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Version: 4.10.0

GCP Quick Start Guide

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) lets you build and host applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's scalable infrastructure. We offer a dedicated repository to help you deploy N|Solid on GCP quickly and easily, with several Deployment Manager templates already written.

License Key

If you don't already have a license key, please visit the NodeSource Accounts website to start your trial service.

Getting Started

Easily run N|Solid on GCP using our Deployment Manager templates. You can find a list of templates and their descriptions in the Once you find a template that you want to use, follow these steps to use the Deployment Manager templates in nsolid-gcp:

  1. Clone the repository to your computer:
$ git clone
  1. Find the template you want to run in the /templates folder.

  2. Execute the gcloud Deployment Manager command to create the N|Solid Deployment:

$ gcloud deployment-manager deployments create nsolid --config templates/nsolid-quick-start/nsolid.yaml

Image List

You can also use our N|Solid Images for your own projects. See for a full list of Image IDs.

Running Node Applications with N|Solid

ssh into the machine as ubuntu user and set these four N|Solid env variables:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-gcp-key.pem ubuntu@<ip-address>

$ NSOLID_APPNAME="My_Application" node app.js

You can customize the name of your application in the N|Solid Console by changing the NSOLID_APPNAME environmental variable. If you do not specify an app name, N|Solid will look for a name property in your package.json, and if that is not found, your application name will default to "untitled application".

You are now ready to use N|Solid for your own applications!

Configuring N|Solid Console

Process Management

  • Nginx: /etc/init.d/nginx
  • N|Solid Console: /etc/init.d/nsolid-console


The configuration for the external proxy is located at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nsolid-nginx.conf.

N|Solid Console

The default configuration file is located at /etc/nsolid/console-config.toml, with all artifacts stored at /var/lib/nsolid/console.