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Version: 5.0.0

Installing for macOS

To install N|Solid for macOS:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the macOS button to get an installable package
  3. Double click on the downloaded pkg file and follow the instructions to install the N|Solid compoments

Installing via Homebrew

To install N|Solid via Homebrew, first make sure you have Homebrew installed and that it is up to date.

$ brew update

First, add the nsolid tap:

$ brew tap nodesource/nsolid

Now you can install N|Solid:

$ brew install nsolid

For more information on our Homebrew packages, see our repository.

Running Node Applications in N|Solid

The next step is to configure your shell to use the N|Solid Runtime.

Open a second Terminal window and run:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/nsolid/bin

This will add the N|Solid runtime to the current path.

Any Node application that you start from within the N|Solid Shell will then be shown in the N|Solid Console.

For example, monitor the Node.js REPL using N|Solid by running:

$ NSOLID_APPNAME="REPL" NSOLID_SAAS="your saas token" nsolid

If you have an existing Nodejs application, e.g. "index.js", you can monitor it with N|Solid by running:

$ NSOLID_APPNAME="My_Application" NSOLID_SAAS="your saas token" nsolid index.js

You can customize the name of your application in the N|Solid Console by changing the NSOLID_APPNAME environmental variable. If you do not specify an app name, N|Solid will look for a 'name' property in your package.json, and if that is not found your application will be named untitled application.

You are now ready to use N|Solid for your own applications!