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Version: 5.0.0

Sourcemap Support

Utilizing typescript and/or transpilers with N|Solid makes interpreting CPU profiles difficult unless the user is deeply familiar with the code. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

When compiling code, a Source Map is currently being generated. The integration of Source Maps provides a translation layer that provides a reference between the compiled source code and source code.

In an effort to address concrete customer pain-points, NodeSource has introduced SourceMap Support to the N|Solid CPU profiler. This feature continues to evolve with the specific requirements of our customers. NodeSource therefore envisages a phased rollout.

Currently the feature can be accessed as follows:

  1. The NSolid Console backend assumes that the sourcemap is right next to the file, i.e., which it subsequently reads and sends that to the client.
  2. When opening the Flamegraph view, ensure the Sourcemap-Box is checked.
  3. This makes the client traverse the CPU profile and request a sourcemap for all function locations from the Console backend
  4. The Client then uses the updated CPU profile to generate a flamegraph.
  5. If the Sourcemap box is unchecked, the original CPU profile is used again.
  6. Stored asset of the Profile includes a ourcemap setting and applies it when the asset is loaded again.
