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Version: 6.1.0

Optimize Performance with CPU Profiles

CPU Profiling

Analyzing Profiles Using the N|Solid Console

The N|Solid Console allows you to generate and analyze profiles in one action. This is particularly useful if you need to take a series of profiles, as it avoids the overhead of switching between environments. The console also saves a profile history, simplifying navigation between profiles when troubleshooting.

  1. Select the process of interest.
  2. On the process details page, click the New CPU Profile button. "New profile"
  3. Select your profile window (5 to 60 seconds), the thread you want to profile (0 is the main thread, the rest of them are worker threads) and desired visualization style and run profile. "Run profile"
  4. N|Solid Console will pop up a green notification bar across the top of the screen when the profile is complete. Click it to view your new CPU profile. "Call stack"

For convenience, profiles are saved in your console session so you can easily flip between profiles. If your application ends before the profile is complete, N|Solid will try to save the profile data generated so far. If it is able to do so, your profile will be viewable under the Assets tab of the process detail page.

Visualizations Explained


All of the visualizations available for profile data show the unique set of stack traces captured during the profile, with the "area" of the stack indicating the proportional time spent in a function compared to that of its parent.

The Flame Graph visualization shows the time along the x-axis. The y-axis is used to show the function calls that make up a particular stack trace.

The Sunburst visualization is like the Flame Graph, where the x-axis is curved into a circle. Stack traces grow from the center to the outer parts of the graph.

The Treemap visualization shows time by area. The larger the rectangle, the more time a function took. The stack traces grow from the outer boxes into the inner boxes.

You can use the visualizations to find long-running functions. These can be identified by:

  • wide rectangles in the Flame Graph
  • long radial sections in the Sunburst
  • large areas in the Treemap

The stack trace height - how many functions deep a particular stack trace went - does not necessarily indicate a time issue. Focus on interpreting the time values as discussed above.

As you hover over the visualization itself, the function represented by the visualization will be shown. Clicking will show a stack trace to the right of the visualization.

When analyzing CPU profiles with the N|Solid Console visualizations, pay careful attention to stack trace entries that take up the most area. This is displayed as a factor of width in the Flame Graph, circumference in the Sunburst, and area in the Treemap.

Code Highlighting

Code highlighting shows the origin of each function. This makes it easier to determine the source of performance issues by selectively highlighting only one of the following categories of functions at a time:

  • None: don't highlight anything.
  • User Code: your application code. Selected by default.
  • Core Code: any module compiled into the Node.js/N|Solid core, e.g., fs, http, net.
  • 3rd Party Code: any module installed into node_modules/, including those authored by you and/or the organization you belong to.

The search field allows you to search for nodes with matching function names and paths across the entire profile. It is case-sensitive, and only the first 500 matching results will be displayed.

Analyzing Profiles Using N|Solid and the Chrome Profiler

You can also view the generated CPU profile in Chrome Dev Tools:

  1. Click the Download Profile button on the left side of the screen
  2. Open the Chrome web browser
  3. Open Chrome Dev Tools from the overflow menu (the three dots in the right-hand side of the browser), hover More tools option, and click on Developer tools (or press ctrl + shift + i, cmd + alt +i on macOS)
  4. You will see the Performance tab come up. Click the Load profile button (up arrow logo) that appears in the left-hand pane under this tab.
  5. Find the .cpuprofile file that was downloaded, and click the Open button
  6. A CPU profile chart will appear in the Performance tab
  7. Below it you will be able to see the Chart, Heavy (Bottom Up), and Tree (Top Down) views by selecting the respective entry in the dropdown menu located immediately above the CPU profile chart.

In addition to function execution times, the CPU profile chart also shows what functions were on the stack at the time the process was sampled.

Profiling Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

N|Solid's Command Line Interface (CLI) is a great way to quickly pull profiles from remote processes for local examination. You can learn more about the profile command in the N|Solid Command Line Interface (CLI) reference using-the-cli.

CPU Profiling

CPU Profiling allows you to understand where opportunities exist to improve the speed and load capacity of your Node processes.

Analyzing the Function Call Stack

Generated CPU profiles can be used to indicate all of the functions on the function call stack. For instance, if a function foo() calls a function bar() during its execution, and a sample was taken while bar() was running, the function call stack will show that foo() called bar(). Because multiple samples may be taken while bar() is executing, there will be an approximate start and stop time recorded for bar(), which is an indication of how long it took to run. In addition, further samples before and after the ones that captured bar() will capture foo(), and likewise to the bottom of the function call stack.

This data can then be analyzed to show, for the function foo(), how much time was actually spent in foo() and not in bar(). Every function has two time values, a self time and a total time. For the foo() and bar() case, if foo() only calls the bar() function, then the self time for foo() plus the total time for bar() will equal the total time for foo():

function foo() {
… processing that takes a lot of time but calls no other functions ...
… processing that takes a lot of time but calls no other functions …

function bar() {


foo() total time = foo() self time + bar() total time

Note: Total time shows you which functions are fastest and slowest, from start to finish, but does not definitively tell you if the time was spent in that function or other functions.

Named Functions

Named functions are easier to spot in CPU profiles. The stack frame entries available in a CPU profile include the name of a function, and source code location information for detail views. For anonymous functions, the name will often be displayed as "(anonymous)". In some cases, the V8 JavaScript engine can calculate an "inferred name" for a function. When possible, name functions so that they can be easily spotted in a CPU profile.

For instance, a function busyFunction(), which you like to easily track the callers for, is being called from an anonymous function:

setInterval(function(){busyFunction()}, 1000)

In a CPU profile, you'll see that busyFunction() is being called by (anonymous).

To make this easier to spot in a CPU profile, you can simply use:

setInterval(function busyFunctionCaller(){busyFunction()}, 1000)

In the CPU profile, you'll now see that busyFunction() is called by busyFunctionCaller().

For additional code cleanliness and clearer profiling, consider moving the entire function out into the same scope as the function usage:

setInterval(busyFunctionCaller, 1000)
function busyFunctionCaller() {

Because JavaScript functions are "hoisted" to the top level of the scope they're defined in, you can reference busyFunctionCaller before it is actually defined.

Sourcemap Support

Utilizing typescript and/or transpilers with N|Solid makes interpreting CPU profiles difficult unless the user is deeply familiar with the code. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

When compiling code, a Source Map is currently being generated. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

In an effort to address concrete customer pain-points, NodeSource has introduced SourceMap Support to the N|Solid CPU profiler. This feature continues to evolve with the specific requirements of our customers. NodeSource therefore envisages a phased rollout.

Currently the feature can be accessed as follows:

  1. The NSolid Console backend assumes that the sourcemap is right next to the file, i.e., which it subsequently reads and sends that to the client.
  2. When opening the Flamegraph view, ensure the Sourcemap-Box is checked.
  3. This makes the client traverse the CPU profile and request a sourcemap for all function locations from the Console backend
  4. The Client then uses the updated CPU profile to generate a flamegraph.
  5. If the Sourcemap box is unchecked, the original CPU profile is used again.
  6. Stored asset of the Profile includes a ourcemap setting and applies it when the asset is loaded again.