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Version: 4.10.0

Frequently Asked Questions - NSolid

The following section covers a series of questions users have asked NodeSource in the past:

1. I can't find one or more features in NSolid

NSolid supports Role Based Access Control. The role assigned to your user-profile may be configured to limit your access to a sub-set of NSolid features. Contact your organization's account administrator to see which permissions you may be missing. To learn how NodeSource's RBAC works and which permission are available, visit the RBAC section in the accounts docs.

2. Access not allowed screen.

To secure the NSolid Console against unauthorized access, every console is linked to an account. The organization’s account administrator can invite team-members to the organization’s account, thus authorizing team-members to log into their organization’s NSolid Console.

You will encounter the below screen if you tried to access a console whose organization you are not part of (anymore). To regain access, we recommend you contact your org’s administrator directly.

If you deployed the NSolid Console yourself, and can’t access the console, we recommend you observe your console’s license key. If the license key belongs to an organization that does not consider your user credentials (email and password) part of its org you will not be permitted to use the NSolid Console. In that case, please contact the Console’s administrator via the contact details provided on the ‘Access Not Allowed’ Screen or contact NodeSource support for assistance.

NSolid Console Access not Allowed

3. Why do I get an 'Organization Inactive' screen?

Whether you are an Org Admin or have been invited to an existing organization, you may encounter the below screen when attempting to log into the NSolid Console:

NSolid Console Organization Inactive

You may be seeing this screen for one of two reasons:

  1. The NSolid Console was assigned to an organization whose free 30-day trial has expired.
  2. The NSolid Console was assigned to an organization whose license has since expired. Please note that the console will continue to collect data until the license has been renewed.

To renew/ upgrade an enterprise license, please contact To renew an Advanced-tier license visit and update your payment details.

4. I am running an application but the NSolid Console says there are no processes connected?

No processes connected

This is expected behavior. To monitor Node applications using N|Solid, you must set the following environment variable when running your Node.js application. This tells the NSolid runtime where to report your metrics to.

For a step-by-step guide on setting your environmental variable please refer to the following links:

5. Does NSolid’s CPU provide sourcemap support?

Yes. Utilizing typescript and/or transpilers with N|Solid makes interpreting CPU profiles difficult unless the user is deeply familiar with the code. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

When compiling code, a Source Map is currently being generated. The integration of Source Maps would provide a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

In an effort to address concrete customer pain-points NodeSource has introduced SourceMap Support to the N|Solid CPU profiler. This feature continues to evolve with the specific requirements of our customers.

The feature’s UX can be viewed in the docs here.

6. NSolid Console says is Offline?

This could happen if your firewall is blocking our services and API. Please make sure that and are listed in your firewall's whitelist.