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Version: 6.1.0

Using the N|Solid CLI

The N|Solid Runtime ships with a cli tool that can directly communicate with the N|Solid Console Server's internal API, allowing you to automate some of behaviors that you might perform in the N|Solid Pro interface.


In order to use it with your SaaS Console, please contact support for us to enable this feature and provide you a secure access token for your SaaS Console Server's API endpoint.


The N|Solid CLI tool mirrors the Console's API schema. Many options are documented below. For commands not documented here, consult your Console's API Docs at http://localhost:6753/api/v4/api-docs (replace localhost:6753 with your Console server's address.)

To see a list of help information for nsolid-cli, use the -h option:

$ nsolid-cli -h

The output of the nsolid-cli commands, unless otherwise noted, is line-delimited JSON (each line is separated by a newline delimiter \n). The output shown in the examples below is expanded for readability.


If your Console is running with authentication enabled, you will need to configure an administrative access token to allow nsolid-cli to be permitted to access it. This can be set with the NSOLID_CONSOLE_AUTH_ADMIN_TOKEN environment variable or the corresponding config file setting to a secure value value. Once set, you can pass this value to nsolid-cli using the --auth argument.


$ nsolid-cli --remote= --auth="YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" summary


For the specific case of importing settings from a configuration file .nsconfig, you can use this option to read the contents from the file in the filesystem.

--start and --end options

For commands that take --start and --end options, you can pass the following formats for the date/time value:

milliseconds since epochValue returned from
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssISO date
-NsN seconds since now
-NmN minutes since now
-NhN hours since now
-NdN days since now
0Now, when used with the --end option

--q option

Some commands take a --q parameter followed by a query filter expression. Only results matching all query filter terms will be returned.

A filter term is a string with no spaces separating the values.


The field may be any field from info or metrics, or vulns, vuln, or package. See the output of those commands to see what options exist for the field portion of the query.

The operators for each field type are described below.

The value can be a single value or a list of values separated by ,. The term will evaluate to true if the field and operator match any of the specified values. Values may escape any character by preceding it with the % character. In practice, the only characters that need to be escaped are %, (space), and ,.

A query filter expression is a list of filter terms, separated by space characters.

Here is an example showing the list command being passed the --q flag with a query filter expression that has two filter terms:

$ nsolid-cli list --q "vulns>=2 package=express"

String Operators

"="Evaluates to true if the field value is equal to any value in the expression
"!="Evaluates to true if the field value is not equal to any value in the expression
"~"Evaluates to true if the field value wild-card matches any value in the expression
"!~"Evaluates to true if the field value does not wild-card match any value in the expression

Note that multiple string values may be specified in the expression, separated by commas.

Number Operators

"<"Evaluates to true if the field value is less than the value in the expression
"<="Evaluates to true if the field value is less than or equal to the value in the expression
">"Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than the value in the expression
">="Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than or equal to the value in the expression

Package Operators

"="Evaluates to true if the field value equals the value in the expression
"!="Evaluates to true if the field value does not equal the value in the expression
"<"Evaluates to true if the field value is less than the value in the expression
"<=""Evaluates to true if the field value is less than or equal to the value in the expression
">"Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than the value in the expression
">="Evaluates to true if the field value is greater than or equal to the value in the expression

A value for packages fields is either package name or {package name}@{simple-semver-range}, where a simple semver range is one of:

Semver Ranges

X-ranges1.2.3, 1.2, 1.2.x, 1.x, 1.2.*, etc.
Tilde ranges~1.2.3, ~1.2, etc.
Caret ranges^1.2.3, ^1.2, etc.

Using the < and > operators will do a semver range check comparing the versions.


Download an asset.

--idThe asset id (required)


$ nsolid-cli asset --id 217040c0-02d1-4956-8648-7fb84b78c65e > my.heapsnapshot

Asset IDs are available via the assets command described below. The asset file itself will be written to stdout. The N|Solid CLI tool will automatically manage decompression if the asset is compressed.


Lists the assets (CPU profiles and heap snapshots) that are currently available for download.

--idThe agent id or agent id prefix
--appThe NSOLID_APP value
--hostnameThe host the process is running on
--tagAn NSOLID_TAGS value (may be specified multiple times)
--typeOne of snapshot, snapshot-summary, or profile to limit the type of asset returned
--startReturn assets that were created after the specified time
--endReturn assets that were created before the specified time
--starredReturn only assets that have been starred


$ nsolid-cli assets --app my-app-name --type snapshot

Returns a JSON stream including the following properties:

threadIdThe integer id of this thread. 0 = main thread.
timeThe timestamp of the asset completion
assetAn asset id to use with the asset command
typeprofile, snapshot, or snapshot-summary
idThe agent id
reasonHow the profile was triggered. User for manual or View for triggered collection.
appThe NSOLID_APP value
hostnameThe host the process is running on
tagsThe NSOLID_TAGS values
durationThe duration in milliseconds of the profile contents.
sizeThe size of the asset in bytes
compressedBoolean value representing whether the asset will be served as a gzip
deleteSoonA flag as to whether the asset is slated for being deleted as part of automated housekeeping soon.
pidThe operating system process id
titleThe process title
infoThe process info
metricsThe process metrics nearest the time of collection
visualizationThe type of visualization, e.g. 'flamegraph'
sourceMapBoolean value representing whether there is a sourcemap for this profile.
starredBoolean value representing whether the asset is starred or not

Example JSON Result

"threadId": 0,
"time": "2024-05-29T16:37:19.378Z",
"asset": "abdbde9c-bcf8-4e62-98cb-b81a076bd5ec",
"type": "profile",
"id": "e722dbdab1744400e7acfeafba9e86001b9da5b6",
"reason": "User",
"app": "webserver",
"hostname": "EC2AMAZ-ED516RQ",
"tags": [],
"duration": 5029,
"size": 0,
"compressed": true,
"deleteSoon": 0,
"pid": 5296,
"title": "Administrator: NSolid Command Prompt - nsolid",
"info": { ... },
"metrics": { ... },
"visualization": "flamegraph",
"sourceMap": false,
"starred": false


Invoke a custom command. For more information on custom commands, see How-To Guide.

--idThe agent id or id prefix (required)
--nameThe name of the custom command (required)
--dataData to be sent with the command


# calls nsolid.on('verbose', fn) in your application if present
$ nsolid-cli custom --id=[agent id] --name=verbose --data=off

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:

resultThe result of the custom command--the contents of request.reply(result) in the handler.
timeThe timestamp recorded for the event
idThe agent id
appThe NSOLID_APP value
hostnameThe host the process is running on
tagsThe NSOLID_TAGS values

Example JSON Result

"result": {
"ok": true
"id": "5bc4a84c62710b007f4ed6f96d00570079c60920",
"app": "example",
"hostname": "anoxia",
"tags": [],
"time": 1717010944178


Subscribe to the event stream, which emits a wide array of event types and metadata.


$ nsolid-cli events

There are many types of events, and more are added all the time. Some of the primary types are described below.

Event TypeDescription
license-updatedThe license data has been changed or verified with the license server
field-range-changedThe range or option set for a field has expanded or contracted
agent-packages-addedAn agent's package list has been added or updated
agent-foundA new agent has connected to the console
agent-exitAn agent has terminated

Example JSON Result



Extract the events from a range of time in the past.

--idAn agent id
--typeAn optional event type to only include
--startReturn events that occurred after the specified time
--endReturn events that occurred before the specified time
--pageAn optinal page number (events are paginated if this param is provided)
--showLimitAn optional limit of the paginated records
--orderByAn optional field to order the events (such as agentId, hostname, etc)
--orderAn optional order parameter (asc or desc)


$ nsolid-cli events-historic --start="-2h" --end="-1h"


Returns a randomly generated keypair suitable for use in the N|Solid Console socket configuration. If your N|Solid Console instance is running on an untrusted network, it is recommended that you generate and use new keys.


$ nsolid-cli generate-keypair

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:

publicPublic key value. publicKey in N|Solid Console configuration, and env variable NSOLID_PUBKEY for N|Solid Runtime
privatePrivate key value. privateKey in N|Solid Console configuration

Example JSON Result

"public": "[t&m}{EZH7=HR(IW:+Ttk:=r.Y$:CP+-Q&5L?2N!",
"private": "4QZof={^Pman?I?mB0o!]%z/{Jlu6:mJfl[Ms@[^"


Returns objects which contain static information about processes and the hosts they are running on.

--idThe full or partial agent id
--qThe query options (see above)


$ nsolid-cli info

Returns a JSON stream including the following properties:

timeMilliseconds since epoch time message was sent
idThe agent id
appThe NSOLID_APP value or name property from package.json
appVersionThe version property from package.json
hostnameThe host the process is running on
tagsThe NSOLID_TAGS values
pidOperating system process id
processStartThe time the process started
execPathPath of the executable running the application
mainThe main module used when the application started up
archThe CPU architecture
platformName of the N|Solid platform
totalMemTotal available memory in the system
cpuCoresThe number of CPU cores
cpuModelThe CPU model
versionsObject describing the versions of components used in the runtime

Example JSON Result

"app": "webserver",
"appVersion": "5.3.0",
"arch": "x64",
"cpuCores": 4,
"cpuModel": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8488C",
"execPath": "/bin/nsolid",
"hostname": "02b3ed82-6bac-49a0-ba1b-878cd93745ae-7d58498dc9-8z6km",
"id": "44c58a6b7c607c00d58fc184f6dab60080d16cd4",
"main": "/usr/src/app/webserver",
"nodeEnv": "production",
"pid": 7,
"platform": "linux",
"processStart": 1716993070545,
"tags": [],
"totalMem": 16467304448,
"versions": { ... },
"time": "2024-05-29T14:31:10.545Z"


Returns an array of all available matching N|Solid processes, along with their most recent info and metrics data. The command ls is an alias for this command.

--qThe query object (see above)


$ nsolid-cli list --q id=5dd6

Returns newline delimited JSON objects where each row includes the following properties:

timeThe timestamp of the last metrics payload
infoThe object returned from the info command
metricsThe object returned from the metrics command

Example JSON Result

"time": "2024-05-29T19:46:46.103Z",
"info": {
"time": "2024-05-29T19:46:46.103Z",
"id": "44c58a6b7c607c00d58fc184f6dab60080d16cd4",
"app": "webserver",
"hostname": "02b3ed82-6bac-49a0-ba1b-878cd93745ae-7d58498dc9-8z6km",
"tags": [],
"appVersion": "5.3.0",
"arch": "x64",
"cpuCores": 4,
"cpuModel": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8488C",
"execPath": "/bin/nsolid",
"main": "/usr/src/app/webserver",
"nodeEnv": "production",
"pid": 7,
"platform": "linux",
"processStart": 1716993070545,
"totalMem": 16467304448,
"versions": { ... }
"metrics": { ... }


Subscribes to the metrics for a set of agents.

--fieldA list of fields to include in the output. If unspecified, all fields will return
--intervalHow frequently to poll for metrics data
--qThe query set (see above)


$ nsolid-cli metrics

Consult the Metrics in Detail section for complete details on the metrics available.

Example JSON Result



Retrieve metrics records over a historical time range. Records match the metrics command output.

--fieldA list of fields to include in the output. If unspecified, all fields will return
--qThe query set (see above)
--startThe start of the time range
--endThe end of the time range
--seriesThe aggregation level of the data. Can be raw, 1m, or 1h. Defaults to raw


$ nsolid-cli metrics-historic --start="-2m" --end="-1m"


Returns a list of packages and modules available in the specified process.

--idThe full agent id or prefix


$ nsolid-cli packages --id=[agent id]

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:

idThe agent id
timeThe timestamp of the message
appThe NSOLID_APP value
packagesAn array of package objects with details about the package and its dependencies
vulnerabilitiesAn object with vulnerability details


Generates a V8 CPU profile of the specified process.

--idThe agent id (required)
--durationDuration of profile in seconds. Default is 10 minutes


$ nsolid-cli profile --id=[agent id] --duration=10 > my.cpuprofile

Once the profile file has been created, it can be opened using Chrome’s Development Tool’s CPU Profile Debugging Tool.


To load the file, Chrome requires that the generated file have the extension .cpuprofile.


Generates a V8 heap snapshot of the specified process.

--idThe agent id (required)


$ nsolid-cli snapshot --id=[agent id] > my.heapsnapshot

Once the snapshot file has been created, it can be opened using Chrome’s Development Tool’s heap snapshot browser


To load the file, Chrome requires that the generated file have the extension .heapsnapshot.


Lists the time to reach certain process lifecycle startup phases from initial process execution.

--idThe full agent id or prefix


$ nsolid-cli startup-times

Returns a JSON stream including the recorded startup times. See the JS API for more information about nsolid.startupTimes and how to customize the results.

Example JSON Result

"bootstrap_complete": [0, 16133046],
"initialized_node": [0, 348150],
"initialized_v8": [0, 2948542],
"loaded_environment": [0, 7952192],
"loop_start": [0, 28983685],
"timeOrigin": [0, 0],
"timeOriginTimestamp": [1572676, 809463407],
"id": "01476b6496aa530063f92c5e4c5da800cf5685ae",
"time": "2024-05-29T19:59:29.974Z",
"tags": [],
"app": "example",
"hostname": "anoxia"


Returns known security vulnerabilities for all processes.


$ nsolid-cli vulnerabilities

Returns a JSON object representing all current known vulnerabilities.

timeMessage timestamp
vulnerabilitiesAn array of vulnerability objects

Example JSON Result

"time": "2024-05-29T20:02:39.924Z",
"lastUpdated": "2024-05-29T19:35:21.257Z",
"vulnerabilities": [
"report": {
"package": "d3-color",
"title": "d3-color vulnerable to ReDoS",
"published": "2022-09-29T14:12:55Z",
"credit": [
"id": "GHSA-36jr-mh4h-2g58",
"ids": {...},
"vulnerable": "< 3.1.0",
"severity": "high",
"description": "The d3-color module provides ...",
"nsolidMetaData": {
"hidden": false
"processes": [
"id": "24472c3ed21920005805bbd0770890003655b818",
"app": "e51e6006-6589-49f0-aef5-0982b6f0060d",
"tags": [],
"hostname": "e51e6006-6589-49f0-aef5-0982b6f0060d-55964b5d4-855qv",
"topLevel": 1,
"depChains": [
{ ... }
"processCount": 5
"vulnerabilityCount": 1


Subscribe to matching agent data on an interval.

--fieldList of fields to request. All fields returned if not specified
--intervalNumber of seconds before returning next current object (default: 1)
--qThe query filter options (see above)


$ nsolid-cli query --q id=5

Returns newline delimited JSON objects with framing objects.

Framing TypeDescription
startThe query stream start frame
interval-startThe start of the records for this interval
agent-enterAn agent entry
summarySummary data about the entire (unfiltered) data set
interval-endThe last record for this interval frame

Example JSON Result

{"time":"2024-05-29T20:08:19.065Z","type":"agent-enter","id":"24472c3ed21920005805bbd0770890003655b818","info":{ ... },"metrics":{ ... }}
{"time":"2024-05-29T20:08:20.066Z","type":"metrics","id":"24472c3ed21920005805bbd0770890003655b818","metrics":{ ... }}


Pull a summary of all connected N|Solid processes. Reports counts of matched properties or resources.

--qThe query options (see above)


$ nsolid-cli summary

Example JSON Result

"time": "2024-05-29T20:12:19.555Z",
"processes": 8,
"apps": {
"webserver": 5,
"portal": 2,
"demo": 1
"tags": {},
"rss": 2808512512,
"cpu": 196.852483,
"node": {
"20.12.2": 5,
"20.11.1": 1,
"20.13.1": 2
"nsolid": {
"5.2.0": 5,
"5.0.5": 1,
"5.2.2": 2
"packages": 3945,
"vulnerabilities": {
"GHSA-36jr-mh4h-2g58": 1
"hiddenVulnerabilities": {}


Pull a JSON object with one or many settings configuration to backup or import later. The only settings available to export are: integrations, savedViews and notifications.

--itemCould be one or a list of items to export (see example)


$ nsolid-cli export-settings --item integrations,savedViews,notifications

Example JSON Result

"_metadata": {
"_timestamp": "",
"integrations": {},
"notifications": {},
"savedViews": {}


Apply a previously backup/exported settings. The only settings available to import are: integrations, savedViews and notifications.

--itemCould be one or a list of items to export (see example)
--actionAppend to or clean previous settings (see example)


$ nsolid-cli import-settings --item integrations --action clean --attach backup.nsconfig