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Version: 6.0.0


There are multiple ways to send configuration to the N|Solid Runtime:

  • Environment-based
  • File-based config
  • JavaScript runtime configuration

Each of these three options can be used in the same way with the same outcome and it is entirely up to your requirements for implementation.

The default configuration of N|Solid will only start up the agent partially, the Agent thread will start, but it will not perform any automated checks or attempt to send any observability data anywhere without an endpoing configured.

To connect to an N|Solid Console Server, the minimum configuration for starting the N|Solid Agent with observability in place is the NSOLID_SAAS or NSOLID_COMMAND address for either your N|Solid SaaS Server instance, or your on-premise N|Solid Console Server. This will enable it to handshake and successfully complete the connection and the N|Solid Console Server will complete the networking setup configuration.

Running with the Agent Disabled

If no configuration options are set for any of NSOLID_SAAS, NSOLID_COMMAND, NSOLID_STATSD, or NSOLID_OLTP defined to instruct it where to send data, the agent is created but most functionality is disabled and the runtime will behave just like unmodified Node.js.

When running in this mode, the N|Solid JavaScript API will still be active, including the nsolid.start function that can be used to configure and start the N|Solid Agent's communication channels.

Connecting to N|Solid Pro SAAS

The simplest way to start working with Observability data for your application is to use N|Solid SAAS. In this setup we start and operate a N|Solid Console Server in the cloud just for your systems and provide a connection string to configure the N|Solid Runtime to connect and authenticate to your dedicated server.

To find your NSOLID_SAAS connection screen, log into NodeSource Accounts and copy the connection string provided. To visit your N|Solid Console Server, click the Visit Now link.

N|Solid Accounts page showing the NSOLID_SAAS connection string

Set the NSOLID_SAAS connection string as an environment variable however you prefer to define your environment:

$ NSOLID_SAAS='your-saas-connection-string...' nsolid index.js

Any of these three techniques should cause your process to connect and be found in the N|Solid Pro Console.

Connecting to an on-premise N|Solid Console Server

To connect to a self-operated N|Solid Console Server you must specify the NSOLID_COMMAND address where it listens for incoming agent connections. The N|Solid Console Server currently connects to the N|Solid Runtime on three different network ports in order to prioritize commands and data over bulk asset contents. Only the NSOLID_COMMAND must be specified as the N|Solid Console Server will provide the other addresses during handshake over the NSOLID_COMMAND channel.

  • NSOLID_COMMAND -- The address for the "COMMAND" channel for bidirectional communication betwen the Agent and the Console Server. Default port: 9001
  • NSOLID_DATA -- The address for one-shot data replies that contain smaller payloads. Default port: 9002
  • NSOLID_BULK -- The address for large, multi-chunk streamed content such as Heap Snapshots or CPU Profies. Default port: 9003
$ NSOLID_COMMAND='localhost:9001' nsolid index.js

Connecting to an OpenTelemetry endpoint

There are three key configuration variables necessary to fully enable OpenTelemetry.


Tracing is not enabled by default. To do so at startup, this flag must be set to a true value. Tracing can be enabled and disabled during the life of the process remotely in the N|Solid Pro UI.



With tracing enabled, if the N|Solid Agent has an N|Solid Console connection, it will automatically start sending trace data.


Even if you aren't connecting to a N|Solid Console Server, you must enable tracing to send OTLP data to other configured endpoints.


To configure additional endpoints, the NSOLID_OTLP and NSOLID_OTLP_CONFIG are used to specify where and how to send the traces.

NSOLID_OTLP defines the type of endpoint we're exporting the traces to. Current options are:

  • datadog
  • dynatrace
  • newrelic
  • otlp

NSOLID_OTLP_CONFIG defines the configuration for the type of endpoint selected in NSOLID_OTLP. This table provides examples of the configuration object for each type of endpoint:

Endpoint TypeKeysFormat
datadogzone, key, url
{ zone: 'us' | 'eu',  key: 'your_datadog_key', url: 'otlp_endpoint_url' }
dynatracesite, token
{ site: 'you_dynatrace_size',  token: 'your_dynatrace' }
newreliczone, key
{ zone: 'us' | 'eu',  key: 'your_datadog_key' }
otlpurl, protocol
{ url: 'otlp_endpoint_url', protocol: 'http' | 'grpc' }


NSOLID_TRACING_ENABLED=1 NSOLID_OTLP=dynatrace NSOLID_OTLP_CONFIG='{"site":"my_site","token":"my_token"}'

Connecting to a STATSD endpoint


To send N|Solid metrics to a StatsD endpoint, all that is required is the url configured as NSOLID_STATSD



StatsD metrics are reported using "buckets". This format will depend somewhat on your reporting frontend and may require some experimentation.

By default, N|Solid creates bucket names prefixed with "nsolid.<env>.<app>.<hostname>.<shortId>.", followed by the name of the metric. In this string:

  • env is the value of the NSOLID_ENV environment variable if it exists, or the "env" property of the "nsolid" section in package.json if it exists. Defaults to "prod" if not otherwise supplied.
  • app is the value of the NSOLID_APP environment variable if it exists, or the "app" property of the "nsolid" section in package.json if it exists, or the "name" property in package.json if it exists, or process.title if it has been set. Defaults to "untitled application" if not otherwise supplied.
  • hostname is the value of the NSOLID_HOSTNAME environment variable if it exists, or the "hostname" property of the "nsolid" section in package.json if it exists. Otherwise, the value of os.hostname() is used.
  • shortId is the first 7 characters of the random alphanumeric ID created by the N|Solid Agent at startup. This can be used to uniquely identify your processes. The full 40 character string is also available as id if required.

Your StatsD data, by default, will be formatted like so when sent to the collector:|g|g|g|g

StatsD tags

Some backends, such as DataDog support "tags" for metric reporting.

By default, N|Solid does not append any tags to its metrics.


To alter the default configuration for bucket and tag decorators for your StatsD data, you can use the NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET and NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS variables.

Both NSOLID_STATSD_BUCKET and NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS support variable substitution for the keys listed in the table above. In the config string use ${template} literal style quoting to susbstitute those values.

For example: The default bucket prefix would be specified as follows: "nsolid.${env}.${app}.${hostname}.${shortId}".

Using the NSOLID_STATSD_TAGS environment variable, or the statsdTags property of the nsolid section in package.json, supply a string with the same variable substitution format as for the buckets above. In addition to env, app, hostname, shortId and id variables, you can also make use of tags to insert the N|Solid tags that have been supplied for the process.

StatsD tags should be a comma-separated list of strings that your backend can decode. Refer to your statsd provider documentation to find out if tags are supported and what you should set them to.
