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Version: 6.1.0

Metrics In Detail

In-depth information on the many application characteristics and metrics that the N|Solid Runtime collects or are calculated and appended by the N|Solid Console Server.

Process Characteristsics

The two primary metrics commands, INFO and METRICS reply with a number of characteristics and values recorded live by the N|Solid Agent. They contain stats related to the system hosting the process, the process as a whole, and the threads that make up the process.

appThe user-specified application name as set in package.json or the NSOLID_APP environment variable.
appVersionThe user-specified application version as set in package.json.
execPathThe absolute path of the N|Solid executable running the application.
idThe unique N|Solid agent ID. Unique per N|Solid process.
mainThe absolute path to the root module in the process's module tree.
nodeEnvThe user-specified NODE_ENV environment variable.
pidThe hosting system's process id for the process. Unique per server.
processStartThe epoch timestamp for instant the process started.
tagsThe user-specified tags as set by the NSOLID_TAGS environment variable.
vulnsThe number of known vulnerabilities found in the modules of the process. This data is appended by the N

Core Library Versions

The libraries built into the Node.js core and added by N|Solid and their versions are in the versions object of the INFO reply.

versions: {
acorn: '8.10.0',
ada: '2.7.2',
ares: '1.20.1',
base64: '0.5.0',
brotli: '1.0.9',
cjs_module_lexer: '1.2.2',
cldr: '43.1',
icu: '73.2',
llhttp: '8.1.1',
modules: '115',
napi: '9',
nghttp2: '1.57.0',
nghttp3: '0.7.0',
ngtcp2: '0.8.1',
node: '20.10.0',
nsolid: '5.0.2-pre',
openssl: '3.0.12+quic',
simdutf: '3.2.18',
tz: '2023c',
undici: '5.26.4',
unicode: '15.0',
uv: '1.46.0',
uvwasi: '0.0.19',
v8: '',
zlib: ''

System Information

Note: The host system may be actual hardware, a virtual machine, or a container.

archThe host system's CPU architecture.
cpuCoresThe host system's number of CPU cores or hyperthreaded cores as reported by the OS.
cpuModelThe host system's CPU model.
hostnameThe host system's configured hostname.
platformThe host system's operating system platform.
totalMemThe host system's total available memory. This metric does not change during runtime.

System Data

freeMemThe host system's amount of free (unused) memory, in bytes.
load1mThe average number of processes on the host being executed or waiting for cpu time in in the past 1 minute.
load5mThe average number of processes on the host being executed or waiting for cpu time in in the past 5 minutes.
load15mThe average number of processes on the host being executed or waiting for cpu time in in the past 15 minutes.
systemUptimeThe host system's uptime, in seconds.

Note: These numbers are not correlated to which core the process or its threads may be run on.

General Process Stats and Information

blockInputOpCountThe number of file system input operations performed by the process.
blockOutputOpCountThe number of file system output operations performed by the process.
cpuSystemPercentThe percent CPU used by the process in system calls. e.g. 4.1
cpuUserPercentThe percent CPU used by the process in user code. e.g. 7.4
cpuPercentThe percent CPU used by the process. e.g. 11.5 (Should be System + User)
ctxSwitchInvoluntaryCountThe number of involuntary context switches away from the process. I.e. a higher priority process needs time or the process has completed its time slice.
ctxSwitchVoluntaryCountThe number of voluntary context switches away from the process. I.e. the process yielded back before its time slice was due, usually to wait for an IO resource.
pageFaultHardCountThe number of hard page faults triggered by the process. In this case the process attempted to read from memory but the page it was trying to read had been cached to disk. These can be costly for performance.
pageFaultSoftCountThe number of soft page faults (page reclaims) triggered by the process. In this case the process attempted to read from its local cache and the page had been moved to another area of memory. Not a great cause for concern.
titleThe current system title of the process.
uptimeThe process uptime, in seconds.
userThe system user currently running the process. This reflects any changes made during runtime.
rssRSS or "Resident Set Size" is the absolute total of all memory used by this process. All other active memory sections are subsets of the RSS for the process. If this value continually grows and never stabilizes at a consistent value, you likely have some sort of memory leak.

Legacy POSIX Process Statistics

These POSIX standard values are considered legacy but are kept for potential future re-use.

ipcReceivedCountThe number of IPC messages received by the process. This is a legacy metric no longer in use on modern platforms.
ipcSentCountThe number of IPC messages sent by the process. This is a legacy metric no longer in use on modern platforms.
signalCountThe number of signals received by the process. This is a legacy metric no longer in use on modern platforms.
swapCountThe number of times the process has been swapped out of memory. This is a legacy metric no longer in use on modern platforms.

Per-Thread Metrics

To fully support Node.js Worker Threads, the Metrics and Informational values that relate to specific threads are broken into a section of the METRICS reply that has an entry for the main thread and any Worker Threads.

threadNameThe name of the thread, if set.
threadIdThe thread's id, starting with thread 0 as the main thread.

JavaScript Memory Stats

Note that rssis not specific to a thread, so is listed outside of thread metrics, but each Thread's heapTotal and extrernalMem are subset of the entire process' rss.

totalAvailableSizeThe remaining amount of memory the heap can allocate on the process before hitting the maximum heap size, in bytes. It is effectively heapSizeLimit - heapTotal.
totalHeapSizeExecutableThe total amount of executable memory (containing code instructions) allocated in the process's heap, in bytes.
totalPhysicalSizeThe amount of physical memory currently committed for the heap of the process, in bytes.
heapSizeLimitThe maximum amount of memory reserved for the JavaScript Heap space for the process. If the allocator requests memory that would grow beyond this configured size limit, V8 will terminate the process with allocation failures.
heapTotalThe process's total allocated JavaScript heap size, in bytes. Contains the used portion (heapUsed) of the Heap as well as spare memory to work with. If the heapUsed grows too close to heapTotal, it will allocate more memory and grow. As the Garbage Collector runs and purges items from the Heap, this can reduce.
heapUsedThe process's total used JavaScript heap size, in bytes. The memory space storing all JavaScript objects and values. A key value to watch for memory leaks.
externalMemThe thread's memory allocated by Node.js outside of V8's heap but represented by a reference inside of the Heap, in bytes. This is where Buffers and native addon memory is located. This may exceed RSS if large Buffers are soft-allocated by V8.
numberOfNativeContextsThe number of attached contexts, typically created using the vm module to create additional V8 memory sandboxes.
numberOfDetachedContextsThe number of detached contexts that still contain memory and are not being garbage collected.
mallocedMemoryThe total number of memory currently allocated via malloc for use outside of V8--for example by native modules.
peakMallocedMemoryThe highest recorded allocation made using malloc over the life of the process.

Node.js Event Loop Stats

Note: To learn more about event loop utilization visit The Event loop utilization blogpost.

loopAvgTasksThe process's average number of async JavaScript entries per event loop cycle.
loopEstimatedLagThe estimated amount of time a I/O response may have to wait in the process, in milliseconds.
loopIdlePercentThe percent time that the process is waiting (idle) for I/O or timers.
loopTotalCountThe cumulative count of all event loop cycles in the process. Legacy value for backwards compatibility.
loopIterationsThe total number of event loop iterations since the process started. New name for loopTotalCount.
loopIterWithEventsThe total number of event loop iterations since the process started that had events for Node to handle.
loopIdleTimeThe amount of time the event loop has spent idle since the process started, in nanoseconds.
loopUtilizationThe ratio of time that the event loop spends processing events rather than being idle. When this number grows you may start to see latency spikes.
eventsProcessedThe quantity of events processed by the event handler upon return of the event provider request for a single loop iteration.
eventsWaitingThe number of events that were ready to be recieved but still in the queue--these are potentially experiencing some amount of event loop lag.
providerDelayThe average delay between an event being put into the event queue and being dequed and operated, in nanoseconds.
processingDelayThe amount of time it took to dispatch the event inside the event loop--the time the event was neither waiting nor yet being handled by V8.
res5sA simple moving average of the Event Loop's effective "responsiveness" over the past 5 seconds. This is a ratio of delay to processing time.
res1m... over the past 1 minute.
res5m... over the past 5 minutes.
res15m... over the past 15 minutes.

JavaScript Garbage Collection Stats

gcCountThe total number of garbage collections of any type done by the process.
gcDurUs99PtileThe process's 99th percentile duration of garbage collections, in microseconds. This represents the cutoff duration of the slowest 1% of GC events.
gcDurUsMedianThe process's median duration of garbage collections, in microseconds. These are more typical durations for GC events.
gcForcedCountThe process's number of externally forced garbage collections. For example, triggered via a HeapSnapshot being collected.
gcFullCountThe number of garbage collections run by the process which collected all available garbage. Usually only observed when the heapTotal is approaching heapSizeLimit.
gcMajorCountThe number of significant garbage collections done by the process. An example of a "significant" garbage collection is a "Mark-Sweep".

HTTP and DNS Stats

dnsCountThe total number of DNS lookups performed since the process started.
dnsMedianThe process's median duration of DNS lookups performed, in milliseconds.
dns99PtileThe 99th percentile duration of DNS loops performed by the process.
httpClientCountThe total number of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests performed.
httpClientAbortCountThe total number of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests made by the node process canceled due to inactivity or by calling the abort method.
httpClientMedianThe median duration of outgoing HTTP(S) client requests completed, in milliseconds.
httpClient99PtileThe 99th percentile duration of outgoing HTTP(s) client requests completed, in milliseconds.
httpServerCountThe total number of incoming HTTP(s) requests served.
httpServerAbortCountThe total number of served incoming HTTP(S) requests to the process that were aborted.
httpServerMedianThe median duration of served incoming HTTP(S) requests completed, in milliseconds.
httpServer99PtileThe 99th percentile duration of served incoming HTTP(S) requests completed, in milliseconds. These are your slowest 1% of all requests handled by your http server process.

IO Primitives

As your application creates and uses IO primitives, the cumulative numbers are tracked via these metrics throughout the process' duration. These are good indicators of activity and can reveal sources of memory leaks due to failing to close IO resources.

activeHandlesThe total number of live internal "Handles" which is the name for long-lived asynchronous primitives such as open sockets, child processes, files, etc.
activeRequestsThe total number of live internal "Requests" which is the name for short-lived asynchronous primitives such as http requests, promises, etc.
pipeServerCreatedCountThe total number of server objects created using named pipes.
pipeServerDestroyedCountThe total number of pipe server objects that have been torn down and are no longer active.
pipeSocketCreatedCountThe number of pipe socket objects created.
pipeSocketDestroyedCountThe number of pipe socket objects that have been torn down and are no longer active.
tcpServerCreatedCountThe number of TCP network server objects created.
tcpServerDestroyedCountThe number of TCP server objects torn down.
tcpSocketCreatedCountThe number of TCP client socket objects created.
tcpSocketDestroyedCountThe number of TCP client socket objects torn down.
udpSocketCreatedCountUDP network socket objects created
udpSocketDestroyedCountUDP network socket objects destroyed
promiseCreatedCountTotal number of Promises created by the process. NOTE: The NSolid Runtime is not configured to track promises by default and must be configured with NSOLID_PROMISE_TRACKING=1 or promiseTracking set to a truthy value in your NSolid configuration.
promiseResolvedCountTotal number of Promises resolved during the life of the process. Also requires Promise tracking to be enabled.
fsHandlesOpenedCountTotal number of File System handles opened.
fsHandlesClosedCountTotal number of File System handles closed.