBUG=nsolid environment variable.

$ NODE_DEBUG=nsolid NSOLID_APP=testapp NSOLID_COMMAND=localhost ~/ns/nsolid-node/nsolid
> NSOLID 16597: starting agent (js init) name: testapp id: e24a79b2aae58b63e385a4c0ce9ed91f3d0202ee tags: undefined
NSOLID 16597: nsolid agent e24a79b2aae58b63e385a4c0ce9ed91f3d0202ee starting with config
NSOLID 16597: { command: '9001',
  data: undefined,
  bulk: undefined,
  pubkey: undefined,
  statsd: undefined,
  statsdBucket: 'nsolid.${env}.${app}.${hostname}.${shortId}',
  statsdTags: undefined,
  hostname: 'rpi3-1',
  env: 'prod',
  interval: null,
  tags: undefined,
  app: 'testapp',
  appVersion: undefined }
NSOLID 16597: { zmq_command_remote: 'tcp://localhost:9001',
  zmq_data_remote: null,
  zmq_bulk_remote: null,
  statsd_addr: null,
  storage_pubkey: '^kvy<i^qI<r{=ZDrfK4K<#NtqY+zaH:ksm/YGE6I' }
NSOLID 16597: registering default commands
NSOLID 16597: nsolid initializing
NSOLID 16597: agent spawn()
NSOLID 16597: agent spawned
NSOLID 16597: e24a79b2aae58b63e385a4c0ce9ed91f3d0202ee nsolid initialized
NSOLID 16597: { command_remote: 'tcp://localhost:9001',
  data_remote: 'tcp://localhost:9002',
  bulk_remote: 'tcp://localhost:9003',
  storage_pubkey: '^kvy<i^qI<r{=ZDrfK4K<#NtqY+zaH:ksm/YGE6I' }

Loggin in with Okta, oneLogin or PingID

To setup SAML in NSolid see here.

If you are using NSolid for the first time it is important that you observe step 1 - 8. If you are a repeat user you can jump to step 9.

Logging in with Okta

To use the NSolid Console for the first time you must sign into first to accept the NodeSource Terms and Conditions. As such this user flow suggests starting with Once you accepted the terms you can log into the NSolid Console directly using your Okta SAML credentials directly.

  1. Visit ​****
  2. Enter your corporate email address that is associated with your SAML credentials in the ‘EMAIL and SAML Accounts’ field:

"Sign In with SAML"

  1. The system will automatically detect your email address and offer a SAML sign-in if your employer set up Federated Authentication for your NodeSource organization.
  2. If you used your email address to set up a standard account and your employer set up Federated Authentication for their NodeSource organization, you will be given the option to select which account you would like to login to. Select the the SAML Account button if you wish to log into your employer’s NodeSource account:

"Choone an Account"

  1. Once you selected ‘SAML Account’ you will be redirected to the Okta authentication page:

"Okta Sign In Screen"

  1. Use your Okta credentials (provided by your employer) to sign into Okta.
  2. If this is your first time signing in you will be asked to accept NodeSource’s Terms and Conditions:

"Accept Terms"

  1. Once you signed in and if you accepted NodeSource Terms previously you will land on the download page:

"Downloads Page"

You can now install NSolid (see here), or open the NSolid Console (next step)

If you happen to be a member of multiple NodeSource organizations, please note that you can still select your personal and/or other org accounts from the org-selector in the top left corner, but access to said accounts will be restricted. To regain full access to said accounts, simply log out and access said organizations via their corresponding email address, SAML or SSO login.

  1. If you accepted the NodeSource Terms previously you can directly navigate to the NSolid Console. The URL to do so depends on your organization’s chosen method of deployment. Please see the Getting Started Guide for details (here).

  2. When logging into the Console for the first time, you must register your console with your SAML details.

  3. Enter your corporate email address that is associated with your SAML credentials in the ‘EMAIL and SAML Accounts’ field:

"Sign In with SAML"

  1. If you used your email address to set up a standard account and your employer set up Federated Authentication for their NodeSource organization, you will be given the option to select which account you would like to login to. Select the the SAML Account button if you wish to log into your employer’s NodeSource account:

"Choose an Account"

  1. Once you selected ‘SAML Account’ you will be redirected to the Okta authentication page:

"Okta Sign In Screen"

  1. Use your Okta credentials (provided by your employer) to sign into Okta.
  2. Once you successfully authenticated, the console is linked to your organization and your team members will be able to use it.

"Empty Console"

  1. To connect a process please consult the Quick Start guide here.

"Application Overview"

  1. To invite team-members (see here).

Logging in with PingID via PingOne Desktop:

There are two ways to use PingID to authenticate into NodeSource’s Accounts and NSolid Console. This covers the use of the PingOne Desktop Application view. You can also use to sign in directly with your PingID credentials (see here).

If you are using NSolid for the first time it is important that you observe step 1 - 9. If you are a repeat user you can jump to step 10.

  1. Visit your PingID portal via the PingID URL you were provided with by your employer. It will look something like this:[yourPingIDorgname
  2. Sign into the PingID platform with the username and password you were provided with by your organization


  1. Upon Sign In you will be redirected to the applications page.

"PingOne Portal"

  1. There you should see an icon for:
    1. NodeSource Accounts: Our authentication and user management platform and
    2. NSolid Console: The runtime-powered observability tool to monitor your application’s performance and security posture.
  2. Please select NodeSource Accounts first
  3. You will be redirected to ​****
  4. If this is your first time signing in you will be asked to accept NodeSource’s Terms and Conditions:

"Accept Terms"

  1. Once you signed in and if you accepted NodeSource Terms previously you will land on the download page:

"Downloads Page"

  1. You can now install NSolid (see here), or open the NSolid Console (next step)
  2. Once you installed NSolid you can open the NSolid Console via the PingOne Desktop Application view:

"PingOne Portal"

  1. Once you successfully authenticated, the console is linked to your organization and your team members will be able to use it.

"Empty Console"

  1. To connect a process please consult the Quick Start guide here.

"Application Overview"

  1. To invite team-members (see here).

Logging in with PingID directly:

If you are using NSolid for the first time it is important that you observe step 1 - 8. If you are a repeat user you can jump to step 9.

To use the NSolid Console for the first time you must sign into first to accept the NodeSource Terms and Conditions. As such this user flow suggests starting with Once you accepted the terms you can log into the NSolid Console directly using your PingID SAML credentials directly.

  1. Visit ​****
  2. Enter your corporate email address that is associated with your SAML credentials in the ‘EMAIL and SAML Accounts’ field:

"Sign In with SAML"

  1. The system will automatically detect your email address and offer a SAML sign-in if your employer set up Federated Authentication for your NodeSource organization.
  2. If you used your email address to set up a standard account and your employer set up Federated Authentication for their NodeSource organization, you will be given the option to select which account you would like to login to. Select the the SAML Account button if you wish to log into your employer’s NodeSource account:

"Choose an Account"

  1. Once you selected ‘SAML Account’ you will be redirected to the PingID authentication page:


  1. Use your PingID credentials (provided by your employer) to sign into PingID.
  2. If this is your first time signing in you will be asked to accept NodeSource’s Terms and Conditions:

"Accept Terms"

  1. Once you signed in and if you accepted NodeSource Terms previously you will land on the download page:

"Downloads Page"

You can now install NSolid (see here), or open the NSolid Console (next step)

If you happen to be a member of multiple NodeSource organizations, please note that you can still select your personal and/or other org accounts from the org-selector in the top left corner, but access to said accounts will be restricted. To regain full access to said accounts, simply log out and access said organizations via their corresponding email address, SAML or SSO login.

  1. If you accepted the NodeSource Terms previously you can directly navigate to the NSolid Console. The URL to do so depends on your organization’s chosen method of deployment. Please see the Getting Started Guide for details (here).
  2. When logging into the Console for the first time, you must register your console with your SAML details.
  3. Enter your corporate email address that is associated with your SAML credentials in the ‘EMAIL and SAML Accounts’ field:

"Sign In with SAML"

  1. If you used your email address to set up a standard account and your employer set up Federated Authentication for their NodeSource organization, you will be given the option to select which account you would like to login to. Select the the SAML Account button if you wish to log into your employer’s NodeSource account:

"Choose an Account"

  1. Once you selected ‘SAML Account’ you will be redirected to the PingID authentication page:


  1. Use your PingID credentials (provided by your employer) to sign into PingID.
  2. Once you successfully authenticated, the console is linked to your organization and your team members will be able to use it.

"Empty Console"

  1. To connect a process please consult the Quick Start guide here.

"Application Overview"

  1. To invite team-members (see here).

Logging in with oneLogin:

If you are using NSolid for the first time it is important that you observe step 1 - 8. If you are a repeat user you can jump to step 9.

To use the NSolid Console for the first time you must sign into first to accept the NodeSource Terms and Conditions. As such this user flow suggests starting with Once you accepted the terms you can log into the NSolid Console directly using your oneLogin SAML credentials directly.

  1. Visit ​****

  2. Enter your corporate email address that is associated with your SAML credentials in the ‘EMAIL and SAML Accounts’ field:

"Sign In with SAML"

  1. The system will automatically detect your email address and offer a SAML sign-in if your employer set up Federated Authentication for your NodeSource organization.
  2. If you used your email address to set up a standard account and your employer set up Federated Authentication for their NodeSource organization, you will be given the option to select which account you would like to login to. Select the the SAML Account button if you wish to log into your employer’s NodeSource account:

"Choose an Account"

  1. Once you selected ‘SAML Account’ you will be redirected to the oneLogin authentication page:

"oneLogin Auth Screen"

  1. Use your oneLogin credentials (provided by your employer) to sign into oneLogin.
  2. If this is our first time signing in you will be asked to accept NodeSource’s Terms and Conditions:

"Accept Terms"

  1. Once you signed in and if you accepted NodeSource Terms previously you will land on the download page:

"Downloads Page"

You can now install NSolid (see here), or open the NSolid Console.

If you happen to be a member of multiple NodeSource organizations, please note that you can still select your personal and/or other org accounts from the org-selector in the top left corner, but access to said accounts will be restricted. To regain full access to said accounts, simply log out and access said organizations via their corresponding email address, SAML or SSO login.

  1. If you accepted the NodeSource Terms previously you can directly navigate to the NSolid Console. The URL to do so depends on your organization’s chosen method of deployment. Please see the Getting Started Guide for details (here).

  2. When logging into the Console for the first time, you must register your console with your SAML details.

  3. Enter your corporate email address that is associated with your SAML credentials in the ‘EMAIL and SAML Accounts’ field:

"Sign In with SAML"

  1. If you used your email address to set up a standard account and your employer set up Federated Authentication for their NodeSource organization, you will be given the option to select which account you would like to login to. Select the the SAML Account button if you wish to log into your employer’s NodeSource account:

"Choose an Account"

  1. Once you selected ‘SAML Account’ you will be redirected to the oneLogin authentication page:

"oneLogin Auth Screen"

  1. Use your oneLogin credentials (provided by your employer) to sign into oneLogin.

  2. Once you authenticated successfully a browser window containing the NSolid Console will open. To connect a process please consult the Quick Start guide here.

  3. Once you successfully authenticated, the console is linked to your organization and your team members will be able to use it.

"Empty Console"

  1. To connect a process please consult the Quick Start guide here.

"Application Overview"

  1. To invite team-members (see here).


The N|Solid Agent is able to periodically send a suite of metrics directly to a StatsD-compatible data collector endpoint. As this functionality is built directly into the nsolid executable, you do not need to be connected to the N|Solid Console server in order to use it. Independent nsolid processes can be configured to talk to StatsD collectors using environment variables when starting your application.

Consult the Metrics in Detail section for a complete list of metrics that are sent to the StatsD collector for your N|Solid processes.

Consult the Using StatsD or AppDynamics without connecting to Console section for instructions on configuring a license token, if your N|Solid processes are not connected to the N|Solid Console server.

Supported backends

StatsD is a standardized protocol that is supported by many data collection databases and services. Supported backends include AWS CloudWatch, DataDog, ElasticSearch, Graphite, InfluxDB, MongoDB, OpenTSDB, StackDriver, Zabbix and many more. See the StatsD documentation for a more complete list.

Connection options

Supply the NSOLID_STATSD environment variable when starting an N|Solid process to have the Agent attempt to connect to an endpoint. The format of this value is "host:port". If unspecified, the default host is localhost and port is 8125. The host can be specified as a hostname string, an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Once connected, a suite of metrics will be sent to the collector using the StatsD protocol. The NSOLID_INTERVAL environment variable can be used to adjust the default reporting interval of 3 seconds. Be aware that this will also change the reporting interval for the N|Solid Console connection if connected via the NSOLID_COMMAND environment variable.

StatsD buckets

StatsD metrics are reported using "buckets". A bucket is the full name, or key, of the entry being reported. Buckets need to be descriptive enough to clearly identify the process, host and metric type being reported. It is important that you have enough granularity to be able to inspect the data at the level you require, while also retaining the ability to group metrics for aggregate reporting in your frontend using bucket wildcard mechanisms. This will depend somewhat on your reporting frontend and may require some experimentation.

By default, N|Solid creates bucket names prefixed with "nsolid.<env>.<app>.<hostname>.<shortId>.", followed by the name of the metric. In this string:

  • env is the value of the NSOLID_ENV environment variable if it exists, or the "env" property of the "nsolid" section in package.json if it exists. Defaults to "prod" if not otherwise supplied.
  • app is the value of the NSOLID_APP environment variable if it exists, or the "app" property of the "nsolid" section in package.json if it exists, or the "name" property in package.json if it exists, or process.title if it has been set. Defaults to "untitled application" if not otherwise supplied.
  • hostname is the value of the NSOLID_HOSTNAME environment variable if it exists, or the "hostname" property of the "nsolid" section in package.json if it exists. Otherwise, the value of os.hostname() is used.
  • shortId is the first 7 characters of the random alphanumeric ID created by the N|Solid Agent at startup. This can be used to uniquely identify your processes. The full 40 character string is also available as id if required.

To override the default StatsD metric bucket strings, provide a string via the NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET environment variable to be used as the full prefix. ${key} style variables can be used to insert any of the above values. The default bucket prefix would be specified as follows: "nsolid.${env}.${app}.${hostname}.${shortId}".

Your StatsD data, by default, will be formatted like so when sent to the collector:|g|g|g|g

StatsD tags

Some backends, such as DataDog support "tags" for metric reporting. By default, N|Solid does not append any tags to its metrics. If required, you can supply your own tags to be appended to all reported metrics from an individual process.

Using the NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS environment variable, or the statsdTags property of the nsolid section in package.json, supply a string with the same variable substitution format as for the buckets above. In addition to env, app, hostname, shortId and id variables, you can also make use of tags to insert the N|Solid tags that have been supplied for the process.

StatsD tags should be a comma-separated list of strings that your backend can decode. Refer to your backend documentation for how these values are made use of for reporting and whether their use will be suitable for your deployment.


N|Solid Console

The 3.x N|Solid Console is the component that provides data persistence for your measurements and artifacts, such as heap snapshots and CPU profiles. It communicates directly with N|Solid Agent processes, and provides the web interface and the API interface for nsolid-cli.

Command Line Arguments

These are the supported command line arguments if N|Solid Console is started explicitly.

Parameter Description
--config=config.toml The configuration file for Console. The default config will be used if none is specified
--relay Run Console in Relay mode. This allows you to place an instance in a segment of your network that can aid connectivity and uptime

Configuration File

N|Solid Console can be configured via a configuration file if the --config argument is specified. This file is formatted as TOML (similar to ini file format). A sample file is available in the file config-sample.toml in the root directory of the nsolid-console server. The contents of the file are also listed below.

To run with a customized configuration, copy the file and edit it so that it contains your customized values. You can omit keys from any section which you don't want to override, and omit entire sections if no keys in that section are overridden.

Alternatively, or in addition, you can set environment variables for every configuration key and value. The names of the environment variables are listed with the configuration keys and values below.

For more information on the TOML language used here, please see:

# config-sample.toml

# This is a sample configuration file for nsolid-console.  It shows the
# configuration keys and default values for those keys.
# To run with a customized configuration, copy this file and edit it so that it
# contains your customized values.  You can omit keys from any section which
# you don't want to override, and omit entire sections if no keys in that
# section are overridden.
# Then invoke nsolid-console with the -c or --config command line parameter
# and the name of the customized file.
# For example:
#    nsolid-console --config <your-config-file.toml>
# Alternatively, or in addition, you can set environment variables for
# every configuration key and value.  The names of the environment variables
# are listed with the configuration keys and values below.
# For more information on N|Solid, please see:
# For more information on the TOML language used here, please see:

# Properties that are file or directory names can be absolute or relative file
# names. When relative, the names are considered relative to the configuration
# file they were specified in.  When using relative file names as environment
# variables, they will be considered relative to the current working directory.

# set the logging level - "info" or "debug" - debug is more verbose

# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL

logLevel = "info"

# settings for licensing
# key = "the-license-key"


# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_LICENSE_KEY

key = ""

# settings for authentication
# requireLogin - If the console should require users to authenticate. This
#                is only enforced with accounts-generated license keys
# adminToken   - A random token that can be used by nsolid-cli for auth

# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_ADMIN_TOKEN


requireLogin = true
adminToken = ""

# settings for the API HTTP server
# proto  - "http" or "https"
# server - "<ip addr | hostname>:<port>"
# If the environment variable PORT is set, that value, prefixed with ':', will
# be set to the server property. Eg, using PORT=42 will set web.server to ':42'.
# httpProxy and httpsProxy are used to set an explicit HTTP/S proxy for HTTP/S
# requests that console makes to the public internet.  You can also set the
# environment variables HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy, and HTTPS_PROXY or https_proxy
# as the value to use.


# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_PROTO
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_SERVER
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_HTTP_PROXY
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_HTTPS_PROXY

proto      = "http"
server     = "" # allows access on all network interfaces
httpProxy  = ""
httpsProxy = ""

# settings for running the API HTTP server in https mode
# key and cert are file names, as from Node.js https.createServer() options
# when set to blank, the files inside the nsolid-console/etc folder will be used:
#   key:  nsolid-self-signed.key
#   cert: nsolid-self-signed.crt
# See note above concerning relative paths.
# note: generate new default credentials with ./
# note: default credentials files shipped with nsolid-console expire in 08/2026


# If set, secureOptions is a bitmask-formatted string of any crypto constants
# documented at, eg:
# ciphers should be an OpenSSL cipher list formatted string, see

# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_HTTPS_KEY
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_WEB_HTTPS_CERT

key           = ""
cert          = ""
secureOptions = ""
ciphers       = ""

# zmq sockets for access by N|Solid processes
# commandBindAddr, dataBindAddr, bulkBindAddr are the zmq port addresses
# that will be bound by the server.
# publicKey, privateKey are the keys used to encrypt the messages sent over
# zmq.  For more information see:
# HWM, bulkHWM are used to set the high water mark for zmq's internal buffering.
# The value indicates the number of messages to buffer, and 0 indicates no limit.
# The N|Solid agent will use environment variables that correspond to these
# settings.  For the sockets, the following N|Solid agent environment variable
# should use an address that it can use to connect to the socket the server has
# bound.
#    N|Solid agent env vars    server configuration values
#    ----------------------    ---------------------------
#    NSOLID_COMMAND            sockets.commandBindAddr
#    NSOLID_DATA               sockets.dataBindAddr
#    NSOLID_BULK               sockets.bulkBindAddr
#    NSOLID_PUBKEY             sockets.publicKey
#    NSOLID_SAAS               sockets.saas
# If running the console server in server mode AND relay mode on the same host,
# the configuration values for the sockets.xxxBindAddr above must be different
# for the server mode and relay configurations.


# For commandBindAddr, dataBindAddr, and bulkBindAddr, the format should be:
#    tcp://[ipAddress]:[port]
# [ipAddress] should be an ip address - host names cannot be used; use
# "*" to addresses on any available network interface.

# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_HWM
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_BULK_HWM
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_SAAS

commandBindAddr = "tcp://*:9001"
dataBindAddr    = "tcp://*:9002"
bulkBindAddr    = "tcp://*:9003"
publicKey       = "^kvy<i^qI<r{=ZDrfK4K<#NtqY+zaH:ksm/YGE6I"
privateKey      = "2).NRO5d[JbEFli7F@hdvE1(Fv?B6iIAn>NcLLDx"
HWM             = 0
bulkHWM         = 0
saas            = ""

# The following socket address values are only relevant when running in --relay
# mode. They are analogs of their similiarly named 'xxxBindAddr' values, but
# used as the zmq sockets of the console server to connect to.  These should
# be formatted as "tcp://host:port"
# If you want to use a different keypair on the remote endpoint, you may
# specify a remotePublicKey matching that endpoint.  This can be used to
# perform a rolling update to keys without losing data from agents with the old
# encryption key (by using multiple relays)


commandRemoteAddr = ""
dataRemoteAddr    = ""
bulkRemoteAddr    = ""
remotePublicKey   = ""

# Relay mode settings
# These settings are specific to running in relay mode.
# maxBufferSizeMb is the max buffering "hwm" values shared between the
# "pull/push" sockets in megabytes.
# flushInterval is the delay in milliseconds between message sends when the
# buffer is being flushed after a reconnect.
# cleanupSizeMb is the amount of megabytes of buffers to be dropped when limits
# are reached.
# logSizeInterval is the interval in seconds that will trigger a buffering
# status to be logged. Only happens when upstream (remote) sockets are
# disconnected.



maxBufferSizeMb = -1
flushInterval   = 1
cleanupSizeMb   = 100
logSizeInterval = 10

# data settings
# dir           - the directory where data will be persisted
# retentionDays - the number of days of metric data that will be retained
# oldDataThresholdMs - how old a record should be to be considered backfill
# backfillTimeoutMs  - after not seeing old data for this long, switch to
#                      standard mode and backfill downsampled records
# dbname        - Influxdb database name
# See note above concerning relative paths.


# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_DATA_DIR
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_DATA_DBNAME

dir                = "~/.nsolid-console/data"
retentionDays      = 31
oldDataThresholdMs = 10000
backfillTimeoutMs  = 30000
dbname             = 'database'

# influxdb settings
# url            - base url to connect to externally managed influxdb
# user           - user for the influxdb API, could de local or external influxdb
# password       - password credentials for the Influxdb API
# org            - The influxdb organization to write on
# token          - The influxdb API token
# defaultBucket  - The default bucket (where time series are stored)
# uiDisabled     - Disable/eneble the InfluxDB user interface (disabled by default)
# retentionPeriodSeconds - retention in seconds for the default bucket
# maxConcurrency - Amount of concurrent workers writting metrics

# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_INFLUXDB_URL
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_INFLUXDB_USER
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_INFLUXDB_ORG
# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_INFLUXDB_TOKEN


url = ""
user = "nsolid"
password = "L+T;95cTBC}~jPnj"
org = "nsolid"
token = "nsolid-token"
defaultBucket = "agentData"
uiDisabled = true
retentionPeriodSeconds = 3600
maxConcurrency = 2

name = "agentData"
retentionHours = 1
shardRetentionHours = 1
startupRetentionHours = 24
startupShardRetentionHours = 24
default = true

name = "appAverageData"
retentionHours = 1
shardRetentionHours = 1
startupRetentionHours = 24

name = "one_minute_daily"
retentionHours = 24
shardRetentionHours = 1
startupRetentionHours = 24

name = "one_hour_monthly"
retentionDays = 31
shardRetentionDays = 7
useSettingsDuration = true

name = "rp_events"
retentionDays = 365
shardRetentionDays = 7

# notification settings
# consoleURL - the base URL of the console, for use in providing links
# back to the console in notifications.
# stackFrames - the number of frames to be shown in Slack event loop blocked
# notifications


consoleURL = "http://localhost:6753"
stackFrames = 10

# view settings
# interval - how often to process saved views

interval = 5000

# anomaly detection settings
# memAnomalyTimeout - timeout for anomaly



timeout = 60000

# log settings
# influx - the name of the file where the influxd log will be written
# See note above concerning relative paths.


# environment variable NSOLID_CONSOLE_LOGS_INFLUX

influx = "~/.nsolid-console/influxdb.log"

# vulnerability settings
# refreshMinutes - how often the vulnerability database will be refreshed



refreshMinutes = 30

# assets settings - storage of heap snapshots, cpu profiles, etc
# cleanupMinutes  - how often the asset files are cleaned up; the oldest asset
#                   files are deleted to ensure constraints below are met.
# maxAssets       - maximum number of assets to retain
# maxAssetsMb     - maximum size of all assets to retain
# summaryTimeout  - Set the minutes you want the worker pool task run for
# summaryLimit    - Set to false, to let the task in the pool run indefinitely
#                   until they complete



cleanupMinutes  = 5
maxAssets       = 500
maxAssetsMb     = 100
summaryTimeout  = 0
summaryLimit    = true

Relay Mode

N|Solid Console supports running in a relay mode in order to support proxying through firewalls, buffering agent data during downtime, and scaling with complex network topologies.

The relay sits between your Runtime instances and N|Solid Console. In this mode, nsolid-console looks like an N|Solid Console instance to agents but does not have any N|Solid Console functionality enabled.

Relay Configuration

To use relay mode, set the --relay flag and the three [sockets] variables described below. These can be provided via the configuration file or as environment variables. If omitted, the defaults will be used.

Changing the NSOLID_COMMAND, NSOLID_DATA, and NSOLID_BULK variables is recommended, as those will be the ones that the relay itself listens on while it uses the NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS-* variables in order to connect to N|Solid Console.

In the simplest case, set the NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_* variables to the same values that the related NSOLID_* variables were set to, picking different addresses for the NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_* variables.

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description
NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_COMMAND_REMOTE_ADDR This is the route to the Console command port that the relay will use. It should be formatted as "host:port" and follows the same conventions as NSOLID_COMMAND
NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_DATA_REMOTE_ADDR This is the route to the Console data port that the relay will use. It should be formatted as "host:port" and follows the same conventions as NSOLID_COMMAND. Unlike NSOLID_DATA, this variable has to be specified or included in the config
NSOLID_CONSOLE_SOCKETS_BULK_REMOTE_ADDR This is the route to the Console bulk port that the relay will use. It should be formatted as "host:port" and follows the same conventions as NSOLID_COMMAND. Unlike NSOLID_BULK, this variable has to be specified or included in the config

Configuration File

The following example shows the [sockets] section of a configuration file written to support relay mode. Note that the related Bind addresses have been changed, and an explicit public key has been specified for the remote Console server.

# config-sample.toml

commandBindAddr = "tcp://<console-address>:8001"
dataBindAddr    = "tcp://<console-address>:8002"
bulkBindAddr    = "tcp://<console-address>:8003"

commandRemoteAddr = "tcp://<console-address>:9001"
dataRemoteAddr = "tcp://<console-address>:9002"
bulkRemoteAddr = "tcp://<console-address>:9003"
remotePublicKey = "^kvy<i^qI<r{=ZDrfK4K<#NtqY+zaH:ksm/YGE6I"

Docker Compose File

Relay mode environment variables need to be added to the console section of the Docker configuration file.

For example, in order to match the settings in the above configuration file, add the following:

# docker-compose.yml


See the Docker page for more information on setting up Docker Compose.

External InfluxDB

If you already maintain an instance or cluster of InfluxDB enterprise or want to use Influx Cloud and want N|Solid Console to use your database to store its own metrics, you may do so using the NSOLID_CONSOLE_INFLUXDB_URL, NSOLID_CONSOLE_INFLUXDB_USER and NSOLID_CONSOLE_INFLUXDB_PASSWORD environment variables or set the values at the corresponding configuration file section. This should point to the http(s) listener for your InfluxDB and include the correct protocol and auth credentials if needed.

This will look similar to


If errors occur reading or writing to this instance, a notification banner should appear in your console as well as specific error messages in the N|Solid Console log.

N|Solid Console will create and manage its own database and retention policies in the InfluxDB and should be configured using the standard configuration options.

Note: The supported InfluxDB version is v2.x, the InfluxDB instance must be a fresh instance with no initial user, organization and bucket defined; otherwise, N|Solid Console won't set up its standard options or even work.

Advanced Environment Variables

The variables described below should only be necessary if a proxy is required in front of N|Solid Console.

If this is not needed, ignore this section as the variables will be configured by the N|Solid agent via the COMMAND interface.

Environment Variable Description
NSOLID_DATA This is the route to the Console data port. It should be formatted as "host:port", and follows the same conventions as NSOLID_COMMAND. If this argument is not specified, N|Solid will attempt to discover this port from Console via the COMMAND interface
NSOLID_BULK This is the route to the Console bulk port. It should be formatted as "host:port", and follows the same conventions as NSOLID_COMMAND. If this argument is not specified, N|Solid will attempt to discover this port from Console via the COMMAND interface
NSOLID_PUBKEY This is Console's public key. If a custom key is not configured, the default keypair that ships with N|Solid will be used

Moving the N|Solid Console server

The data maintained in the N|Solid Console server is stored in a directory determined by the dir property of the [data] section of the configuration file. The default value is ~/.nsolid-console/data. If the contents of the directory are copied to a new machine, the N|Solid Console server can be run with its configuration pointing to the copied directory.


For people who need to use N|Solid in a Dockerized environment, NodeSource has developed the N|Solid Docker images.

These images are built with the enterprise customer in mind, developing a versatile set of independently scalable Docker images that work together to provide a unified N|Solid experience across all of your Dockerized infrastructure.

In addition to being friendly to enterprise operations teams, the N|Solid Docker Images have been designed to be accessible to developers. For those who are already using Docker, these images provide an easy way to get up and running with the N|Solid console. With the use of docker-compose, you can now get the full N|Solid Suite on your local machine with a single command.

Overview of N|Solid Docker Images

"N|Solid Architecture"

We provide 3 separate Docker Images for N|Solid, allowing each component of the platform to be scaled and deployed independently.

Docker Image Description
nodesource/nsolid The base image that your Docker images should build from. It provides the N|Solid runtime and agent and needs to be properly configured to register its agent with the N|Solid Console service. Releases
nodesource/nsolid-console Contains the N|Solid console, a web-based interface for monitoring Node.js applications. You will need to bind the internal port 6753 to your host. Releases
nodesource/nsolid-cli Provides an easy way to query statistics from your Node.js processes. It is meant to be run directly from the command line and is optional. Releases

All of the images are built on the official ubuntu:bionic image maintained by the Docker project. The latest tag defaults to the latest Node.js v16.x Gallium LTS release. For more details please refer to the docker-nsolid github repository.

Installing the N|Solid Docker Images

Setting up Docker

First, follow the steps for installing Docker for your operating system.

Although not required, it is recommended that you use docker-compose when first getting started. It simplifies managing these Docker images when running them locally.

Docker Compose

The docker-compose file below provides an example of the N|Solid platform configuration. It is also useful as a starting point for your docker setup.

The following docker-compose file doesn't include any N|Solid applications yet. We will explain how to add your application below. Use a valid path in the volumes configuration, or remove it if persistence is not important to you.

# nsolid.yml

version: "2"
    image: nodesource/nsolid-console
    container_name: nsolid.console
      - 9001:9001
      - 9002:9002
      - 9003:9003
      - 6753:6753
      - NSOLID_CONSOLE_LICENSE_KEY=xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
      - /path/to/persistent/console:/var/lib/nsolid/console
      - nsolid

Note: The NSOLID_CONSOLE_LICENSE_KEY should be a valid license key not a JWT license token, you can see more information about license tokens here.

Downloading the Docker Images

To download the images using docker-compose, open a terminal in the directory where nsolid.yml is kept, and run:

$ docker-compose -f nsolid.yml pull

This will download all of the images needed to run the N|Solid console locally.

To download the images using docker, execute the following commands:

$ docker pull nodesource/nsolid-console

# Optional CLI
$ docker pull nodesource/nsolid-cli

Using the N|Solid Docker Images

Starting the N|Solid Console

With Docker Compose

To bring up the N|Solid Console, run the following command:

$ docker-compose -f nsolid.yml up

By default, this will bring up the N|Solid Console available on

With Docker

Though using docker-compose is our recommended approach for local development, the N|Solid console can be started with docker:

# start console
$ docker run -d -p 9001-9003:9001-9003 -p 6743:6753 \
  -v /path/to/persistent/console:/var/lib/nsolid/console --name console  \
  --network docker_nsolid \

This will bring up the N|Solid console available on localhost:6753.

Make sure you have a Docker network to link your containers, you can create one with:

$ docker network create docker_nsolid

Visit the docker docs) for more information on Docker container networking.

Creating an Example Docker Application

Create a file called server.js:

// server.js

var http = require('http');
var hostname = require('os').hostname();
var port = process.env.PORT || 8888;

var server = http.createServer(function handleRequest (request, response) {
  response.end('[' + hostname + '] Serving requests from myapp. Request URL:' + request.url);

server.listen(port, function () {
  console.log('Server listening on port', port);

Create a file called Dockerfile:

# Dockerfile

FROM nodesource/nsolid

COPY server.js /server.js


CMD ["nsolid", "/server.js"]

Build docker image:

$ docker build -t example .

Starting Example Application with Docker Compose

Create the file docker-compose.yml in the directory along-side nsolid.yml:

# docker-compose.yaml

version: "2"
    image: example
    container_name: nsolid.example
      - 8888:8888 # Port your application exposes
      - NSOLID_APPNAME=example
      - NSOLID_COMMAND=console:9001
      - NSOLID_DATA=console:9002
      - NSOLID_BULK=console:9003
      - nsolid

For the complete documentation on defining a service with docker-compose.yml, refer to the Docker project’s documentation page:

At this point, you are ready to bring up your application using docker-compose:

$ docker-compose -f nsolid.yml -f docker-compose.yml up

Starting Example Application with Docker

Start your service:

# start and connect your application to N|Solid
$ docker run -d --name example -e 'NSOLID_APPNAME=example' -e 'NSOLID_COMMAND=console:9001' -e 'NSOLID_DATA=console:9002' -e 'NSOLID_BULK=console:9003' --network docker_nsolid example

Adding Your Own Application with Docker Compose

If you are new to Docker, follow the steps in our blog post to get your application into a Docker container.

Your Dockerfile should begin with the following line:


FROM nodesource/nsolid

Congratulations, you are now up and running with N|Solid and Docker!

N|Solid in the Cloud

AWS Quick Start Guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services. We offer a dedicated repository to help you deploy N|Solid on AWS quickly and easily. We have several CloudFormation templates already written, as well as a list of AMI IDs for every region.

License Key

If you don't already have a license key, please visit the NodeSource Accounts website to start your trial service.

Getting Started

Easily run N|Solid on AWS using our CloudFormation templates in the dedicated GitHub repository. You can find a list of templates and their descriptions in the Once you find a template that you want to use, follow these steps to use the CloudFormation templates in nsolid-aws:

  1. Find the template you want to run in the /templates folder, then click the Deploy to AWS button.

  2. This will open up CloudFormation in your own account. Click the Next button.

  3. Fill in the required parameters and change the Stack Name if desired. Then click the Next button.

  4. Adjust any CloudFormation options if desired. Click Next.

  5. If the template requires IAM capabilities, you will need to check the "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names." box. Once you are ready, click the Create button.

Launch Stack CloudFormation

AMI List

You can also use our N|Solid AMIs for your own projects. See for a full list of AMI IDs in every region.

Running Node Applications in N|Solid

ssh into the machine as the ubuntu user and set these four N|Solid environment variables:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-aws-key.pem ubuntu@<ip-address>

$ NSOLID_COMMAND=localhost:9001 \
$ NSOLID_DATA=localhost:9002 \
$ NSOLID_BULK=localhost:9003 \
$ NSOLID_APPNAME="My_Application" node app.js

You can customize the name of your application in the N|Solid Console by changing the NSOLID_APPNAME environmental variable. If you do not specify an app name, N|Solid will look for a name property in your package.json, and if that is not found, your application name will default to "untitled application".

You are now ready to use N|Solid for your own applications!

Configuring N|Solid Console

Process Management

  • Nginx: /etc/init.d/nginx
  • N|Solid Console: /etc/init.d/nsolid-console


The configuration for the external proxy is located at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nsolid-nginx.conf.

N|Solid Console

The default configuration file is located at /etc/nsolid/console-config.toml with all artifacts stored at /var/lib/nsolid/console.

Microsoft Azure Quickstart Guide

Azure is a comprehensive set of cloud services that developers and IT professionals use to build, deploy, and manage applications through a global network of datacenters. We offer a dedicated repository to help you deploy N|Solid on Azure quickly and easily. We have several Resource Manager templates already written.

License Key

If you don't already have a license key, please visit the NodeSource Accounts website to start your trial service.

Getting Started

Easily run N|Solid on Azure using our Resource Manager templates. You can find a list of templates and their descriptions in the README. Once you find a template you want to use, follow these steps to use the Resource Manager templates in nsolid-azure:

  1. Make a copy of our N|Solid VHDs into your own account for use in the templates.
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-runtime-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri <runtime-vhd-uri> --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-console-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri <console-vhd-uri> --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
  1. Find the template you want to run in the /templates folder, then click the Deploy to Azure button. This will open up a Custom Deployment in Azure Resource Manager in your own account.

  2. Fill in the required parameters with your VHD URI's created in step 1.

  3. Select either an existing Resource Group or create a new one.

  4. Set the location to "West US".

  5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.

  6. Click the Purchase button.

Launch ARM Template

Image List

You can also use our N|Solid Images for your own projects. See for a full list of Image IDs.

Connecting the N|Solid Runtime to the N|Solid Console on Azure

To connect an N|Solid Runtime to your N|Solid Console, SSH into your N|Solid Runtime instance, and run the following commands:

$ ssh ns@<ip-address>  
# password is nodesource

$ NSOLID_COMMAND={nsolid_console_ip_address}:9001 \
$ NSOLID_DATA={nsolid_console_ip_address}:9002 \
$ NSOLID_BULK={nsolid_console_ip_address}:9003 \
$ NSOLID_APPNAME="My Application Name" node app.js

In the above code block, you will need to replace {nsolid_console_ip_address} with the IP address of your N|Solid Console. You will also want to replace "My Application Name" with the name of your application, as you want it to be displayed in the N|Solid Console.

You can customize the name of your application in the N|Solid Console by changing the NSOLID_APPNAME environmental variable. If you do not specify an app name, N|Solid will look for a name property in your package.json, and if that is not found, your application name will default to "untitled application".

You can connect multiple N|Solid Runtimes to your N|Solid Console, enabling you to monitor all your Node.js deployments from a single dashboard.

You are now ready to use N|Solid for your own applications!

Configuring N|Solid Console

Process Management

  • Nginx: /etc/init.d/nginx
  • N|Solid Console: /etc/init.d/nsolid-console


The configuration for the external proxy is located at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nsolid-nginx.conf.

N|Solid Console

The default configuration file is located at /etc/nsolid/console-config.toml and will configure all artifacts stored at /var/lib/nsolid/console.

GCP Quick Start Guide

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) lets you build and host applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's scalable infrastructure. We offer a dedicated repository to help you deploy N|Solid on GCP quickly and easily, with several Deployment Manager templates already written.

License Key

If you don't already have a license key, please visit the NodeSource Accounts website to start your trial service.

Getting Started

Easily run N|Solid on GCP using our Deployment Manager templates. You can find a list of templates and their descriptions in the Once you find a template that you want to use, follow these steps to use the Deployment Manager templates in nsolid-gcp:

  1. Clone the repository to your computer:
$ git clone
  1. Find the template you want to run in the /templates folder.

  2. Execute the gcloud Deployment Manager command to create the N|Solid Deployment:

$ gcloud deployment-manager deployments create nsolid --config templates/nsolid-quick-start/nsolid.yaml

Image List

You can also use our N|Solid Images for your own projects. See for a full list of Image IDs.

Running Node Applications with N|Solid

ssh into the machine as ubuntu user and set these four N|Solid env variables:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-gcp-key.pem ubuntu@<ip-address>

$ NSOLID_APPNAME="My_Application" node app.js

You can customize the name of your application in the N|Solid Console by changing the NSOLID_APPNAME environmental variable. If you do not specify an app name, N|Solid will look for a name property in your package.json, and if that is not found, your application name will default to "untitled application".

You are now ready to use N|Solid for your own applications!

Configuring N|Solid Console

Process Management

  • Nginx: /etc/init.d/nginx
  • N|Solid Console: /etc/init.d/nsolid-console


The configuration for the external proxy is located at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nsolid-nginx.conf.

N|Solid Console

The default configuration file is located at /etc/nsolid/console-config.toml, with all artifacts stored at /var/lib/nsolid/console.

N|Solid for Cloud Run in GKE

Cloud Run on GKE is a GCP service that provides a simpler developer experience for deploying stateless services to your GKE cluster. To complement convenience with control, the N|Solid base-image for Cloud Run on GKE provides developers with a drop-and-replace Node.js runtime that delivers sophisticated performance insights out of the box and in production with zero code-modification.

What is Google Cloud Run

Cloud Run abstracts away Kubernetes concepts while providing automatic scaling based on HTTP requests; scaling to zero pods; automatic networking; and integration with Stackdriver. Running in your cluster enables access to custom machine types, PC/Compute Engine networks, and the ability to run side-by-side with other workloads deployed into your cluster. Cloud Run on GKE, based on Knative, provides a consistent experience which enables you to run your serverless workloads anywhere: fully managed on Google Cloud, on GKE, or on your own Kubernetes cluster.

Getting Started

Deploying an application with N|Solid is as easy as:

  • Signing up for a free account at
  • Setting up your N|Solid Console to GCP
  • Deploying your application on CloudRun.

Other Prerequisites

Please ensure you have the following prerequisites covered:

  • Make sure Docker is installed
  • Create a Google Cloud account. (You can sign up for a free trial!)
  • Create a Project in Google Cloud Dashboard (see here).
  • Ensure you have the the Google Cloud SDK installed.

Signing up

You can follow these easy steps to get set up with a NodeSource account: here.

Setting up your N|Solid Console

The N|Solid Console can be set up via the Google Cloud Deployment Manager, which allows you to specify all the resources needed for your application in a declarative format using yaml.

NodeSource provides an easy-to-use deployment template.

Follow these steps to use the Deployment Manager templates:

Visit the GCP Deployment manager at

GCP Console

Note down your Project ID

GCP Project ID

Setup gcloud defaults

  gcloud auth login
  gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
  gcloud config set compute/zone <ZONE>

Your PROJECT_ID can be found in your dashboard

A Cluster is deployed to a single zone. You can find more about zones here. Or you can select one from the list generated from gcloud compute zones list

In a terminal, execute the following template

  gcloud deployment-manager deployments create nsolid --config

Navigating back to the Deployment Manager, you should now be able to see the setup being in progress.

GCP Deployment Manager

Once deployed you can select nsolid in the Deployment Manager console and see the resources nsolid to run successfull

GCP Deployment Manager Resources

Select the nsolid console click on Manage Resources in the top right corner

GCP Deployment Manager Resources

In the resource view locate the external IP and copy it into a browser window

GCP Resources View

You should be able to access the nsolid console now

GCP N|Solid Console login

Congratulations, you have successfully deployed the nsolid console to GCP.

Sign in to the nsolid console using your NodeSource account credentials:

This will allow you to select whether you wish to log in with your personal org organization account.

GCP N|Solid Console Orgs

Can`t see your organization on the screen? Visit to create an organization or contact your console administrator to receive an invitation.

Finally, you will be shown the nsolid console landing view.

GCP N|Solid Console No Processes

The next step is to deploy your Node.js application to CloudRun and connect the runtime to the console so that you can view your application`s process performance and metrics.

Deploying your application on Cloud Run

Deploying your application with N|Solid and hooking it up to your console can be accomplished in a few easy steps.

Add the following docker file to your application (name it Dockerfile - no extensions)

FROM nodesource/nsolid:dubnium-latest

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package.json /usr/src/app/package.json
RUN npm install --production
COPY . /usr/src/app/

ENTRYPOINT ["nsolid", "app.js"]

GCP Dockerfile

Now build your docker image

$ docker build -t[project-ID]/walkthrough:latest .

[project-ID] is the ID you captured in 'step Note down your project ID'.

Push your Docker image to the Google Container Registry

$ docker push[project-ID]/walkthrough:latest

[project-ID] is the ID you captured in 'step Note down your project ID'.

Note: Should you receive a warning that you don't have the needed permissions to perform this operation you can review GCP`s advanced authentication methods here.

To check whether you image has been successfully pushed go to to see your image listed here:

GCP Docker Container Registry

Set up your Kubernetes Cluster on GKE

Visit and create a new cluster:

GCP New Cluster

Complete the form and select the More node pool options button

GCP New Cluster Options

Select the Allow full access to all Could APIs option:

GCP New Cluster Additional Options

Select Save and Create to create your cluster.

Set up you cloud service with Cloud Run

Visit and select CREATE SERVICE

GCP Create Cloud Run

Under container image URL select the image you pushed in step Push your Docker image to the Google Container Registry.

Next select your GKE Cluster you created in step 'Set up you Kubernetes Cluster on GKE'.

GCP Get Started Cloud Run

In the show optional settings section, add the following environmental variables:

GCP Cloud Run Env Variables

The NSOLID_COMMAND environmental variable comprises of two components.

[External IP]:[Port]

[External IP]: This is the external IP of your console deployment see here

[Port]: This is the port number displayed on the N|Solid console once you successfully authenticated.

GCP N|Solid Console Port

Create the service.

Patch your Kubernetes cluster to enable egress for a Cloud Run service

As a last step you will be required to patch your kubernetes cluster.

In a terminal type:

$ gcloud container clusters describe [CLUSTER_NAME] | grep -e clusterIpv4Cidr -e servicesIpv4Cidr

Where [CLUSTER_NAME] is replaced with our cloud run cluster that was set up Set up you Kubernetes Cluster on GKE Step.

This will produce the following output:

clusterIpv4Cidr: 10.XX.X.X/XX
servicesIpv4Cidr: 10.XX.XXX.X/XX

Finally run:

$ kubectl patch ksvc [SERVICE_NAME] --type merge -p '{"spec":{"runLatest":{"configuration":{"revisionTemplate":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "[IP_ADDRESS_RANGES]"}}}}}}}'

Where [SERVICE_NAME] is replaced with the name of your Cloud Run name you chose in Set up you cloud service with Cloud Run.

Replace [IP_ADDRESS_RANGES] with the output of the previous command, comma separated.

In this case 10.XX.X.X/XX, 10.XX.XXX.X/XX.

This will only have to be done once per new service.

When navigating back to the console you should now see your application's processes in NSolid's application overview

GCP N|Solid Console Cluster View

Congratulations. You successfully deployed the nsolid console and an application to Cloud Run.

Using N|Solid

CPU Profiling

CPU Profiling allows you to understand where opportunities exist to improve the speed and load capacity of your Node processes.

Analyzing the Function Call Stack

Generated CPU profiles can be used to indicate all of the functions on the function call stack. For instance, if a function foo() calls a function bar() during its execution, and a sample was taken while bar() was running, the function call stack will show that foo() called bar(). Because multiple samples may be taken while bar() is executing, there will be an approximate start and stop time recorded for bar(), which is an indication of how long it took to run. In addition, further samples before and after the ones that captured bar() will capture foo(), and likewise to the bottom of the function call stack.

This data can then be analyzed to show, for the function foo(), how much time was actually spent in foo() and not in bar(). Every function has two time values, a self time and a total time. For the foo() and bar() case, if foo() only calls the bar() function, then the self time for foo() plus the total time for bar() will equal the total time for foo():

function foo() {
        … processing that takes a lot of time but calls no other functions ...
        … processing that takes a lot of time but calls no other functions …

function bar() {

foo() total time = foo() self time + bar() total time

Note: Total time shows you which functions are fastest and slowest, from start to finish, but does not definitively tell you if the time was spent in that function or other functions.

Named Functions

Named functions are easier to spot in CPU profiles. The stack frame entries available in a CPU profile include the name of a function, and source code location information for detail views. For anonymous functions, the name will often be displayed as "(anonymous)". In some cases, the V8 JavaScript engine can calculate an "inferred name" for a function. When possible, name functions so that they can be easily spotted in a CPU profile.

For instance, a function busyFunction(), which you like to easily track the callers for, is being called from an anonymous function:

setInterval(function(){busyFunction()}, 1000)

In a CPU profile, you'll see that busyFunction() is being called by (anonymous).

To make this easier to spot in a CPU profile, you can simply use:

setInterval(function busyFunctionCaller(){busyFunction()}, 1000)

In the CPU profile, you'll now see that busyFunction() is called by busyFunctionCaller().

For additional code cleanliness and clearer profiling, consider moving the entire function out into the same scope as the function usage:

setInterval(busyFunctionCaller, 1000)
function busyFunctionCaller() {

Because JavaScript functions are "hoisted" to the top level of the scope they're defined in, you can reference busyFunctionCaller before it is actually defined.

Analyzing Profiles Using the N|Solid Console

The N|Solid Console allows you to generate and analyze profiles in one action. This is particularly useful if you need to take a series of profiles, as it avoids the overhead of switching between environments. The console also saves a profile history, simplifying navigation between profiles when troubleshooting.

  1. Launch the console and select the process of interest. "All applications"
  2. On the process details page, click the New CPU Profile button. "New profile"
  3. Select your profile window (5 to 60 seconds), the thread you want to profile (0 is the main thread, the rest of them are worker threads) and desired visualization style and run profile. "Run profile"
  4. N|Solid Console will pop up a green notification bar across the top of the screen when the profile is complete. Click it to view your new CPU profile. "Call stack"

For convenience, profiles are saved in your console session so you can easily flip between profiles. If your application ends before the profile is complete, N|Solid will try to save the profile data generated so far. If it is able to do so, your profile will be viewable under the Assets tab of the process detail page.

Visualizations Explained


All of the visualizations available for profile data show the unique set of stack traces captured during the profile, with the "area" of the stack indicating the proportional time spent in a function compared to that of its parent.

The Flame Graph visualization shows the time along the x-axis. The y-axis is used to show the function calls that make up a particular stack trace.

The Sunburst visualization is like the Flame Graph, where the x-axis is curved into a circle. Stack traces grow from the center to the outer parts of the graph.

The Treemap visualization shows time by area. The larger the rectangle, the more time a function took. The stack traces grow from the outer boxes into the inner boxes.

You can use the visualizations to find long-running functions. These can be identified by:

  • wide rectangles in the Flame Graph
  • long radial sections in the Sunburst
  • large areas in the Treemap

The stack trace height - how many functions deep a particular stack trace went - does not necessarily indicate a time issue. Focus on interpreting the time values as discussed above.

As you hover over the visualization itself, the function represented by the visualization will be shown. Clicking will show a stack trace to the right of the visualization.

When analyzing CPU profiles with the N|Solid Console visualizations, pay careful attention to stack trace entries that take up the most area. This is displayed as a factor of width in the Flame Graph, circumference in the Sunburst, and area in the Treemap.

Code Highlighting

Code highlighting shows the origin of each function. This makes it easier to determine the source of performance issues by selectively highlighting only one of the following categories of functions at a time:

  • None: don't highlight anything.
  • User Code: your application code. Selected by default.
  • Core Code: any module compiled into the Node.js/N|Solid core, e.g., fs, http, net.
  • 3rd Party Code: any module installed into node_modules/, including those authored by you and/or the organization you belong to.


The search field allows you to search for nodes with matching function names and paths across the entire profile. It is case-sensitive, and only the first 500 matching results will be displayed.

Analyzing Profiles Using N|Solid and the Chrome Profiler

You can also view the generated CPU profile in Chrome Dev Tools:

  1. Click the Download Profile button on the left side of the screen
  2. Open the Chrome web browser
  3. Open Chrome Dev Tools from the overflow menu (the three dots in the right-hand side of the browser), hover More tools option, and click on Developer tools (or press ctrl + shift + i, cmd + alt +i on macOS)
  4. You will see the Performance tab come up. Click the Load profile button (up arrow logo) that appears in the left-hand pane under this tab.
  5. Find the .cpuprofile file that was downloaded, and click the Open button
  6. A CPU profile chart will appear in the Performance tab
  7. Below it you will be able to see the Chart, Heavy (Bottom Up), and Tree (Top Down) views by selecting the respective entry in the dropdown menu located immediately above the CPU profile chart.

In addition to function execution times, the CPU profile chart also shows what functions were on the stack at the time the process was sampled.

Profiling Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

N|Solid's Command Line Interface (CLI) is a great way to quickly pull profiles from remote processes for local examination. You can learn more about the profile command in the N|Solid Command Line Interface (CLI) reference.

Profiling Using the N|Solid Node API

The N|Solid Node API provides an efficient way to trigger a CPU Profile programmatically from within your application and have the resulting profile saved to your N|Solid console. The profile duration can be up to 600000 milliseconds, which is the default if none is specified.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.profile(durationMilliseconds, err => {
  if (err) {
    // The profile could not be started!

To complete your profile before the duration expires, call profileEnd:

nsolid.profileEnd(err => {
  if (err) {
    // Error stopping profile (was one running?)

Sourcemap Support

Utilizing typescript and/or transpilers with N|Solid makes interpreting CPU profiles difficult unless the user is deeply familiar with the code. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

When compiling code, a Source Map is currently being generated. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

In an effort to address concrete customer pain-points, NodeSource has introduced SourceMap Support to the N|Solid CPU profiler. This feature continues to evolve with the specific requirements of our customers. NodeSource therefore envisages a phased rollout.

Currently the feature can be accessed as follows:

  1. The NSolid Console backend assumes that the sourcemap is right next to the file, i.e., which it subsequently reads and sends that to the client.
  2. When opening the Flamegraph view, ensure the Sourcemap-Box is checked.
  3. This makes the client traverse the CPU profile and request a sourcemap for all function locations from the Console backend
  4. The Client then uses the updated CPU profile to generate a flamegraph.
  5. If the Sourcemap box is unchecked, the original CPU profile is used again.
  6. Stored asset of the Profile includes a ourcemap setting and applies it when the asset is loaded again.


Flamegraph Export

Users can now export NSolid Falamegraphs at the click of a button when viewing a CPU profile. In addition to downloading the CPU profile to visualize it in external tools such as Chrome Dev Tools, users can export the Flamegraph visualization to an SVG format in a few easy steps.

Step 1: Once a CPU profile has been taken, view it in the NSolid Console’s the flame graph visualization.

Step2: In the view, direct your attention to your browser’s search bar. Above on the right hand side is a ‘download’ button.

"Flamegraph Export"

Filtering and Tagging


You can use the NSOLID_TAGS environment variable to add tags that will be applied to a process. This can aid in identification and filtering, particularly when creating Saved Views in N|Solid Console. Tags can also be retrieved using the info command in the N|Solid CLI.

Setting Tags

$ NSOLID_APPNAME="leaderboard" NSOLID_TAGS="DC, us-east-1" nsolid app

Retrieving Tags

$ nsolid-cli info --q app=leaderboard

Example JSON Response

  "id": "57234c38b3f08dd8a3e9a567c82887a552c27b01",
  "app": "leaderboard",
  "tags": [ "DC", "us-east-1" ],
  "pid": 2440,

Tag Constraints

  • Tags can contain any whitespace characters
  • Tags are trimmed, so only whitespace in the middle of a tag is kept intact
  • Tags cannot contain commas and commas cannot be escaped
  • Tags are transmitted exactly the way they are entered and therefore are case sensitive, i.e. world is different than wOrld
  • The byte length of a tag must be between 2 and 140
  • There is no minimum number of tags per process
  • There is a maximum of 20 tags per process allowed
  • Tags cannot be changed at runtime


As many applications are comprised of tens to thousands of processes, it is often necessary to be able to filter a subset based on some criteria. The N|Solid Console offers a filtering mechanism with auto-complete to help you navigate your complex applications.

"Filter Search"


Typing just the filter name will list all of the items for that filter. Subsequent characters are then used to find partial matches within that filter.

"Supported Filters"

Here are the currently supported filters in the N|Solid Console:

Filter Name Description
host Hostname(s) for the selected application's processes
name Application name as specified by NSOLID_APPNAME
pid Process IDs (pids)
tag Custom process tags (if any) as specified by NSOLID_TAGS
title Process title(s)

You may enter multiple filters and search terms in the filter box. Multiple terms will be logically AND'ed together when they are applied to the set of processes being filtered.

Heap Snapshots

When faced with a memory leak or performance issue, taking heap snapshots is a great way to help identify the underlying problem. N|Solid provides several ways to capture snapshots: the N|Solid Console, the N|Solid CLI, and the N|Solid Node API.

Taking Heap Snapshots with the N|Solid Console

Using the N|Solid Console, take a series of snapshots and quickly switch between them to better identify problematic areas:

  1. Launch the console and locate the Processes list on the right. "All applications"
  2. Click the process ID of the process of interest, and click New Heap Snapshot from the Process Detail view. "New snapshot"
  3. Select the thread ID of the process of interest, and click Get Heap Snapshot button. "New snapshot"
  4. Once the snapshot completes, a green alert will pop up on the page. Click View Snapshot to see the results, and navigate through the various objects indexed during the snapshot process. To navigate a large number of indexed objects, you can use the Search Constructors search box to narrow the results.
  5. Snapshots taken in the N|Solid Console can be downloaded to your local drive for exploration via a 3rd party tool (i.e. Chrome Developer Tools). If you wish to download the snapshot for analysis through other tools, simply click Download on the right.
  6. If you want a particular snapshot to be saved and prevented from being deleted automatically, click Save to mark it for retention.

Note: You can trigger heap snapshots automatically by creating a customized saved view on a memory-related metric (such as Heap Used > 128MB) that triggers a heap snapshot action when when processes exceed the metric threshold. This is particularly useful for generating heap snapshots on applications that have rare or intermittent memory leaks.

Analyzing Heap Snapshots

Heap Snapshots capture a record of all live JavaScript objects in your Node application available at the time the snapshot is captured. The objects are grouped by their constructor name, with aggregated counts of the total number of objects, their shallow size, and their retained size as columns in the Constructors view.

Shallow Size indicates the amount of space the object uses for its own properties. For instance, an object with no properties will have a very small shallow size, where an object with a number of properties will have a larger shallow size.

Retained Size indicates the amount of space the object is referencing, and keeping from being garbage collected.

From the Constructors view of the snapshot, you can sort by constructor name, number of objects, shallow size, and retained size. The list can also be filtered by constructor name.

You can use the number of objects value to look for the objects that are leaking, and you can use the retained size value to look for objects referencing those leaking objects.

In cases where you are leaking objects - and thus consuming more memory than you should be - sorting by number of objects and by retained size can provide a good indication of where to look for the cause of the leak. A large number of objects of a particular type may be an indication that these objects are still being referenced by other objects, when they could be garbage collected. A large retained size may be an indication that these objects are referencing more objects than they should be, keeping them from being garbage collected.

Comparing Snapshots

The heap snapshot comparison feature makes debugging memory leaks a snap. To begin, you'll need two heap snapshots: a baseline snapshot, taken before the leak is evident, as well as a comparison snapshot, taken when the process or application has exhibited the leaking behavior.

  1. Navigate to the heap snapshots list, by way of the Assets tab.
  2. Hover over a heap snaphot to use as the baseline for the comparison, then click on the snapshot comparison button: "Comparison Snapshot"
  3. Filter through the list of comparison snapshots, selecting one taken from the same application after the leak has ballooned the total heap size: "Comparison Snapshot"
  4. Both snapshots will be presented side-by-side: "Snapshot Diff"

In the area above the tabular data section, summary information for each snapshot is presented. Hovering over a particular row will display calculated differences between the two snapshots in the middle header area (the count, shallow size and retained size deltas.) To view the total snapshot-wide count and shallow size deltas, simply move the mouse pointer so that no rows are hovered.

Detailed differences between the two snapshots are shown in the section below the headers. Cells on the left-hand snapshot will be colored, reflecting the percentage difference within the row.

The redder the cell, the greater the value has increased over the corresponding value in the other snapshot. Greener cells indicate the reverse. When the percentage difference is below 5% of the other snapshot's value, no arrow will be displayed. (NB: this percentage difference is different from the percentage displayed inside the cell.) A double arrow is displayed when the percentage difference is above 20% of the other snapshot's value.

  1. Sort on Shallow Size, in descending order, to find the constructor responsible for the largest heap allocation. The constructor of interest is likely to be near the top of this list.

Taking Heap Snapshots from the Command Line Interface (CLI)

N|Solid's Command Line Interface (CLI) is a great way to quickly take heap snapshots from remote processes for local examination. You can learn more about the snapshot command in the N|Solid Command Line Interface (CLI) reference.

Heap Snapshots Using the N|Solid Node API

Use the N|Solid Node API to programmatically create a heap snapshot from within your application. The resulting snapshot(s) can be saved to your N|Solid Console. Heap Snapshots can be taken asynchronously and synchronously.

The following code snippet takes a heap snapshot asynchronously:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.snapshot(err => {
  if (err) {
    // The snapshot could not be created!

The following code snippet takes a heap snapshot synchronously:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
try {
} catch (err) {
  // The snapshot could not be created!

Best Practices

Using constructors will show class names in heap snapshots. Since the heap snapshot groups objects by constructor name, if at all possible you should use named constructors for objects you would like to track, as opposed to using literal objects. Literal objects will be aggregated under the Object constructor name.

For instance, the following code snippet creates objects which will be categorized under the Object constructor:

trackableObject = {x: "some value", y: "another value"}

To be able to track trackableObject in a snapshot, make it an instance of a specifically named class:

trackableObject = new TrackableObject()
trackableObject.x = "some value"
trackableObject.y = "another value"
// ...
function TrackableObject() {}

You'll then see these objects grouped by themselves in the heap snapshot.

For more of an "inline" feel, you can enhance your constructor to take initialization values:

trackableObject = new TrackableObject({x: "some value", y: "another value"})
// ...
function TrackableObject(initialValue) {
  this.x = initialValue.x
  this.y = initialValue.y

With EcmaScript 6 parameter destructuring, you can make it a little shorter:

trackableObject = new TrackableObject({x: "some value", y: "another value"})
// ...
function TrackableObject({x, y}) {
  this.x = x
  this.y = y

You can also make the constructor open-ended regarding the properties:

trackableObject = new TrackableObject({x: "some value", y: "another value"})
// ...
function TrackableObject(initialValue) {
  for (var key in initialValue) {
    this[key] = initialValue[key]

Saved Views

A Saved View is a graph defined by a search query. Saved views allow you to view processes that fulfill certain parameters and to instruct N|Solid to take certain actions (such as taking heap snapshots, CPU profiles, or sending webhooks) when one or more processes cross over performance thresholds or match query parameters that you set.

Performance problems often occur in production code non-deterministically, and often the only diagnostics available are an error log or possibly a stack trace. With N|Solid's saved views, you can automatically capture critical information when problems arise in production.

Saved View Presets

Several preset saved views are included to provide out-of-the-box insight into the running state of your Node.js application:

Memory Clustering. This preset compares Heap Used and Resident Set Size, and helps capture processes' total memory space.

Garbage Collection Clustering. In the GC Clustering preset view, GC Count and GC Duration 99th Percentile are directly compared, providing insight into how garbage collection duration affects processes' memory usage.

Garbage Collection Anomalies. By comparing Garbage Collections Count and Process Uptime, this saved view provides insights into GC Count outliers.

Active Resource Usage. With this preset, the number of Active Handles and the Resident Set Size are compared, providing insight into longer term resource usage.

Garbage Collection Efficiency. This preset compares Major Garbage Collections Count and GC Median Duration to provide insights into garbage collection efficiency.

Creating a Saved View with N|Solid Console

  1. Click Processes in the Nav Bar to get to the Processes view. The default view shows all processes connected to N|Solid Console.

  2. To create a saved view, enter some query parameters and values into the filter search bar. Clicking on the bar will display a partial list of query terms. Type to begin searching for the parameter you wish to use. Click on one of the terms to select an operator and value.

  1. Click Set Filter to save this search term to your active filter. Repeat this process until your filter is set up as desired with all of your required search terms.

  2. When the filter has been named and saved, it will become available in the View dropdown selector.


Actions are a way to trigger some "actions" (as the features name describe) when a saved view filter is attended.

Configuring actions

  1. Navigate to the Processes view and select a saved view from the dropdown menu. If you have never created a saved view before, create a saved view as described in the session below. You might see the default All Processes view Actions and notifications but the Actions can't be added to the All Processes view, so create a new saved view.

  2. Click on the gear icon to the right of the saved view name. 

  3. Select one or more actions or notification integrations, if desired. These will run on each process that matches the saved view filter.

The saved views can be Workers Processes exclusive, if the Worker threads option is enabled, this view will be triggered only on Apps with active worker threads.

Note: Be careful about setting a very high value on your saved view's filter expression, such as 99% Heap, and then selecting an action that uses the same resource, such as Take Heap Snapshot. Taking intensive action at a very high ceiling is likely to negatively impact your application.

Heap snapshot

This one is the easiest Action to set up. Just select the Heap Snapshot option in the Actions drop-down menu. Learn more about Heap snapshot here.


After selecting the Trace or CPU Profiling option in the Actions drop-down menu, a modal will open, there you can inform how much time you want the trace runs when the saved view has been triggered. Learn more about tracing here.

This action will activate and deactivate the trace option for a few seconds on the Process configuration

CPU Profile

After selecting the CPU Profiling option in the Actions drop-down menu, a modal will open, there you can inform how much time you want the trace runs when the saved view has been triggered. Learn more about CPU Profiling here.

After that, just click on the save action.

Action results

CPU Profiling and Heap Snapshot

After the saved view has been trigged, you could check the results in the Application assets summary or the assets tab.


After the saved view has been triggered, you could check the results filtering by date on Distributed Tracing page.

Integrations (Teams, Slack, Webhooks, [...])

You can enable Saved Views, Vulnerabilities and global event notifications as Microsoft Teams, Slack messages, invoked webhooks, or emails.

Slack Integration

To configure notifications to use Slack incoming messages, you will need to create a Slack Incoming Webhook. From the Slack Incoming Webhooks New Configuration page, select a channel the messages should be posted to, and then click the Add Incoming Webhooks Integration button. This will take you to a page where the Webhook URL is displayed, and you can further configure the message to be sent.

Copy the webhook URL displayed on that page. In the N|Solid Console, click Settings and choose Integrations from the left side menu. Paste the Slack webhook URL into the form and name the new integration. Once you have saved this integration, you will be able to attach it to global events, vulnerabilities, and saved views as a notification.

Microsoft Teams Integrations

Similar to how teams configure NSolid’s Slack integration, organizations using Microsoft Teams can now configure notifications to use Microsoft Teams incoming messages feature.

To set up Microsoft Teams in NSolid, users need to create a Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook (see MS Teams docs here) and use it to configure the Microsoft Teams integration in Settings>Integrations.

On the New Teams Webhook page, users can enter the channel name they wish to post messages to in the Webhook Name field, and paste the webhook URL into the Webhook Url and save the webhook. Once saved the integration is active and users can select Microsoft Teams as the notification destination of their set alerts.

Now the Microsoft Teams integration is available.

Once configured users can use the Microsoft Teams integration in both Threshold Event Notifications based on Saved Views and Global Event Notifications .

To have NSolid send a Global Notification to your configured Microsoft Teams channel visit Settings>GlobalNotifications and select the configured Microsoft Teams Notification from the drop down.

Once selected users can observe the message format and content:

Users can also use the Microsoft Teams integration when their processes enter a saved view:

PagerDuty Integrations

Organizations using PagerDuty can now configure notifications to use PagerDuty incidents feature.

To have NSolid send a Global Notification to your configured PagerDuty incidents visit Settings>GlobalNotifications and select the configured PagerDuty Notification from the drop down.

On the New PagerDuty integration page, users can add a nickname for the identity of the integration and the provided

Now the PagerDuty integration is available.

Once configured users can use the PagerDuty integration in both Threshold Event Notifications based on Saved Views and Global Event Notifications.

To have NSolid send a Global Notification to your configured PagerDuty integration Settings>GlobalNotifications and select the configured PagerDuty Notification from the drop down.


Below are examples of typical saved view and vulnerability notifications sent as incoming Slack messages.

Process Event Loop Blocked

Saved View Entered

Vulnerability Detected

In case you need support to set up the PagerDuty integration, please visit our support portal:

Webhook Integration

You can also have notifications sent as HTTP POST messages to a webserver you manage. As the messages are sent to your server, you can run your own customized code to handle the notification.

Notification data is sent in the HTTP request as a JSON object in the body of the request. The HTTP request will be sent with the Content-Type header set to application/json.

In the N|Solid Console, click Settings and choose Integrations from the left side menu. Paste your webhook URL into the form and name the new integration. Once you have saved this integration, you will be able to attach it to global events, vulnerabilities, and saved views as a notification.


The data the webhook receives has an event property. The value of this property will change depending on the event that prompts the notification. The following events are supported.

Event Description
nsolid-saved-view-match An agent has entered a saved view. Additionally, the configured delay time period has passed, and this event has not fired in the time period specified by the snooze parameter
nsolid-agent-exit An agent that was connected is no longer connected to N|Solid Console
nsolid-snapshot-generated A heap snapshot has been generated. This could have been done manually or as a result of another event
nsolid-profile-generated A CPU profile has been generated. This could have been done manually or as a result of another event
nsolid-process-blocked A process has had its event loop blocked for at least the time period specified by the duration parameter
nsolid-vulnerability-detected A vulnerability has been detected for this process

Common Data

All notifications will include the following properties in the notification object and additional properties that may be specific to individual events.

Property Description
time ISO datetime string indicating when this event was triggered
event One of the event types, described above
agents A list of objects with properties described below
assets A list of assets like heap snapshots or cpu profiles that this event caused to be created
config The notifications config that caused this notification to be sent

The property named agent will be an object with the following properties:

Property Description
id The agent id
info Information about this agent including tags, app name, and hostname
metrics The latest metrics information we have from this agent, if any

In addition to the data specified above, some events may contain additional information.

Agent Exit

Agent exit events will include the exit code of the process. If there was a stack trace associated with an abnormal exit, that stack trace will also be included. Additionally, if you catch an exception with an uncaughtException handler and exit synchronously, as Node.js documentation recommends, the exception will also be included.

const nsolid = require('nsolid');
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {

If you must exit asynchronously from an uncaughtException handler it is still possible to report the exception by passing it to nsolid.saveFatalError() prior to shutting down.

const nsolid = require('nsolid');
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
  shutdownApp(() => {

Event Loop Blocked Data

The value of the event property in the notification object will be nsolid-process-blocked.

The notification object will include an additional property named stacktrace, whose value is a string version of the stack trace being executed when the event loop was blocked.

Vulnerability Event Data

The value of the event property in the notification object will be nsolid-vulnerability-detected.

The notification object will include an additional property named vulnerability, whose value is a list of vulnerabilities for this process. The new vulernability whose discovery triggered this event will have a new property with the value true.

Email Notifications

In N|Solid Console, click Settings and choose Global Notifications from the left side menu. Select a global event, such as vulnerabilities found, a new CPU profile, or a new HeapSnapshot, etc, that is meant to be notified via email. Click on New Notification dropdown and select Email. Enter one or more email addresses; once you have saved this notification, the previously provided emails will receive the respective notifications.

Security Vulnerabilities

The N|Solid Console can be configured to perform periodic verification of all packages loaded by all N|Solid processes. All loaded packages are verified against a list of known vulnerabilities.

When new vulnerabilities are found, information about each vulnerability will be reported in the Console. Notification options can also be configured to streamline reporting.

Detecting Security Vulnerabilities

The Security View

If there are any vulnerabilities found in your applications, the Security link in the Nav Bar will be annotated with a numbered badge indicating the number of vulnerabilities found across all of your applications.


Clicking on Security in the Nav Bar will display the Security view. This view displays a list of all the vulnerabilities found across all applications.


All of the vulnerabilities found in all applications will be listed on the left. The numbered badge in that list indicates the number of applications which are affected by the vulnerability. Clicking on a vulnerability in the list will display more details about that vulnerability. The Affected Processes tab will display information about the processes which are affected.


The Affected Processes subview contains an entry for every application affected by the vulnerability. By clicking on the disclosure triangle next to the application name, a list of the module dependencies for the vulnerable package is displayed.


You can use the Hide/Show toggle on the right to have the vulnerability ignored when determining the number of vulnerabilities across all the applications.

Vulnerable Processes in the Processes View

From the Processes view, you can sort the Processes list on the right by Vulnerabilities, which will sort the currently filtered processes into two sets - Vulnerable and Secure.


The vulnerable processes will be shown with a bright red dot in the scatterplot, and secure processes will be shown with a light colored dot in the scatterplot. Clicking on the process in the Processes list will display the Process Details view, which contains additional vulnerability information.

Vulnerability Information in the Process Details View

The Process Details view contains a Modules subview, which contains information about the vulnerabilities found in the process. Clicking on the vulnerability title will display the Security view for the vulnerable module.


Configuring Notifications for Security Vulnerabilities

You can configure the N|Solid Console to notify you when new vulnerabilities are found in your applications. To configure these notifications, click the Global Notifications link on the left side of the Settings view.


Scroll down to the section Vulnerability Notifications. Here you can add Integrations to be invoked when a new vulnerability is found.


NodeSource Certified Modules v2 (NCM 2)

Table of Contents

Using NCM 2 with the Console.

The Console has a dedicated section for NodeSource Certified Modules v2.

  1. Open the Process Detail View of the process.

"Process Detail"

  1. Click the modules tab and look at the NCM column.

"Console modules tab"

  1. To see details in the NCM 2 report, just click the magnifying glass icon of the package that you want to review (see ncm details).

"NCM detailed report"

Learn more about NCM 2 reports.

N|Solid strict mode

The N|Solid strict mode can be used with the prompt nsolid-strict instead of the well known nsolid, the key difference between strict and regular mode is that the strict mode will stop any application with encountered vulnerabilities identified by the NodeSource Certified Modules v2.

Example running vulnerable apps and secure apps respectively:

$ nsolid-strict vulnerable-node-app.js
nsolid STRICT MODE verifying...
Unsecure server running normally :)
nsolid STRICT MODE access denied due to policy violation:
  "package": "unsecure-pkg",
  "version": "1.19.4",
  "group": "risk",
  "name": "has-install-scripts",
  "pass": false,
  "severity": "CRITICAL",
  "title": "This package version has install scripts: postinstall."

$ nsolid vulnerable-node-app.js
Unsecure server running normally :)
$ nsolid-strict secure-node-app.js
nsolid STRICT MODE verifying...
Secure server running normally :)

Import/Export Settings

Users can now export configuration settings using either NSolid Console, the result is a JSON format file which can be used to import settings across different setups.

In the N|Solid Console, go to Settings, in the left tab list you’ll see the new Import/ Export Settings section.

PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot see this new section, please go to the application permissions on and verify that the settings -> import / export settings is checked for your role.

"Import/Export Settings"


To Export settings, choose which ones you want to export, you are able to export Saved Views, Integrations, and Global Notifications individually or all of them at the same time.

"Export Settings"

The console provides you with a file to download with the extension ".nsconfig", which contains the configuration you selected to export in json format.

Example JSON Result

  "_metadata": {
    "_timestamp": "",
  "integrations": {},
  "notifications": {},
  "savedViews": {}

Also, inside the “.nsolid-console” folder there’s a new folder structure where you are going to have a backup of every export file generated in case you need it in the future.

"Export Settings Path"


Clicking import will open a modal, you can select what settings you want to import and whether you want to add to the current settings or if you want to clean up and only use imported ones. In the case of integrations, it can not be cleaned, because these can be used by notifications or saved views.

"Import Settings"

You should choose the backup file previously downloaded, remember that it must have the extension .nsconfig. If you lost the export file, remember you can always check inside the “.nsolid-console” folder for a backup. Once the file is successfully imported, you will see the new configuration applied and ready to run.

"Import Settings Success"

Event profiler

N|Solid event profiler provides a rich set of events, covering security events, lifecycle events, system events, performance events, user defined machine learning events and assets events.

PLEASE NOTE: If you cannot see this new section, please go to the application permissions on and verify that the view events historic is checked for your role.

Table of Contents N|Solid event profiler

Using event profiler with the console

The console has a dedicated section for event profiling.

  • Click on Events tab on the navigation bar

    "Events tab"

  • The event profiler section has a summary section:

    "Events summary"

Manage events records with event profiler UI.

The events report UI scales no matter how many events you have records of.

  • Filtering events with event profiler.

    Events can be filtered by severity, type, application name, hostname, and agent id; to do this, simply click on the filter box:

    "Events filter"

  • Sorting events with event profiler.

    Events can be sorted by time, application name, hostname, agent id, and event name itself, click on the property you want to sort:

    "Events sorting"

  • Limit events with event profiler by dates.

    Events report can be limited by dates, click on the dates picker and select your desired date range:

    "Events date-picker"

N|Solid events

Name Severity Category
agent-missing High Lifecycle
new-vulnerability-found High Security
console-server-stopped High System
influxdb-error High System
server-disconnected High System
process-blocked Medium Performance
agent-found Medium Lifecycle
influx-truncated Medium Security
package-vulnerabilities-updated Low Security
vulnerabilities-database-updated Low Security
active-vulns-updated Low System
process-unblocked Low Performance
agent-packages-added Low Lifecycle
agent-exit Low Lifecycle
asset-canceled Low Assets
asset-initiated Low Assets
asset-created Low Assets
asset-metadata-updated Low Assets
console-server-started Low System
influxdb-recovered Low System
server-connected Low System
notifications-settings-changed Low System
integrations-settings-changed Low System
savedViews-settings-changed Low System
generalSettings-settings-changed Low System

HTTP Tracing

NodeSource has introduced Tracing support, a facility to gather information throughout the lifecycle of an HTTP/DNS/Other request. The collected information can be used for debugging latency issues, service monitoring and more. This is a valuable addition to users for those who are interested in debugging a request latency. Tracing traces user requests through a Node application, collecting data that can help find the cause of latency issues, errors, and other problems.

Enabling Tracing via N|Solid

To enable the Tracing using N|Solid, set the env var NSOLID_TRACING_ENABLED=1. By enabling this feature, you can troubleshoot HTTP, DNS and other network request problems that you might encounter using the N|Solid Console.

Enabling Tracing via N|S Console UI

  1. Enter in your process
  2. Click in Process configuration
  3. Activate the toogle for Tracing

Using Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing in the N|Solid Console is basically an extension of the HTTP tracing in N|Solid. This documentation will use the following examples to cover how it works on the Console side under the following conditions:

  1. An application handling the authentication process:
  // console.js
  const http = require('http')
  const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000
  http.createServer((req, res) => {
    if (req.url === '/auth') {
      console.log('AUTH handler')
      const authURL = 'http://localhost:4000'
      const gReq = http.request(authURL)
      gReq.on('close', () => res.writeHead(200).end('Google made it'))
    } else if (req.url === '/auth-2fa') {
      const authURL = 'http://localhost:4000/2fa'
      const twoFactor = http.request(authURL)
      twoFactor.on('close', () => res.writeHead(200).end('Auth made it with sms'))
    } else {
  1. Another application doing the two-factor authentication process (google-auth):
  // google-auth.js
  const http = require('http')
  const PORT = process.env.PORT || 4000
  http.createServer((req, res) => {
    if (req.url === '/2fa') {
      const smsServiceURL = 'http://localhost:5000'
      const smsService = http.request(smsServiceURL)
      res.writeHead(200).end('Auth made it')
    } else {
      console.log('Auth root handler')
  1. The authentication requires a two-factor authentication
  2. The two-factor authentication service uses an SMS service to send a message (twilio):
  // twilio.js
  const http = require('http')
  const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000
  http.createServer((req, res) => {
  1. The N|Solid Console receives traces from all services involved in the distributed system.

Distributed Tracing UI

In the N|Solid Console, go to the the applications dashboard and click on the TRACING button of the application to see the traces.

The view will be shown as below:

Tracing is consists of three key components below:

  • Timeline Graph: a timeline graph of Tracing data showing the density of the number of tracing spans.
  • Filter: a filter input area to filter the results by attributes of the span.
  • Spans(Results): a span is the building block of a trace and is a named, timed operation that represents a piece of the workflow in the distributed system. multiple spans are pieced together to create a trace.

Timeline Graph

A timeline graph displays the density of the number of tracing spans. Below is the description of the color of a slot on the timeline graph:

Color Description
green everything is ok
yellow maybe you should look at this
red definitely you should look at this

Assume that a simple request was made to the “console” service to monitor traces:

As a result, the Console displays the whole “span” information.


A span is the building block of a trace and is a named, timed operation that represents a piece of the workflow in the distributed system. Multiple spans are pieced together to create a trace.

Traces are often viewed as a tree of spans that reflects the time that each span started and completed. It also shows you the relationship between spans. A trace starts with a root span where the request starts. This root span can have one or more child spans, and each one of those child spans can have child spans.

Inspecting Span Details

To inspect the span details of a span, click on the title Service & Operation:

Below are the attributes of the span:

Attribute Description
id the id of the application
app the name of application
hostname the name of the host machine
tags the tags of the application
span_attributes_http_method the http method of span attributes
duration the duration of the span
span_attributes_http_status_code the http status code of the span attributes
span_attributes_http_status_text the http status text of the span attributes
span_attributes_http_url the http url of the span attributes
span_end the end time of the span
span_id the id of the span
span_name the name of the span
span_parentId the parent ID of the span
span_start the start time of the span
span_status_code the status code of the span
span_threadId the thread ID of the span
span_traceId the trace ID of the span
span_type the type of the span

Let's authenticate using the console service, which is going to perform a request to the google-auth-service to authenticate the user.

The graph below represents a “path”, from the console service to the authentication service, N|Solid will monitor the HTTP traces in this distributed system.

As such, graph is showing the whole “path”, starting from the console and finishing with the sms service. This is how distributed tracing works using N|Solid managed systems.

The collected information can be used for debugging latency issues, service monitoring, and more. This is a valuable addition to users for those who are interested in debugging a request latency. Tracing traces of user requests through multiple Node applications, and collecting data that can help find the cause of latency issues, errors, and other problems in a distributed system.

Changing Update Settings

You can configure the update settings for distributed tracing on the top of the Distributed Tracing view:

Basically, you can turn on or off Real Time Update and change the update interval. The default update interval is 10 seconds. Available options are 10, 15, 30 or 60 seconds.

Changing Time Range

To change the time range of tracing, click the calendar icon below the timeline graph:

It will show a calendar for selecting a time range. The timeline graph range is updated every 1 minute, with an interval of 1 minute for the date range to move.

Filtering Results

Filtering the results by attributes of the span is made easy for users. Just tab the Filter input area and select attribute(s) you want to filter as below:

OpenTelemetry Support

N|Solid has added support for some OpenTelemetry features:

OpenTelemetry JS Tracing API

Using the OpenTelemetry JS API @opentelemetry/api to instrument your own code is very easy. N|Solid provides a nsolid.otel.register() API which allows to use the N|Solid implementation of the OpenTelemetry TraceAPI. See a very basic example in the following code. Notice that for the traces to be generated the enviroment variable NSOLID_TRACING_ENABLED should be set.

// Run this code with `NSOLID_TRACING_ENABLED=1` so traces are generated.
const nsolid = require('nsolid');
const api = require('@opentelemetry/api');

if (!nsolid.otel.register(api)) {
  throw new Error('Error registering api');

const tracer = api.trace.getTracer('Test tracer');
const span = tracer.startSpan('initial', { attributes: { a: 1, b: 2 }});
span.updateName('my name');
span.setAttributes({c: 3, d: 4 });
span.setAttribute('e', 5);
span.addEvent('my_event 1',;
span.addEvent('my_event 2', { attr1: 'val1', attr2: 'val2'},;

Integration with OpenTelemetry-compatible instrumentation modules

N|Solid also provides a nsolid.otel.registerInstrumentations() API to register instrumentation modules that use the OpenTelemetry TraceAPI that are available in the OpenTelemetry echosystem. The following code shows an example using the @opentelemetry/instrumentation-fs module:

// Run this code with `NSOLID_TRACING_ENABLED=1` so traces are generated.
const nsolid = require('nsolid');
const api = require('@opentelemetry/api');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');

const { FsInstrumentation } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation-fs');

  tracingEnabled: true

if (!nsolid.otel.register(api)) {
  throw new Error('Error registering api');

  new FsInstrumentation({

const fs = require('fs');
fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'foo-'), (err, directory) => {
  if (err) throw err;

Exporting Traces via OTLP over HTTP

It's possible now to export traces with N|Solid to endpoints supporting the OpenTelemetry Protocol(OTLP) over HTTP. On top of that we make very easy to send traces to specific vendors endpoints such as Datadog, DynaTrace and NewRelic. And not only that, for these vendors we're also able to export the metrics N|Solid generates, so this info can also be displayed in their solutions with no need to use their agents which have the performance issues explained in this article.

To configure the OTLP endpoint there are two configuration options we need to set either via NSOLID_OTLP and NSOLID_OTLP_CONFIG the environment variables or the other ways N|Solid provides to set them.

NSOLID_OTLP defines the type of endpoint we're exporting the traces to. Allowed values at the moment are:

  • datadog
  • dynatrace
  • newrelic
  • otlp

NSOLID_OTLP_CONFIG defines the configuration for the type of endpoint selected in NSOLID_OTLP. This configuration is a string containing a JS object serialized using JSON. The format of this JS object differs depending on the type of endpoint.

Endpoint Type Format
{ zone: 'us' | 'eu',  key: 'your_datadog_key', url: 'otlp_endpoint_url' }
{ site: 'you_dynatrace_size',  token: 'your_dynatrace' }
{ zone: 'us' | 'eu',  key: 'your_datadog_key' }
{ url: 'otlp_endpoint_url' }

Here is an example of how to configure N|Solid to export data to Dynatrace. Notice you need N|Solid to be licensed.

$ NSOLID_OTLP=dynatrace NSOLID_OTLP_CONFIG='{"site":"my_site","token":"my_token"}' NSOLID_LICENSE_TOKEN=my_nsolid_license nsolid my_process.js

CPU Anomaly Detection

In order to correctly identify an anomaly it is important that the detection method be accurate. CPU is no longer enough of a measurement to scale applications. Other factors such as garbage collection, crypto, and other tasks placed in libuv's thread pool can increase the CPU usage in a way that is not indicative of the application's overall health. Even applications that don't use Worker threads are susceptible to this issue.

In addition, there is no cross-platform way of measuring the CPU usage per thread, which doesn't mean that CPU is useless. CPU and event loop utilization (or ELU) is crucial to see if an application is reaching hardware limitations. But not being able to gather metrics on a per-thread basis drastically limits our ability to determine when the application is reaching its threshold.

Note: ELU(Event loop utilization) is the ratio of time the event loop is not idling in the event provider to the total time the event loop is running, and is equal to the loop processing time divided by the loop duration.

With that being said, N|Solid Console provides ELU-based Scatterplot, which utilizes the most reliable metric to use as a baseline for comparison.

The ELU Scatterplot

The Scatterplot is an animated graph that provides an overview of your applications' performance across all or a subset of connected processes, when an specific process has at least one active worker thread, the process will be highlighted.

Using ELU as the axis to compare metrics across multiple processes is a reliable way to identify anomalies without false positives. With this information anomalous processes can be automated to take CPU profiles, heap snapshots and etc.

In the N|Solid Console, go to the the applications dashboard and click CPU ANOMALY DETECTION.

The blue dots are the raw data. Red line is the regression line (estimated average), yellow and green are the error from the regression.

The default y-axis value is delay, which equals to (providerDelay + processingDelay) / 1e6 in microseconds.

  • The blue dots: The blue dots are the raw data from all the applications. All the application raw data are the same color. It only highlights the points from the same application when a single point is hovered with the mouse.

  • The red line: The red line is the moving average of all the raw data (blue dots). There is no application specific information to show when those points are hovered.

  • The yellow and green line: The yellow and green lines are the error margin for the moving average (red dots).

Anomalies List

At the left side, there's a list of anomalies which can be filtered by agent ID. To see the details of an anomaly, click the title of an item to expand it and read the description.

Note: If you are redirected from Events tab, the corresponding anomalies will be shown.

Memory Anomaly Detection

Understanding memory management reduces the possibility of wasting your application’s resources, and the unexpected effects on performance. In many cases, there is no clear understanding as to why the memory grows endlessly, however, a check for correlation between set of metrics who intereact with each other can give insights about memory usage and response time degradation.

Memory Anomalies in the N|Solid Console provides a way to detect early cases of memory miss behavior or upcoming Out of Memory situations before it happens.

Inspecting Anomalies

In the N|Solid Console, go to the the Applications Dashboard and click MEMORY ANOMALY DETECTION.

If there are no anomalies registered, you'll get an empty list and 0 values in the charts and placeholders.

If any of the processes or worker threads under an application name have reported anomaly events, you'll get a list at the left side with a short title, the process id and if it came from them main or a worker thread. You can filter this list by processID with the search box at the top.

To see the details and load the metrics of an anomaly, click the title of an item to expand it, and extended description will appear with the timestamp and the charts at the right side will load a snapshot of the metrics one minute before and after the timestamp registered in the event.

Note: If you are redirected from Events tab, the corresponding anomalies will be shown.

Machine Learning

NodeSource has introduced Machine Learning support, this feature allows for the training of models that will later detect similar patterns in your application data and fire custom events.

Machine Learning UI

In the N|Solid Console, the Machine Learning feature can be accessed from the app summary or process detail views, each of these handle different data sets and will have a different effect in the model you train.

Training ML Models

The Machine Learning models can be trained using two kinds of data sets. The models trained in the app summary view will use the aggregated data of all the processes running inside the app. On the other hand, the models trained in the process detail view will use the process specific data.

Train a model in the app summary view

When a process/app is first connected it will take a certain amount of data in order to be successfully trained, you will find a progress loader under process configuration:

To train a model in a app summary page click on Train ML Model button.

Train a model in a process detail view

To train a model in a process detail page click on Train ML Model button.

Modal creation and training

After clicking on the Train ML Model button a modal will open, here you can create, filter and train models, this modal is the same for both pages.

To create a model click on CREATE NEW MODEL

Name and give a short description for the model, then save.

Select the created modal an click on TRAIN

When the trained model finds a data pattern similar to the one it was trained with, it will fire an event and show a banner on top of the navbar.

Click on View Event to be redirected to the events tab, here you will find the most recent machine learning event.

The events will also appear in the application status section, clicking on VIEW ANOMALIES will redirect to the events tab.

Manage the default and custom models

Machine Learning models can be administered in the settings tab where you will find a set of default models and the user trained models, here the frequency of events being fired can be modified and the custom user models can be deactivated, deleted or edited. For a full reset of the created models click on RESET MODELS.

Custom user models have an edit and delete icon, these models are found beneath the default models.

PLEASE NOTE: Only the name and description of the user created model can be edited, if you want to change the model data please retrain the model in app summary or in the process detail pages. Default models are activated by default, these can only be activated or deactivated.


NodeSource offers Serverless support to collect data during a request in serverless settings. This data aids in debugging latency and other issues, making it ideal for those keen on addressing such problems in a serverless context.

AWS Setup

For using AWS resources, you need to configure the AWS SDK credentials. Check the AWS documentation to do this. After following the guide, your AWS CLI should be set up correctly for smooth AWS interactions.

Make sure you have all AWS credentials envs configured in your machine.



Using nsolid-serverless, you can create the necessary infra resources and configure your serverless application to send telemetry data to the N|Solid Console.


> npm i -g @nodesource/nsolid-serverless

Cratting basic infra to collect data

The first step is to create a SQS Queue where we will send the telemetry data.

> nsolid-serverless infra --install

Collecting telemetry data

We need to setup some environment variables and layers in your lambdas to send data to our SQS queue created in the previous step.

> nsolid-serverless functions --install


> nsolid-serverless --help

Adding Integration

After all the functions are set up, you need to configure the N|Solid Console. Navigate to Settings > Integration. On the right side, there is a section called AWS SQS INTEGRATION as below:

Click on the New AWS SQS Integration button to add the integration. The following form will be displayed:

Fill in the form with the following information:

  • Queue Name: The name of the integration.
  • Queue URL:

Click on the Save Integration button to save the integration.

Monitoring Serverless via N|S Console UI

In the N|Solid Console, go to the the applications dashboard and tab the Functions on the left side.

The dashboard for the functions connected will be displayed as below:


Select a function from the list to see the details of the function. The detail view will be displayed as below:

The detail view will display the following information:

  • RUNTIME VERSION: The version of the Node.js runtime used by the function.
  • FUNCTION VERSION: The version of the function.
  • ACCOUNT ID: The account ID of the function.
  • ZONE: The zone of the function.
  • ARCHITECTURE: The architecture of the function.
  • ESTIMATED COST: The estimated cost of the function.


The metrics tab will display the metrics of the function. The metrics will display the following information:

Telemetry API Metrics

This is the list of metrics we will be generating that come from the Telemetry API. These metrics are real-time and associated to specific functions. Their corresponding aggregations are to be performed in the Telemetry Aggregator.

  • duration: The duration of the function in milliseconds.
  • initDuration: The duration of the function initialization in milliseconds.
  • billedDuration: The duration of the function billed in milliseconds.
  • invocations: The number of invocations of the function.
  • maxMemoryUsed: The maximum memory used by the function in megabytes.
  • errors: The number of errors of the function.
  • responseDuration: The duration of the response of the function in milliseconds.
  • responseLatency: The latency of the response of the function in milliseconds.
  • producedBytes: The number of bytes produced by the function.
  • timeouts: The number of timeouts of the function.
  • estimatedCost: The estimated cost of the function.

Cloudwatch Metrics

These metrics are extracted directly from the Cloudwatch API by the Lambda Metrics Forwarder and are not real-time as the ones from the Telemetry API. The list is:

  • Invocations: The number of invocations of the function.
  • Errors: The number of errors of the function.
  • DeadLetterErrors: The number of dead letter errors of the function.
  • DestinationDeliveryFailures: The number of destination delivery failures of the function.
  • Throttles: The number of throttles of the function.
  • ProvisionedConcurrencyInvocations: The number of provisioned concurrency invocations of the function.
  • ProvisionedConcurrencySpillOverInvocations: The number of provisioned concurrency spill over invocations of the function.
  • ConcurrentExecutions: The number of concurrent executions of the function.
  • ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions: The number of provisioned concurrent executions of the function.
  • ProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization: The utilization of the provisioned concurrency of the function.
  • UnreservedConcurrentExecutions: The number of unreserved concurrent executions of the function.
  • Duration: The duration of the function in milliseconds.
  • PostRuntimeExtensionsDuration: The duration of the post runtime extensions of the function in milliseconds.
  • IteratorAge: The age of the iterator of the function.

Loading Opentelemetry Instrumentation Modules

The NSOLID_INSTRUMENTATION environment variable is used to specify and load the opentelemetry instrumentation modules that you want to utilize within your application. To enable instrumentation for specific modules, follow these steps:

  • For HTTP requests using the http module, set the NSOLID_INSTRUMENTATION environment variable to http.

  • If you're also performing PostgreSQL queries using the pg module, include it in the NSOLID_INSTRUMENTATION environment variable like this: http,pg.

  • Make sure to list all the relevant instrumentation modules required for your application. This will enable tracing and monitoring for the specified modules, providing valuable insights into their performance and behavior.


To enable the Tracing using N|Solid, set the env var NSOLID_TRACING_ENABLED=1. By enabling this feature, you can troubleshoot HTTP, DNS and other network request problems that you might encounter using the N|Solid Console.

The view will be shown as below:

Tracing is consists of three key components below:

  • Timeline Graph: a timeline graph of Tracing data showing the density of the number of tracing spans.
  • Filter: a filter input area to filter the results by attributes of the span.
  • Spans(Results): a span is the building block of a trace and is a named, timed operation that represents a piece of the workflow in the distributed system. multiple spans are pieced together to create a trace.

Note: The default behavior only generates traces related to the lambda invocation. If you require tracing for additional operations, set the NSOLID_INSTRUMENTATION environment variable.

Available modules for tracing are as follows:

  • aws: AwsInstrumentation
  • dns: DnsInstrumentation
  • graphql: GraphQLInstrumentation
  • grpc: GrpcInstrumentation
  • http: HttpInstrumentation
  • ioredis: IORedisInstrumentation
  • mongodb: MongoDBInstrumentation
  • mysql: MySQLInstrumentation
  • net: NetInstrumentation
  • pg: PgInstrumentation
  • redis: RedisInstrumentation

Please ensure you have the necessary modules enabled to trace all the operations you require.

Timeline Graph

A timeline graph displays the density of the number of tracing spans. Below is the description of the color of a slot on the timeline graph:

Color Description
green everything is ok
yellow maybe you should look at this
red definitely you should look at this

Assume that a simple request was made to the “console” service to monitor traces:

As a result, the Console displays the whole “span” information.


A span is the building block of a trace and is a named, timed operation that represents a piece of the workflow in the distributed system. Multiple spans are pieced together to create a trace.

Traces are often viewed as a tree of spans that reflects the time that each span started and completed. It also shows you the relationship between spans. A trace starts with a root span where the request starts. This root span can have one or more child spans, and each one of those child spans can have child spans.

Inspecting Span Details

To inspect the span details of a span, click on the title Service & Operation:

Below are the attributes of the span:

Attribute Description
id the id of the application
app the name of application
hostname the name of the host machine
tags the tags of the application
span_attributes_http_method the http method of span attributes
duration the duration of the span
span_attributes_http_status_code the http status code of the span attributes
span_attributes_http_status_text the http status text of the span attributes
span_attributes_http_url the http url of the span attributes
span_end the end time of the span
span_id the id of the span
span_name the name of the span
span_parentId the parent ID of the span
span_start the start time of the span
span_status_code the status code of the span
span_threadId the thread ID of the span
span_traceId the trace ID of the span
span_type the type of the span
resourceSpans an array of resource spans
attributes an array of attributes
key the key of the attribute
value the value of the attribute
stringValue the string value of the attribute
telemetry.sdk.language the language of the telemetry SDK the name of the telemetry SDK
telemetry.sdk.version the version of the telemetry SDK
cloud.provider the cloud provider
cloud.platform the cloud platform
cloud.region the cloud region the name of the function as a service
faas.version the version of the function as a service the process ID the name of the executable
process.command the command
process.command_line the command line
process.runtime.version the version of the runtime the name of the runtime
process.runtime.description the description of the runtime
droppedAttributesCount the number of dropped attributes
MessageAttributes the message attributes
eventType the event type
StringValue the string value
DataType the data type
instanceId the instance ID
functionArn the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function

Let's authenticate using the console service, which is going to perform a request to the google-auth-service to authenticate the user.

The graph below represents a “path”, from the console service to the authentication service, N|Solid will monitor the HTTP traces in this distributed system.

As such, graph is showing the whole “path”, starting from the console and finishing with the sms service. This is how distributed tracing works using N|Solid managed systems.

The collected information can be used for debugging latency issues, service monitoring, and more. This is a valuable addition to users for those who are interested in debugging a request latency. Tracing traces of user requests through multiple Node applications, and collecting data that can help find the cause of latency issues, errors, and other problems in a distributed system.


The SBOM tab will display the SBOM(Software Bill of Materials) of the function. The SBOM will display the following information:

  • Name: The name of the package.
  • Version: The version of the package.
  • Risk: The level of risk associated with using this package.
  • License: The license under which the package is distributed.
  • Author: The author of the package.
  • Number of CVEs / CWEs: The number of known Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) or Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs) associated with the package.
  • Path: The path to the package within the application.

Changing Time Range

To change the time range, click the calendar icon above the graphs:

This will show a calendar from which users can select the time range. The timeline graph range is updated every 1 minute, with an option to change the date range every 1 minute. In summary, with NodeSource's Serverless monitoring, users can gain more insight into the performance of their serverless functions and quickly identify and debug any issues.


> nsolid-serverless infra --uninstall

Advanced Topics

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Table of Contents


N|Solid comes with a set of predefined endpoints for interaction and introspection that can be accessed at the command-line using the N|Solid Command Line Interface, nsolid-cli.

The N|Solid CLI tool mirrors the Console's API schema. Many options are documented below. For commands not documented here, consult your Console's API Docs at http://localhost:6753/api/v3/api-docs (replace localhost:6753 with your Console server's address.)

To see a list of help information for nsolid-cli, use the -h option:

$ nsolid-cli -h

The output of the nsolid-cli commands, unless otherwise noted, is line-delimited JSON (each line is separated by a newline delimiter \n). The output shown in the examples below is expanded for readability.


If your Console is running with authentication enabled, you will need to configure an administrative access token to allow nsolid-cli to be permitted to access it. This can be set with the NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_ADMIN_TOKEN environment variable or the corresponding config file setting to a secure value value. Once set, you can pass this value to nsolid-cli using the --auth argument. To disable this authentication, see user authentication.


For the specific case of importing settings from a configuration file .nsconfig, you can use this option to read the contents from the file in the filesystem.

--start and --end options

For commands that take --start and --end options, you can pass the following formats for the date/time value:

Format Description
milliseconds since epoch Value returned from
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ISO date
-Ns N seconds since now
-Nm N minutes since now
-Nh N hours since now
-Nd N days since now
0 Now, when used with the --end option

--q option

Some commands take a --q parameter followed by a query filter expression. Only results matching all query filter terms will be returned.

A filter term is a string with no spaces separating the values.


The field may be any field from info or metrics, or vulns, vuln, or package. See the output of those commands to see what options exist for the field portion of the query.

The operators for each field type are described below.

The value can be a single value or a list of values separated by ,. The term will evaluate to true if the field and operator match any of the specified values. Values may escape any character by preceding it with the % character. In practice, the only characters that need to be escaped are %, (space), and ,.

A query filter expression is a list of filter terms, separated by space characters.

Here is an example showing the list command being passed the --q flag with a query filter expression that has two filter terms:

$ nsolid-cli list --q "vulns>=2 package=express"

String Operators

Operator Description
"=" Evaluates to true if the field value is equal to any value in the expression
"!=" Evaluates to true if the field value is not equal to any value in the expression
"~" Evaluates to true if the field value wild-card matches any value in the expression
"!~" Evaluates to true if the field value does not wild-card match any value in the expression

Note that multiple string values may be specified in the expression, separated by commas.

Number Operators

Operator Description
"<" Evaluates to true if the field value is less than the value in the expression
"<=" Evaluates to true if the field value is less than or equal to the value in the expression
">" Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than the value in the expression
">=" Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than or equal to the value in the expression

Package Operators

Operator Description
"=" Evaluates to true if the field value equals the value in the expression
"!=" Evaluates to true if the field value does not equal the value in the expression
"<" Evaluates to true if the field value is less than the value in the expression
"<="" Evaluates to true if the field value is less than or equal to the value in the expression
">" Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than the value in the expression
">=" Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than or equal to the value in the expression

A value for packages fields is either package name or {package name}@{simple-semver-range}, where a simple semver range is one of:

Semver Ranges

Type Examples
X-ranges 1.2.3, 1.2, 1.2.x, 1.x, 1.2.*, etc.
Tilde ranges ~1.2.3, ~1.2, etc.
Caret ranges ^1.2.3, ^1.2, etc.

Using the < and > operators will do a semver range check comparing the versions.


Download an asset.

Option Description
--id The asset id (required)


$ nsolid-cli asset --id 217040c0-02d1-4956-8648-7fb84b78c65e > my.heapsnapshot

Asset IDs are available via the assets command described below. The asset file itself will be written to stdout. The N|Solid CLI tool will automatically manage decompression if the asset is compressed.


Lists the assets (CPU profiles and heap snapshots) that are currently available for download.

Option Description
--id The agent id or agent id prefix
--app The NSOLID_APP value
--hostname The host the process is running on
--tag An NSOLID_TAGS value (may be specified multiple times)
--type One of snapshot, snapshot-summary, or profile to limit the type of asset returned
--start Return assets that were created after the specified time
--end Return assets that were created before the specified time
--starred Return only assets that have been starred


$ nsolid-cli assets --app my-app-name --type snapshot

Returns a JSON stream including the following properties:

Property Description
time The timestamp of the asset completion
asset An asset id to use with the asset command
type profile, snapshot, or snapshot-summary
id The agent id
app The NSOLID_APP value
hostname The host the process is running on
tags The NSOLID_TAGS values
size The size of the asset in bytes
compressed Boolean value representing whether the asset will be served as a gzip
pid The operating system process id
title The process title
info The process info
metrics The process metrics nearest the time of collection
starred Boolean value representing whether the asset is starred or not

Example JSON Result

  "time": "2017-11-29T17:08:17.364Z",
  "asset": "3011f777-b8e0-4696-ae6c-50358bce298a",
  "type": "snapshot",
  "id": "272470293ef95e530b1d9d072e6ed87e0c980173",
  "app": "my-app-name",
  "hostname": "my-computer.local",
  "tags": [
  "size": 4288158,
  "compressed": true,
  "pid": 5940,
  "title": "my-app-name",
  "info": { ... },
  "metrics": { ... },
  "starred": false


Invoke a custom command. For more information on custom commands, see Custom Commands.

Option Description
--id The agent id or id prefix (required)
--name The name of the custom command (required)
--data Data to be sent with the command


$ nsolid-cli custom --id=[agent id] --name=verbose --data=off

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Description
time The timestamp recorded for the event
id The agent id
app The NSOLID_APP value
hostname The host the process is running on
tags The NSOLID_TAGS values
result The result of the custom command

Example JSON Result

  "time": "2017-12-04T00:56:28.566Z",
  "id": "81535293aea1fe8c1e2f3f7518d8db3f96cf7b39",
  "app": "nsolid2",
  "hostname": "computer.local",
  "tags": [
  "result": {
    "verbose": false


Subscribe to the event stream, which emits a wide array of event types and metadata.


$ nsolid-cli events

There are many types of events, and more are added all the time. Some of the primary types are described below.

Event Type Description
license-updated The license data has been changed or verified with the license server
field-range-changed The range or option set for a field has expanded or contracted
agent-packages-added An agent's package list has been added or updated
agent-found A new agent has connected to the console
agent-exit An agent has terminated

Example JSON Result



Extract the events from a range of time in the past.

Option Description
--id An agent id
--type An optional event type to only include
--start Return events that occurred after the specified time
--end Return events that occurred before the specified time
--page An optinal page number (events are paginated if this param is provided)
--showLimit An optional limit of the paginated records
--orderBy An optional field to order the events (such as agentId, hostname, etc)
--order An optional order parameter (asc or desc)


$ nsolid-cli events-historic --start "-2h" --end "-1h"


Returns a randomly generated keypair suitable for use in the N|Solid Console socket configuration. If your N|Solid Console instance is running on an untrusted network, it is recommended that you generate and use new keys.


$ nsolid-cli generate-keypair

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Description
public Public key value. publicKey in N|Solid Console configuration, and env variable NSOLID_PUBKEY for N|Solid Runtime
private Private key value. privateKey in N|Solid Console configuration

Example JSON Result

  "public": "[t&m}{EZH7=HR(IW:+Ttk:=r.Y$:CP+-Q&5L?2N!",
  "private": "4QZof={^Pman?I?mB0o!]%z/{Jlu6:mJfl[Ms@[^"


Returns objects which contain static information about processes and the hosts they are running on.

Option Description
--id The full or partial agent id
--q The query options (see above)


$ nsolid-cli info

Returns a JSON stream including the following properties:

Property Description
time Milliseconds since epoch time message was sent
id The agent id
app The NSOLID_APP value or name property from package.json
appVersion The version property from package.json
hostname The host the process is running on
tags The NSOLID_TAGS values
pid Operating system process id
processStart The time the process started
execPath Path of the executable running the application
main The main module used when the application started up
arch The CPU architecture
platform Name of the N|Solid platform
totalMem Total available memory in the system
cpuCores The number of CPU cores
cpuModel The CPU model
versions Object describing the versions of components used in the runtime

Example JSON Result

  "id": "5dd6f7a940bfc3633cc3ffc82332640d51ce5112",
  "app": "my-app-name",
  "appVersion": "1.0.0",
  "tags": [
  "pid": 14880,
  "processStart": 1512335595061,
  "nodeEnv": "dev",
  "execPath": "/usr/bin/nsolid",
  "main": "/var/my-app/app.js",
  "arch": "x64",
  "platform": "linux",
  "hostname": "my-computer.local",
  "totalMem": 8244523008,
  "versions": {
    "http_parser": "2.7.0",
    "node": "8.10.0",
    "nsolid": "3.1.0",
    "v8": "6.2.414.50",
    "uv": "1.19.1",
    "zlib": "1.2.11",
    "ares": "1.10.1-DEV",
    "modules": "57",
    "nghttp2": "1.25.0",
    "openssl": "1.0.2n",
    "icu": "60.1",
    "unicode": "10.0",
    "cldr": "32.0",
    "tz": "2017c",
    "nsolid_lib": {
      "v8_profiler": "nsolid-v5.7.0-fix1",
      "sodium": "nsolid-2.1.0",
      "cjson": "nsolid-3.0.0",
      "function_origin": "nsolid-v1.2.1",
      "nan": "v2.5.1",
      "cli": "v3.0.0",
      "agent": "v8.0.3",
      "zmq-bindings": "nsolid-2.15.4-fix1",
      "zmq": "nsolid-v4.2.0-fix4",
      "persistents_with_classid": "v1.1.1"
  "cpuCores": 4,
  "cpuModel": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU @ 2.60GHz",
  "time": "2017-12-03T21:13:15.061Z"


Returns an array of all available matching N|Solid processes, along with their most recent info and metrics data. The command ls is an alias for this command.

Option Description
--q The query object (see above)


$ nsolid-cli list --q id=5dd6

Returns newline delimited JSON objects where each row includes the following properties:

Property Description
time The timestamp of the last metrics payload
info The object returned from the info command
metrics The object returned from the metrics command

Example JSON Result

  "time": "2017-12-04T01:17:31.299Z",
  "info": { ... },
  "metrics": { ... }


Subscribes to the metrics for a set of agents.

Option Description
--field A list of fields to include in the output. If unspecified, all fields will return
--interval How frequently to poll for metrics data
--q The query set (see above)


$ nsolid-cli metrics

Consult the Metrics in Detail section for complete details on the metrics available.

Example JSON Result

  "time": "2017-12-04T01:23:16.163Z",
  "id": "5dd6f7a940bfc3633cc3ffc82332640d51ce5112",
  "app": "my-app-name",
  "hostname": "my-computer.local",
  "tags": [
  "activeHandles": 750,
  "activeRequests": 0,
  "blockInputOpCount": 0,
  "blockOutputOpCount": 19424,
  "cpuPercent": 0.2666424917029181,
  "cpuSpeed": 2640,
  "cpuSystemPercent": 0.13332124585145905,
  "cpuUserPercent": 0.13332124585145905,
  "ctxSwitchInvoluntaryCount": 9988,
  "ctxSwitchVoluntaryCount": 1795924,
  "dns99Ptile": 0,
  "dnsCount": 0,
  "dnsMedian": 0,
  "externalMem": 734532,
  "freeMem": 251301888,
  "gcCount": 446,
  "gcCpuPercent": 0,
  "gcDurUs99Ptile": 409,
  "gcDurUsMedian": 527,
  "gcForcedCount": 0,
  "gcFullCount": 0,
  "gcMajorCount": 54,
  "heapSizeLimit": 1501560832,
  "heapTotal": 73269248,
  "heapUsed": 60332056,
  "httpClient99Ptile": 0,
  "httpClientAbortCount": 0,
  "httpClientCount": 0,
  "httpClientMedian": 0,
  "httpServer99Ptile": 0,
  "httpServerAbortCount": 0,
  "httpServerCount": 0,
  "httpServerMedian": 0,
  "ipcReceivedCount": 0,
  "ipcSentCount": 0,
  "load15m": 0.2333984375,
  "load1m": 0.2265625,
  "load5m": 0.28564453125,
  "loopAvgTasks": 0,
  "loopEstimatedLag": 0,
  "loopIdlePercent": 100,
  "loopTotalCount": 713,
  "loopsPerSecond": 0,
  "pageFaultHardCount": 0,
  "pageFaultSoftCount": 132206,
  "rss": 138301440,
  "signalCount": 0,
  "swapCount": 0,
  "systemUptime": 23006,
  "title": "node",
  "totalAvailableSize": 1437491784,
  "totalHeapSizeExecutable": 5242880,
  "totalPhysicalSize": 72644376,
  "uptime": 15000.85,
  "user": "appuser",
  "vulns": 1


Retrieve metrics records over a historical time range. Records match the metrics command output.

Option Description
--field A list of fields to include in the output. If unspecified, all fields will return
--q The query set (see above)
--start The start of the time range
--end The end of the time range
--series The aggregation level of the data. Can be raw, 1m, or 1h. Defaults to raw


$ nsolid-cli metrics-historic --start=-5m --end=-1m


Returns a list of packages and modules available in the specified process.

Option Description
--id The full agent id or prefix


$ nsolid-cli packages --id=[agent id]

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Description
id The agent id
time The timestamp of the message
app The NSOLID_APP value
packages An array of package objects with details about the package and its dependencies
vulnerabilities An object with vulnerability details

Example JSON Result

  "id": "a40827afbc3620e40887d6774249c321848d54f6",
  "time": "2017-12-04T01:26:12.514Z",
  "packages": [
      "name": "my-app-name",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "path": "/var/my-app",
      "main": "app.js",
      "dependencies": [
      "dependents": [],
      "vulns": []
      "name": "debug",
      "version": "2.2.0",
      "path": "/var/my-app/node_modules/debug",
      "main": "./node.js",
      "dependencies": [
      "dependents": [
      "vulns": [
      "name": "minimist",
      "version": "1.2.0",
      "path": "/var/my-app/node_modules/minimist",
      "main": "index.js",
      "dependencies": [],
      "dependents": [
      "vulns": []
      "name": "ms",
      "version": "0.7.1",
      "path": "/var/my-app/node_modules/ms",
      "main": "./index",
      "dependencies": [],
      "dependents": [
      "vulns": [
      "name": "split",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "path": "/var/my-app/node_modules/split",
      "dependencies": [
      "dependents": [
      "vulns": []
      "name": "through",
      "version": "2.3.8",
      "path": "/var/my-app/node_modules/through",
      "main": "index.js",
      "dependencies": [],
      "dependents": [
      "vulns": []
  "vulnerabilities": [
      "package": "debug",
      "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)",
      "published": "2017-09-26T03:55:05.106Z",
      "credit": [
        "Cristian-Alexandru Staicu"
      "id": "npm:debug:20170905",
      "ids": {
        "NSP": 534,
        "CWE": [
        "CVE": [],
        "ALTERNATIVE": [
      "vulnerable": "<2.6.9 || >=3.0.0 <3.1.0",
      "severity": "low",
      "description": " ... ",
      "nsolidMetaData": {
        "hidden": false
      "packages": [
      "depsChains": [
      "topLevel": 1
      "package": "ms",
      "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)",
      "published": "2017-05-15T06:02:45.497Z",
      "credit": [
        "Snyk Security Research Team"
      "id": "npm:ms:20170412",
      "ids": {
        "CWE": [
        "CVE": [],
        "ALTERNATIVE": [
      "vulnerable": "<2.0.0",
      "severity": "low",
      "description": " ... ",
      "nsolidMetaData": {
        "hidden": false
      "packages": [
      "depsChains": [
      "topLevel": 1


Generates a V8 CPU profile of the specified process.

Option Description
--id The agent id (required)
--duration Duration of profile in seconds. Default is 10 minutes


$ nsolid-cli profile --id=[agent id] > my.cpuprofile

Once the profile file has been created, it can be opened using Chrome’s Development Tool’s CPU Profile Debugging Tool.

Note: To load the file, Chrome requires that the generated file have the extension .cpuprofile.


Generates a V8 heap snapshot of the specified process.

Option Description
--id The agent id (required)


$ nsolid-cli snapshot --id=[agent id] > my.heapsnapshot

Once the snapshot file has been created, it can be opened using Chrome’s Development Tool’s heap snapshot browser

Note: To load the file, Chrome requires that the generated file have the extension .heapsnapshot.


Lists the time to reach certain process lifecycle startup phases from initial process execution.

Option Description
--id The full agent id or prefix


$ nsolid-cli startup-times

Returns a JSON stream including the following properties:

Property Description
time Milliseconds since epoch time message was sent
id The agent id
app The NSOLID_APP value
hostname The host the process is running on
initialized_node An array of two integers. The time it took to initialize the Node internals, reported as [seconds, nanoseconds]
initialized_v8 An array of two integers. The time it took to initialize the V8 engine, reported as [seconds, nanoseconds]
loaded_environment An array of two integers. The time it took to complete all initialization, which includes running some of Node's internal JavaScript code, and your main module's top-level code, reported as [seconds, nanoseconds]

Example JSON Result

  "loaded_environment": [
  "initialized_node": [
  "initialized_v8": [
  "id": "5dd6f7a940bfc3633cc3ffc82332640d51ce5112",
  "time": "2017-12-04T01:32:30.042Z",
  "tags": [
  "app": "my-app-name",
  "hostname": "my-computer.local"

Additional timers can be added to your application with custom lifecycle events.


Returns known security vulnerabilities for all processes.


$ nsolid-cli vulnerabilities

Returns a JSON object representing all current known vulnerabilities.

Property Description
time Message timestamp
vulnerabilities An array of vulnerability objects

Example JSON Result

  "time": "2017-12-04T01:34:54.805Z",
  "vulnerabilities": [
      "report": {
        "package": "ms",
        "title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service (DoS)",
        "published": "2015-11-06T02:09:36.187Z",
        "credit": [
          "Adam Baldwin"
        "id": "npm:ms:20151024",
        "ids": {
          "CWE": [
          "CVE": [
          "NSP": 46,
          "ALTERNATIVE": [
        "vulnerable": "<=0.7.0",
        "severity": "medium",
        "description": " ... ",
        "nsolidMetaData": {
          "hidden": false
      "processes": [
          "id": "e1c17bc36d7a9cc76ead259ace0307d4b9705646",
          "app": "my-app-name",
          "tags": [
          "hostname": "my-computer.local",
          "topLevel": 1,
          "depChains": [


Subscribe to matching agent data on an interval.

Option Description
--field List of fields to request. All fields returned if not specified
--interval Number of seconds before returning next current object (default: 1)
--q The query filter options (see above)


$ nsolid-cli query --q id=5

Returns newline delimited JSON objects with framing objects.

Framing Type Description
start The query stream start frame
interval-start The start of the records for this interval
agent-enter An agent entry
summary Summary data about the entire (unfiltered) data set
interval-end The last record for this interval frame

Example JSON Result

{"time":"2017-12-04T01:42:29.502Z","type":"agent-enter","id":"5dd6f7a940bfc3633cc3ffc82332640d51ce5112","info":{ ... },"metrics":{ ... }


Pull a summary of all connected N|Solid processes. Reports counts of matched properties or resources.

Option Description
--q The query options (see above)


$ nsolid-cli summary

Example JSON Result

  "time": "2017-12-04T02:12:02.506Z",
  "processes": 9,
  "apps": {
    "my-app-name": 5,
    "api-server": 1,
    "web": 1,
    "batch-service": 2
  "tags": {
    "region:north": 4,
    "zone:A": 5,
    "region:south": 5,
    "zone:B": 2,
    "zone:C": 2
  "rss": 693153792,
  "cpu": 3.4667812728278924,
  "node": {
    "8.9.1": 9
  "nsolid": {
    "3.0.0": 9
  "packages": 552,
  "vulnerabilities": {
    "npm:ms:20170412": 4,
    "npm:qs:20140806": 2,
  "hiddenVulnerabilities": {}


Pull a JSON object with one or many settings configuration to backup or import later. The only settings available to export are: integrations, savedViews and notifications.

Option Description
--item Could be one or a list of items to export (see example)


$ nsolid-cli export-settings --item integrations,savedViews,notifications

Example JSON Result

  "_metadata": {
    "_timestamp": "",
  "integrations": {},
  "notifications": {},
  "savedViews": {}


Apply a previously backup/exported settings. The only settings available to import are: integrations, savedViews and notifications.

Option Description
--item Could be one or a list of items to export (see example)
--action Append to or clean previous settings (see example)


$ nsolid-cli import-settings --item integrations --action clean --attach backup.nsconfig

N|Solid API

Table of Contents N|Solid API


Another option, which can be useful if you don't have access to static configuration data, is to use the N|Solid API from within your application. For example, if you have a configuration management platform or database that knows the hostname and port to your Console, you may obtain it and then invoke nsolid.start() to connect and begin reporting metrics. This can be done at any time, as long as your process is not already connected to an N|Solid Console. The keys are the same as the package.json keys documented above, with the following difference:

  • version is specified as appVersion


const nsolid = require('nsolid')
  command: 'nsolid-command-host.local:9001',
  tags: ['nsolid-awesome', 'Auth service'],
  app: 'nsolid-awesome',
  appVersion: '1.0.0'


Get the N|Solid app name (equal to getter).

const nsolid = require('nsolid')


Get the N|Solid app version (taken from the package.json file).

const nsolid = require('nsolid')

Get the N|Solid app name.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')


const nsolid = require('nsolid')
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {


Get the N|Solid application config.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
  app: 'nsolid-awesome',
  appVersion: '1.0.0',
  blockedLoopThreshold: 200,
  env: 'prod',
  hostname: 'nsolid-host',
  interval: 3000,
  pauseMetrics: false,
  pubkey: '<3',
  statsdBucket: 'nsolid.${env}.${app}.${hostname}.${shortId}',
  tags: ['nsolid-awesome', 'Auth service']


Get an N|Solid worker thread name.

const { Worker, isMainThread } = require('worker_threads');
const { getThreadName, setThreadName } = require('nsolid')

if (!isMainThread) {
  console.log(getThreadName()) // ''
  console.log(getThreadName()) // worker-parser
  return setTimeout(() => {}, 1000)
const worker = new Worker(__filename)

Get the N|Solid agent id.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')

It returns relevant information about the running process and platform is running on.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
  id: '14e708a4bdb1fc5763fa1f29a9567229ab1b1ac4',
  app: 'beautiful-nsolid-app',
  appVersion: '1.0.0',
  tags: undefined,
  pid: 855556,
  processStart: 1600731441576,
  nodeEnv: undefined,
  execPath: 'your-beautiful-app-directory/beautiful-nsolid-app',
  main: 'index.js',
  arch: 'x64',
  platform: 'linux',
  hostname: 'NodeSource',
  totalMem: 16302604288,
  versions: {
    node: '12.18.4',
    nsolid: '4.0.0',
    v8: '',
    uv: '1.38.0',
    zlib: '1.2.11',
    brotli: '1.0.7',
    ares: '1.16.0',
    modules: '72',
    nghttp2: '1.41.0',
    napi: '6',
    llhttp: '2.1.2',
    http_parser: '2.9.3',
    openssl: '1.1.1g',
    cldr: '37.0',
    icu: '67.1',
    tz: '2019c',
    unicode: '13.0'
  cpuCores: 4,
  cpuModel: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz'

The method can be called asynchronously too:

const nsolid = require('nsolid'), info) => {
  if (!err) {
    // Yay!


It retrieves a list of enviroment and process metrics.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
  threadId: 0,
  timestamp: 0,
  activeHandles: 0,
  activeRequests: 0,
  heapTotal: 4464640,
  totalHeapSizeExecutable: 524288,
  totalPhysicalSize: 3685528,
  totalAvailableSize: 2194638976,
  heapUsed: 2666008,
  heapSizeLimit: 2197815296,
  mallocedMemory: 8192,
  externalMem: 833517,
  peakMallocedMemory: 91744,
  numberOfNativeContexts: 1,
  numberOfDetachedContexts: 0,
  gcCount: 1,
  gcForcedCount: 0,
  gcFullCount: 0,
  gcMajorCount: 0,
  gcDurUs99Ptile: 812,
  gcDurUsMedian: 812,
  dnsCount: 0,
  httpClientAbortCount: 0,
  httpClientCount: 0,
  httpServerAbortCount: 0,
  httpServerCount: 0,
  dns99Ptile: 0,
  dnsMedian: 0,
  httpClient99Ptile: 0,
  httpClientMedian: 0,
  httpServer99Ptile: 0,
  httpServerMedian: 0,
  loopIdleTime: 0,
  loopIterations: 0,
  loopIterWithEvents: 0,
  eventsProcessed: 0,
  eventsWaiting: 0,
  providerDelay: 0,
  processingDelay: 0,
  loopUtilization: 1,
  res5s: 0,
  res1m: 0,
  res5m: 0,
  res15m: 0,
  loopTotalCount: 0,
  loopAvgTasks: 0,
  loopEstimatedLag: 40.416415,
  loopIdlePercent: 0,
  title: 'nsolid',
  user: 'NodeSource',
  uptime: 0,
  systemUptime: 96314,
  freeMem: 2586660864,
  blockInputOpCount: 0,
  blockOutputOpCount: 0,
  ctxSwitchInvoluntaryCount: 14,
  ctxSwitchVoluntaryCount: 21,
  ipcReceivedCount: 0,
  ipcSentCount: 0,
  pageFaultHardCount: 0,
  pageFaultSoftCount: 1929,
  signalCount: 0,
  swapCount: 0,
  rss: 31719424,
  load1m: 2.79,
  load5m: 2.52,
  load15m: 2.47,
  cpuUserPercent: 86.061918,
  cpuSystemPercent: 15.533329,
  cpuPercent: 101.595247,
  cpu: 101.595247

If callback is passed, it returns the metrics asynchronously:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.metrics((err, metrics) => {
  if (!err) {
    // Yay!! All the metrics are in store in metrics param

See Metrics in detail for more information about each metric.


Whether the agent is currently retrieving metrics or not.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')

See nsolid.pauseMetrics()


Registers a listener to be called anytime a new license is set in the NSolid runtime.

  • OnLicenseHandler is the handler of the actual listener.
const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.onLicense(({ licensed, expired }) => {
  if (expired) {
    Logger.error('Invalid license!')


It retrieves the list of packages listed in the package.json file and its dependencies, it returns a list of all packages that can be required by walking through all directories that could contain a module.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
    path: 'nsolid-service/node_modules/js-tokens',
    name: 'js-tokens',
    version: '4.0.0',
    main: 'index.js',
    dependencies: [],
    required: false
    path: 'nsolid-service/node_modules/important-package',
    name: 'important-package',
    version: '3.0.0',
    main: 'main.js',
    dependencies: ['../express', '../object-assign'],
    required: false

The nsolid.packages() method has async implementation too:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.packages((err, packages) => {
  if (!err) {
    path: 'your-beautiful-app-directory/beautiful-nsolid-app',
    name: 'beautiful-nsolid-app',
    version: '1.5.2',
    main: 'index.js',
    dependencies: [],
    required: false


It pauses the process metrics collection, and do nothing if metrics were already paused (this method must be called on the main thread).

const nsolid = require('nsolid')

See nsolid.metricsPaused.


It gets the start date of the process in milliseconds.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')


This is the way to trigger a CPU profile programmatically from within your application and have the resulting profile saved on your N|Solid console. The profile duration 600000 milliseconds, which is the default if none is specified, and profiler can be stoped before the duration expires.

  • duration is the duration in milliseconds of the Cpu profile (600000 milliseconds is the default duration).
const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.profile(600000 /* durationMilliseconds */, err => {
  if (err) {
    // The profile could not be started!

The CPU profiler can be triggered in a synchronous way:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
try {
  nsolid.profile(600000 /* durationMilliseconds */)
} catch (err) {
  // The profile could not be started!

Learn more about Cpu profiling.


To complete the profile before the duration expires, call profileEnd method:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.profileEnd(err => {
  if (err) {
    // Error stopping profiler (may it was not running)

Learn more about Cpu profiling.


It resumes the process metrics collection, and does nothing if metrics were already resumed (this method must be called on the main thread).

const nsolid = require('nsolid')


If you must exit asynchronously from an uncaughtException handler it is still possible to report the exception by passing it to nsolid.saveFatalError() prior to shutting down.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {


If it is preferred to handle workers threads with names, this could be achieved by using the nsolid.setThreadName(name) method.

const { Worker, isMainThread } = require('worker_threads');
const { getThreadName, setThreadName } = require('nsolid')

if (!isMainThread) {
  console.log(getThreadName()) // ''
  console.log(getThreadName()) // worker-renamed
  return setTimeout(() => {}, 1000)
} else {
  const worker = new Worker(__filename)

The main thread can also have a name

const { isMainThread } = require('worker_threads');
const { setThreadName } = require('nsolid')

if (isMainThread) setThreadName('app')

A worker (or the main thread) can be named only with strings, otherwise, an exception will be thrown.

const { Worker, isMainThread } = require('worker_threads');
const { getThreadName, setThreadName } = require('nsolid')

if (!isMainThread) {
  try {
  } catch (err) { /** TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "name" argument must be of type string. Received null */ }
} else {
  const worker = new Worker(__filename)


This is the way to take a heap snapshot programmatically from within your application and have the resulting snapshot(s) saved on your N|Solid console.

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.snapshot(err => {
  if (err) {
    // The snapshot could not be created!

Snapshots can also be taken on a synchronous way:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
try {
} catch (err) {
  // The snapshot could not be created!

Learn more about Heap snapshots.


It retrieves the startup times of the process in a high resolution array of [seconds, nanoseconds].

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
  initialized_node: [ 0, 971137 ],
  initialized_v8: [ 0, 181632 ],
  loaded_environment: [ 0, 3874746 ]

The nsolid.startupTimes() method can be called asynchronously:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
nsolid.startupTimes((err, startupTimes)) {
  if (!err) {
  initialized_node: [ 0, 971137 ],
  initialized_v8: [ 0, 181632 ],
  loaded_environment: [ 0, 3874746 ]


The nsolid.statsd object:

Property Description
counter: Send a "counter" type value to statsd. Will use NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET and NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS if configured.
format: Function that retrieves the statsd agent status.
gauge: Send a "gauge" type value to statsd. Will use NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET and NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS if configured.
sendRaw: Send a raw string to statsd. Caller is required to comply to statsd format (terminating newline not required). An array of strings is also permissible, they will be sent newline separated. If connected via UDP, data sent via sendRaw() will be split up into 1400Kb batches to fit within a standard MTU window, this applies to newline separated strings or an array of strings passed to this interface.
set: Send a "set" type value to statsd. Will use NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET and NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS if configured.
status: Function that retrieves the statsd agent status.
tcpIp: If configured, returns the ip address tcp statsd data will be sent to.
timing: Send a "timing" type value to statsd. Will use NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET and NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS if configured.
udpIp: If configured, returns the ip address udp statsd data will be sent to.

The statsd statuses are:

  • unconfigured
  • initializing
  • connecting
  • ready

Usage example:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')

The nsolid.statsd.format object:

Property Description
bucket: Returns the "bucket" string prepended to all auto-generated statsd metric strings.
counter: Format a "counter" string for name and value suitable for statsd.
gauge: Format a "gauge" string for name and value suitable for statsd.
set: Format a "set" string for name and value suitable for statsd.
timing: Format a "timing" string for name and value suitable for statsd.

Usage example:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')


Get the N|Solid app tags (taken from the package.json file or NSOLID_TAGS environment variable).

const nsolid = require('nsolid')
['nsolid-awesome', 'Auth service']


The nsolid.traceStats object:

Property Description
dnsCount: The process's total number of DNS lookups performed
httpClientAbortCount: The process's total number of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests canceled due to inactivity.
httpClientCount: The process's total number of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests performed.
httpServerAbortCount: The process's total number of served incoming HTTP(S) requests canceled.
httpServerCount: The process's total number of incoming HTTP(s) requests served.


The nsolid.zmq object:

Property Description
status: Function that retrieves the zmq agent status.

The zmq agent statuses are:

  • buffering
  • connecting
  • initializing
  • ready
  • unconfigured

Usage example:

const nsolid = require('nsolid')

Metrics in Detail

N|Solid makes available a rich set of metrics covering the Node.js process's host system, the process itself, the internal behavior of Node.js, and the internal behavior of the V8 JavaScript engine. Combining these data points can give you sophisticated insight into your Node.js deployment.

Many of the key metrics are displayed directly on the N|Solid Console. To make numeric metrics available to your StatsD collector directly from the N|Solid Process, configure using the NSOLID_STATSD environment variable (see the StatsD section for more detail). For the full set of metrics, use the nsolid-cli utility.

Process Information

Property Description
app The user-specified application name as set in package.json or the NSOLID_APP environment variable.
appVersion The user-specified application version as set in package.json.
execPath The absolute path of the N|Solid executable running the application.
id The unique N|Solid agent ID. Unique per N|Solid process.
main The absolute path to the root module in the process's module tree.
nodeEnv The user-specified NODE_ENV environment variable.
pid The system process ID for the process.
processStart The time at which the process started, in seconds.
tags The user-specified tags as set by the NSOLID_TAGS environment variable.
vulns The number of known vulnerabilities found in the modules of the process.

System Information

Note: The host system may be actual hardware, a virtual machine, or a container.

Property Description
arch The host system's CPU architecture.
cpuCores The host system's number of CPU cores.
cpuModel The host system's CPU model.
hostname The host system's name.
platform The host system's operating system platform.
totalMem The host system's total available memory.

System Data

Property Description
cpuSpeed The current speed of the host system's CPU (averaged across all cores), in MHz.
freeMem The host system's amount of free (unused) memory, in bytes.
load1m The host system's one-minute load average.
load5m The host system's five-minute load average.
load15m The host system's fifteen-minute load average.
systemUptime The host system's uptime, in seconds.

General Process Stats

Property Description
blockInputOpCount The total number of block input operations on the process.
blockOutputOpCount The total number of block output operations on the process.
cpuSystemPercent The percent CPU used by the process in system calls.
cpuUserPercent The percent CPU used by the process in user code.
ctxSwitchInvoluntaryCount The number of involuntary context switches away from the process.
ctxSwitchVoluntaryCount The number of voluntary context switches away from the process.
cpuPercent The percent CPU used by the process.
externalMem The process's memory allocated by Node.js outside of V8's heap, in bytes. This may exceed RSS if large Buffers are soft-allocated by V8.
ipcReceivedCount The number of IPC messages received by the process.
ipcSentCount The number of IPC messages sent by the process.
pageFaultHardCount The number of hard page faults triggered by the process.
pageFaultSoftCount The number of soft page faults (page reclaims) triggered by the process.
rss The resident set size (total memory) used by the process, in bytes.
signalCount The number of signals received by the process.
swapCount The number of times the process has been swapped out of memory.
title The current system title of the process.
uptime The process's uptime, in seconds.
user The system's user the process is running from.

JavaScript Memory Stats

Note: The memory in "heap" is a subset of the resident set size.

Property Description
totalAvailableSize The remaining amount of memory the heap can allocate on the process before hitting the maximum heap size, in bytes.
totalHeapSizeExecutable The total amount of executable memory allocated in the process's heap, in bytes.
totalPhysicalSize The amount of physical memory currently committed for the heap of the process, in bytes.
heapSizeLimit The maximum amount of memory reserved for the heap by the process, as allocated by the host system, in bytes. V8 will terminate with allocation failures if memory is used beyond this.
heapTotal The process's total allocated JavaScript heap size, in bytes.
heapUsed The process's total used JavaScript heap size, in bytes.

Node.js Event Loop Stats

Note: To learn more about event loop utilization visit The Event loop utilization blogpost.

Property Description
loopAvgTasks The process's average number of async JavaScript entries per event loop cycle.
loopEstimatedLag The estimated amount of time a I/O response may have to wait in the process, in milliseconds.
loopIdlePercent The percent time that the process is waiting (idle) for I/O or timers.
loopsPerSecond The amount of event loop cycles completed in the process, within the last second.
loopTotalCount The cumulative count of all event loop cycles in the process.

JavaScript Garbage Collection Stats

Property Description
gcCount The total number of garbage collections done by the process.
gcCpuPercent The percent CPU used during garbage collection by the process.
gcDurUs99Ptile The process's 99th percentile duration of garbage collections, in microseconds.
gcDurUsMedian The process's median duration of garbage collections, in microseconds.
gcForcedCount The process's number of externally forced garbage collections.
gcFullCount The number of garbage collections run by the process which collected all available garbage. Usually only observed when the heapTotal is approaching heapSizeLimit.
gcMajorCount The number of significant garbage collections done by the process. An example of a "significant" garbage collection is a "Mark-Sweep".

HTTP and DNS Stats

Property Description
dnsCount The process's total number of DNS lookups performed.
dnsMedian The process's median duration of DNS lookups performed, in milliseconds.
httpClientAbortCount The process's total number of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests canceled due to inactivity.
httpClientCount The process's total number of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests performed.
httpClientMedian The process's median duration of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests completed, in milliseconds.
httpClient99Ptile The process's 99th percentile duration of outgoing HTTP(s) client requests completed, in milliseconds.
httpServerAbortCount The process's total number of served incoming HTTP(S) requests canceled.
httpServerCount The process's total number of incoming HTTP(s) requests served.
httpServerMedian The process's median duration of served incoming HTTP(S) requests completed, in milliseconds.
httpServer99Ptile The process's 99th percentile duration of served incoming HTTP(S) requests completed, in milliseconds..

Metrics Metadata

Property Description
time The ISO8601 timestamp representing when a given metrics window completed.

pauseMetrics() and resumeMetrics() to dynamically stop and resume metrics collection

This feature allows users to dynamically toggle metrics collection off.

pauseMetrics() will cause the agent to no longer send metrics via zmq or StatsD.

Internally metrics are collected and recalculated every duration of NSOLID_INTERVAL (default: 3 seconds).

When sending metrics is paused the metrics will still be collected and recalculated internally every NSOLID_INTERVAL. This way when the metrics are again sent they aren't skewed for the duration they were paused.

Custom Commands

Custom commands can be triggered via the N|Solid Command Line Interface (CLI). Custom commands allow you to interact with your application's processes in ways specific to your business needs.

Create A Custom Command

To implement a custom command, create a function to handle the command, and register that function with N|Solid.

The custom command function should be defined to take a single parameter, request:

function customCommandHandler(request) { ... }

The request parameter is an object with the following properties/functions:

Property Description
request.value An optional piece of data sent with the command, using the nsolid-cli parameter --data
request.return(value) The function to call when you are ready to return the result of this command. The N|Solid Agent will reply with the value passed as a parameter
request.throw(error) A function to call if an error is encountered. The N|Solid Agent will reply with the error passed as a parameter

Your function you must call either request.return() or request.throw() to signal completion of the command.

To get access to N|Solid's built-in nsolid module, call require("nsolid"). A custom command handler is registered using the nsolid.on() function:

The nsolid.on() function takes the following parameters:

Parameter Description
commandName The string name of the command to implement
handler The custom command function implementing the command
nsolid.on(commandName, handler)

Example Custom Command Registration

const nsolid = require("nsolid")
nsolid.on("foo", fooCommand)
function fooCommand(request) { ... }

Sample Case: Log Level Custom Command

Below is an example of how you can use custom commands to dynamically change the configuration state of the application, specifically the log level. The example assumes that a global boolean variable Verbose is used to indicate whether to log verbosely or not.

// This program is a simple "server" which does nothing, but does implement
// an N|Solid custom command, named `verbose`.  Once you've started this program
// with the N|Solid agent enabled, you can send the `verbose` command as in:
// nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose
// nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose --data on
// nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose --data off
// All these forms get or set the "verbose" level of logging in the program.
// The server logs a message every second when "verbose" is off, and logs
// an additional message after that one when "verbose" is on.  The default
// setting of "verbose" is false.

"use strict"

// get access to N|Solid's built-in module `nsolid`
const nsolid = require("nsolid")

// the current "verbose" level
let Verbose = false

// register the `verbose` command for nsolid-cli
nsolid.on("verbose", verboseCommand)

// your server which doesn't do much
setInterval(onInterval, 2000)

console.log("N|Solid custom command demo - log-level - started")
console.log("to use the verbose command with `nsolid-cli`, run:")
console.log("   nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose")
console.log("   nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose --data on ")
console.log("   nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose --data off ")

function onInterval() {
  log("interval event!")
  logVerbose("some extra logging here")

// implements the `verbose` command  for nsolid-cli
function verboseCommand(request) {

  // if "on" or "off" passed in with --data, set Verbose appropriately
  if (request.value == "on") {
    Verbose = true
  else if (request.value == "off") {
    Verbose = false
  else if (request.value) {
    return request.throw("expecting data of `on` or `off`, got " + request.value)

  // return current value of Verbose
  return request.return({verbose: Verbose})

function log(message) {

function logVerbose(message) {
  if (!Verbose) return

When running your application with the N|Solid agent active, you can use the following command to return the current value of the Verbose setting:

$ nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose

To set Verbose on or off, use one of the following commands:

$ NSOLID_AGENTID="69d916ad395061f80589e20bef9af3cb50ece9cb" # This will change
$ nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose --data on
$ nsolid-cli --id $NSOLID_AGENTID custom --name verbose --data off

The output of these three CLI commands looks like the following:


Custom Lifecycle Events

Implementing Custom Lifecycle Events

In addition to the built-in lifecycle events, you can add your own using the process.recordStartupTime(label) function. The label will then be used in the JSON output of the startup-times command.

You can use this to record the times at various stages of your application's startup. For instance:

  • when a database connection is requested
  • when the database connection is returned
  • when an http server is ready for incoming events

Using the CLI

To obtain the startup timing values, you can use the nsolid-cli startup-times command.

N|Solid provides three startup times by default via startup-times:

Parameter Description
initialized_node The time it takes to initialize the Node internals, reported in [seconds, nanoseconds]
initialized_v8 The time it takes to initialize the V8 engine, reported in [seconds, nanoseconds]
loaded_environment The time it takes to complete all initialization, which includes running some of Node's internal JavaScript code, and your main module's top-level code, reported in [seconds, nanoseconds]


$ nsolid-cli startup-times

Example JSON Result

  "id": "bf24f4ed072b3bb4b220aa81fa3a73fde8038409",
  "app": "MyApp",
  "hostname": "",
  "initialized_node":   [ 0, 130404 ],
  "initialized_v8":     [ 0, 482651 ],
  "loaded_environment": [ 0, 620207709 ]

This indicates that Node was initialized in 130,404 nanoseconds (which is 130 microseconds, 0.130 milliseconds, or 0.000130 seconds).

Note: The timing information is provided in hrtime format, which is a two element array of [seconds, nanoseconds]. A nanosecond is one billionth (1,000,000,000th) of a second. The time values are the elapsed time since the process was started.

Example: Adding A Custom Timer

Below is an example web server instrumented to provide the time it takes for the web server to start listening to connections:

# http_sample.js

const http = require("http")

const server = http.createServer(onRequest)

server.listen(3000, onListen)

function onListen() {
  console.log("server listening on http://localhost:3000")

function onRequest(request, response) {
  response.end("Hello, world!")

To start this program with the N|Solid agent listening on port 5000, use the following command:

$ NSOLID_APPNAME=http-sample nsolid http_sample.js

To obtain the startup times, including the custom timer, use the following command:

$ nsolid-cli startup-times --app http-sample

Example JSON Result

  "id": "bf24f4ed072b3bb4b220aa81fa3a73fde8038409",
  "app": "http-sample",
  "hostname": "",
  "initialized_node":   [ 0, 129554 ],
  "initialized_v8":     [ 0, 460521 ],
  "loaded_environment": [ 0, 95201339 ],
  "http_listen":        [ 0, 94902772 ]



Below are some important terms and phrases related to N|Solid and its ecosystem that appear throughout the documentation.

Term Description
Affected Processes Subview Part of the Security view in the Console, contains an entry for every application affected by a given vulnerability
Asynchronous Function timing paradigm powered by libuv that enables Node.js to be non-blocking
CPU Profile A sample of an application's stack trace that captures function call frequency and duration
Containers Isolated software that includes everything needed to run it: code, runtime, and system-level tools, libraries, and settings. A tool to help standardize application environments across machines
Docker A containerization platform provider. Visit their website for more info
Event Loop A construct that represents the event-based and phase-controlled asynchronous logic of Node.js
Flame Graph A CPU profiling visualization that shows function call hierarchy and time on-CPU as a measure of width
Heap Snapshot A memory profiling tool that outlines the structure and sizes of the objects and variables in memory and accessible to JavaScript
Image A lightweight, standalone executable package for running containers
Integrations The use of Slack notifications, emails, or custom webhooks to help your team monitor supported application events
JSON JavaScript Object Notation; a lightweight, easy to parse data-interchange for JavaScript and the Web
License Key A unique identifier for authorizing N|Solid access
Module Simple, focused Node.js file with related functions
Node.js A JavaScript runtime built on Google's V8; uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Visit their website for more info
npm The Node.js and JavaScript package manager. Visit their website for more info
N|Solid Agent An advanced native C++ component that runs on its own thread inside your application, with direct access to the core elements of Node.js, libuv and the V8 JavaScript engine
N|Solid CLI The Command Line Interface for N|Solid. Read the Command Line Interface section for more details
N|Solid Console A web application that provides centralized access to all of your applications, and an aggregated view of each application's processes. This holistic view simplifies triage at runtime, makes it easier to find outliers, and takes advantage of advanced diagnostic tools directly from your browser
N|Solid Runtime A build of Node.js bundled with an advanced native C++ component that provides access to detailed metrics and allows you to control application behavior in production
Package A suite of Node.js modules packaged together
Process An N|Solid instance that has its N|Solid Agent connected to the N|Solid Console
Process Detail View A view in the Console that shows detailed information relating to a specific process. At the top of the view it displays data that N|Solid receives from the process, including the pid, host, platform, and CPU configuration
Process Targeting Causes one minute of the process's recent historic metrics to be visualized as a trail following the process around the graph. Available on the scatterplot in the Processes View. One process can be targeted at a time
Processes View A view in the Console that provides a visual overview of all or a subset of N|Solid applications monitored by the Console. Includes the Scatterplot
Saved Views A graph defined by a search query. Allow you to view processes that fulfill certain parameters and to instruct N|Solid to take certain actions based on conditions within a given saved view
Scatterplot An animated, customizable graph that provides an overview of application performance across all or a subset of connected processes
Security View A view in the Console that displays a list of all the vulnerabilities found across all applications
Sunburst A CPU profiling visualization that shows function call hierarchy and time on-CPU as a measure of radius
Tags Keywords that can be attached to processes that aid in identification and filtering
Threshold A performance limit around which actions such as notifications and heap snapshots can be configured
Treemap A CPU profiling visualization that shows function call hierarchy and time on-CPU as a measure of area
Vulnerability A point of known security concern for an application. In N|Solid, often caused by npm packages with finite semver ranges