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Version: 5.0.0

Microsoft Azure Quickstart Guide

Azure is a comprehensive set of cloud services that developers and IT professionals use to build, deploy, and manage applications through a global network of datacenters. We offer a dedicated repository to help you deploy N|Solid on Azure quickly and easily. We have several Resource Manager templates already written.

License Key

If you don't already have a license key, please visit the NodeSource Accounts website to start your trial service.

Getting Started

Easily run N|Solid on Azure using our Resource Manager templates. You can find a list of templates and their descriptions in the README. Once you find a template you want to use, follow these steps to use the Resource Manager templates in nsolid-azure:

  1. Make a copy of our N|Solid VHDs into your own account for use in the templates.
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-runtime-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri <runtime-vhd-uri> --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-console-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri <console-vhd-uri> --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
  1. Find the template you want to run in the /templates folder, then click the Deploy to Azure button. This will open up a Custom Deployment in Azure Resource Manager in your own account.

  2. Fill in the required parameters with your VHD URI's created in step 1.

  3. Select either an existing Resource Group or create a new one.

  4. Set the location to "West US".

  5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.

  6. Click the Purchase button.

Launch ARM Template

Image List

You can also use our N|Solid Images for your own projects. See for a full list of Image IDs.

Connecting the N|Solid Runtime to the N|Solid Console on Azure

To connect an N|Solid Runtime to your N|Solid Console, SSH into your N|Solid Runtime instance, and run the following commands:

$ ssh ns@<ip-address>
# password is nodesource

$ NSOLID_COMMAND={nsolid_console_ip_address}:9001 \
$ NSOLID_DATA={nsolid_console_ip_address}:9002 \
$ NSOLID_BULK={nsolid_console_ip_address}:9003 \
$ NSOLID_APPNAME="My Application Name" node app.js

In the above code block, you will need to replace {nsolid_console_ip_address} with the IP address of your N|Solid Console. You will also want to replace "My Application Name" with the name of your application, as you want it to be displayed in the N|Solid Console.

You can customize the name of your application in the N|Solid Console by changing the NSOLID_APPNAME environmental variable. If you do not specify an app name, N|Solid will look for a name property in your package.json, and if that is not found, your application name will default to "untitled application".

You can connect multiple N|Solid Runtimes to your N|Solid Console, enabling you to monitor all your Node.js deployments from a single dashboard.

You are now ready to use N|Solid for your own applications!

Configuring N|Solid Console

Process Management

  • Nginx: /etc/init.d/nginx
  • N|Solid Console: /etc/init.d/nsolid-console


The configuration for the external proxy is located at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nsolid-nginx.conf.

N|Solid Console

The default configuration file is located at /etc/nsolid/console-config.toml and will configure all artifacts stored at /var/lib/nsolid/console.